"I swear he said midnight..." I mumbled quietly as Mustard squished his face into my stomach.
"Mmm...well...he's a lazy fuck, so..." The boy yawned, shifting a little as he laid in my lap.
When I had arrived, only Toga, Twice and Kurogiri had been up and about, so I had decided to go and check on my dear friend. Unsurprisingly, he had been half asleep, watching old MackInfectedGuy videos on his burner phone.
"Well, at least I can try and muster up a little more courage before he starts whatever he's planning...Goodness knows I've been lacking that, lately..." I sighed, mussing his brown hair with my fingers.
"About Dabi, right?" He rolled a little to look at me, and I nodded.
"Yeah...I messed up..."
If we could just talk it out...
"Nah...he just needs to cool off..." Mustard explained, though his voice; still scratchy from recovery, was quickly being swallowed by the urge to sleep. "He's worried...I am, too...but...I'm obviously more mature than he"
"Sure you are, Hisoka..." I chuckled, smiling down at him as his eyes lulled closed. "If he doesn't come back before I leave, can you tell him I miss him?"
"Mmhmm..." I wasn't sure he had really heard what I had asked, but I didn't mind. It was good to see that he was recovering well, but he still needed all the rest he could get.
"Yo, (N/N)!" I jumped a little as I was called, and I peered over to find Toga hovering in the doorway. "Handy Man's up, so let's go play!" Nodding, I gently slid Mustard's head off my lap and onto his pillow before standing and following the bubbly blond. Nerves chorused in my stomach as I stepped into the main room, (E/C) eyes falling straight into carnelian.
"Finally..." Shigaraki smirked a little as he stood from his seat. "...Now, you three are gonna go work for Overhaul for a while..." Even though I had known what had been coming, it didn't make the thought of it any less distressing. I wasn't sure how I'd react coming face to face with Magne's murderer, but I knew I wasn't the only one.
"But...what if I lose my cool..?" Twice whimpered, before a harsh shudder jolted his body. "I'll gut the fucker like the pig he is!" Toga nodded in agreement, and I soon followed, and we all turned to see what the big boss had to say about it.
"You won't..." He said whist scratching at the skin of his throat. "...cuz you'll just end up like she did..."
Gulping back all of the dread I felt, I cowered when he turned his attention to me.
"You should probably use your quirk the whole time...Don't want your cover blown, right, girly?" He hummed, and I nodded in hesitant agreement.
"Y..yeah...I can do that..."
But I'll be risking the major drawback...I don't wanna hurt anyone...unless it's...
" up and go. Keep your phones so I can contact you, and whatnot. Don't disappoint me." Shigaraki waved us off, and I looked down at my feet.
"What are you gonna choose for this, (N/N)? Wolf again? That was super cute!" Toga grabbed my arm and gave it a tug, but it lacked the brute force she usually used. She was just as nervous about Overhaul as I was.
" was thinking...uh, maybe something a little more don't know...a Fossa, or a cougar...or maybe-"
"Fo..Foosball?" Twice interjected, and I couldn't help but chuckle softly into my hand.
"No...a Fossa...It's the top of the food chain in Madagascar." I enlightened them. "It kind of looks like a mongoose, I guess?"
"Oh! Like those snake weasel things! I getcha!" Toga clapped before locking her free arm with Twice's. Kurogiri had already opened a warp gate, and we all stared at it for a while in silence, not making any moves.
I wish...
"H..hey...How long before I got here did Dabi leave..?" I asked curiously, wondering if maybe, if we waited just a little bit longer, the ravonette would show up.
"What'cha mean? He's in his room right now? Burnt chicken nugget don't wanna come say bye!" Twice answered, and my heart dropped.
" wondering..." I laughed awkwardly, choking back emotions I really hadn't needed to be feeling in those moments. He was there, within the same walls, and he was avoiding me at all costs.
"Don't worry your pretty little head, (N/N)! He'll be over it when we get back!" Toga yanked the two of us towards the portal, and I kept quiet.
Maybe she's right...Well, at least I hope she is...
"Perhaps now would be a preferable time to activate your quirk, Miss. (Y/N)..." Kurogiri called out from behind us, and, agreeing, I transformed into the weird little creature I had chosen.
(Okay, but, I love them? Fossa oooh, Fossa ahhhh)
Toga let out a shrill squeal of delight at my new form, and her compliments were unintelligible.
"You look some someone stretched out a cat and put it in a microwave! So cute!" Twice petted my head with a heavy hand as we disappeared into the swirling vortex.
Here we go...Let's meet this Overhaul...
"You have to the count of three to remove that filthy creature from my sight..."
Oh dear...
The man was every bit as intimidating as I had imagined, if not more so. His golden eyes seemed to be picking me apart at the seams as I stood there, disguised by my mammalian quirk.
"She ain't filthy, Mr. Haul!" Toga exclaimed, taking a step in front of me, with Twice not far behind. "(N/N) here will be super useful!" I knew there was no point in reasoning with the man, who sat across from where we stood; separated by a suspiciously spotless coffee table.
"......." The boss man didn't look impressed, in the least, and neither did the strange little man, who sat upon the back of the couch nearby.
"Just kill it, Sir! Who knows what diseases it could carry!" He egged him on; voice not even slightly muffled by the identical plague mask he wore.
I wanna change back...but...I can't blow my cover..!
"It does tricks! Do a flip, Foosball!" Twice, the sweet, oblivious moron, was making things worse, and I stood my ground, waiting for things to turn sour. Overhaul stood from his seat and brushed himself off, even though there was nothing to remove, and slowly walked closer. I wanted to snarl or growl, but I had to keep it together. I wanted him to go down for what he did to Magne, but I knew that job could be left to the heroes. We didn't have to get our hands dirty.
"I'll give you one, final chance to reveal your true self...or you'll cease to exist..." My short fur bristled, and my mind was racing through every possibility as the man began to remove the gloves covering his hands. His deadly, murderous hands.
I know I said I wouldn't...but...I think my life is more important..!
I swore I could hear my two accomplices facepalm as I shifted back into my form, and Overhaul's little minion fell back from his perch. The man himself, however, didn't so much as flinch.
"What a peculiar quirk..." He hummed, tilting his head. Thick, dark lashes made the colours his eyes pop in the most fearsome way, yet they were oddly stunning. "...and a woman, too? I think I have a job suited to you..."
Oh no...Mistakes have been made...again...
"Mimic...Go prepare a suitable living arrangement...close to the girl..." Overhaul waved over his shoulder at his underling, who scrambled off the floor and started off out of the room.
"I'm on it, Sir!" Turning to stare at Toga and Twice, they just shrugged their shoulders, in a complete loss. I could tell Twice was struggling not to lose his cool, knowing he already felt so much guilt surrounding Magne's death.
Just...keep it together, Jun...Two days...
"What is your name..?" My head snapped back around as Overhaul addressed me again, but what really had me taken aback was his hand; gloved again and outstretched in offering. Still kneeling on the floor before him, I could only stare at his long, slender digits, knowing exactly what they were capable of.
"(N..N/N)..." It wasn't exactly a lie, but Toga's little nickname for me would have to do. I wasn't prepared to reveal anything more to such a villain. He wasn't one of my villains.
"Well, (N/N)...I don't bite, nor do I have all day." He pushed his hand out further. "If I intended on removing you, then I would have done so already." The entire situation was uncomfortable, but I didn't have any other choice. Taking his hand, I pulled myself to my feet, then quickly took a step back to distance myself.
"Th..thank you..." I murmured nervously, wishing I had instead agreed to go with Fatgum and the boys. I wished that I could go back in time and listen to Dabi, then perhaps I wouldn't be in such a mess, and perhaps he wouldn't be so distant. I really needed his support, but I knew it was my own fault. My pride got in the way, as usual.
"Where ya puttin' her, Mr. Haul, Sir? I don't like to be away from my fluffy (N/N) too long!" Toga whined, though she made no attempt to move in our direction. Without even a glance in her direction, Overhaul curled a finger towards me and began to walk towards the door that his subordinate had scurried through not long before.
"She seems like just the type...who would work wonders with children..."
***My entire face hurts from this infected tooth, can I get a big fat F in the chat pls...
I love Overhaul too much, and I'm trying so hard not to add him to our love oblong.
Also have a crappy edit of a Shiggy cosplay I did the other day for fun. (I only have single use red contacts so I used my white owo)
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