(this is the ONLY nsfw warning I'll be putting in this fic. Future sexual content shall be unmarked)
I'd felt many things in my life. Soft things, squishy things, pointy things, slimy things. But, nothing had been as dangerously hard as what was currently prodding into the back of my thigh.
Behind me is Dabi...and Dabi is a man...and that means...oh my lord..!
Yep; I had Dabi's erection pressing into my skin, and I had to bite my tongue to avoid squeaking out. I'd never been in such a predicament before. The raven-haired villain was the first and only male I had ever shared a bed with, save for when Amajiki had curled up on the end of his. Carefully, I rolled over to face him; eyes watering slightly when my (H/C) hair tugged out from under his arm. Bad move.
Oh my stars, it's digging into the front, now!
He had such a calm face when he slept, and his features were soft; almost welcoming. I found my eyes trailing down to the scooped neck of his shirt; counting the staples that marked the border of mismatched flesh. Lower, to the rise and fall of his slender stomach; too slender for his body type. Even lower, to...
I wonder if his trouser snake is...
The thought alone shocked me beyond belief, but it was the fact that I felt like I had to know that really shook me. I was so close to the age of eighteen; knocking at it's door, completely unprepared. But, right in this moment, curiosity got the better of me. Unintentionally activating my quirk, I formed the default pair of ebony cat ears and a tail; my inquisitive face moving a touch closer to his. Using the tip of my tail, I tickled his side softly; hoping to force some sort of reaction. To wake him up before hormones pushed me further into the fray.
"Right then..." I whispered; finding the bravery I had stashed inside and shoving him over onto his back.
"Th..the fuck..?!" Dabi spluttered into the world of the living, and his eyes widened when I sat myself upon his stomach.
"Hi..." I said rather casually; contradicting my inner nervousness.
"Get off, Tenderfoot. You don't wanna fuck around with me like this...You don't know what you're getting yourself into..." The threat was empty; his voice wavering and body stiff. Usually, I would have panicked and ran, but after the information I had received from Magne and Toga, I had a new-found confidence.
Yep. Confidence. Absolutely brimming with confidence!
Upon realising that I was, in fact, one hundred percent correct, the unblemished skin of his cheeks began to bloom.
" Take it as a warning...Get off..." He wouldn't meet my gaze now, and the words of my new female friends were confirmed. Ignoring the heat in my cheeks, I leant down closer; my tail twitching behind me.
"'ve never...done it...have you..?" Oh, boy. I knew I was playing with fire when his brows furrowed together, but I'd come that far. I wasn't going to let a little intimidation get the better of me. Hovering over his chest, I could feel the ballistic thrumming of his heart, and it matched mine perfectly.
"More times than you can count, T..Tenderfoot..." There it was again; that tiny stutter. The confirmation. Sucking up whatever scattered nerves I had left, I dipped my head down towards his face. I wanted to kiss him; to feel his lips against mine, but I was only met with the skin of his palm. His ocean eyes were glossy, now, but they were narrowed all the same. With his hand pressed firmly to my mouth; only mere centimetres from his lips, he swallowed the rattle of his voice.
" kissing..." He whispered; sounding unsure about his own decree. It definitely hurt, but I couldn't push him. I wasn't going to force myself on anybody; especially not Dabi.
"Then..." I began as I pulled my face away from his blockade. " don't want me to....f..fix your problem...?"
I sound so stupid! Who am I kidding?! I am stupid!
There was a long silence as we stared at each other; awkward only due to the burning twitch against my rear. If his mind didn't want anything to happen, his body was going to have a fit. Dabi sighed as he brought his hand down to his own face; rubbing sleep from the corners of his eyes.
"Look...One day, you're gonna regret every second you spend near me..." He sighed; his teeth messing with his bottom lip. "...Save yourself the trauma of loving the loveless..." I really wanted to pin his words on angst; his fake, villainous, bad boy persona, but I knew he was completely serious. He truly believed he was no good. That didn't sit well with me at all. If anything, it made my loving nature double in size.
"Then..." I shimmied down the bed so I was sitting upon his knees; fingers hooking into his loose waistband. "...I won't expect anything in return..."
Before he could throw any more excuses my way, I pulled down his pants. I didn't exactly know what to expect. You're looking at a girl who still, to this day, covers her own eyes when there's some heavy petting going on on the television. Whatever I was looking at, it was thick. Unmarred and intimidating as it reached towards the ceiling from a slightly tangled thicket of rich, red auburn. Dragging my wide eyes from its splendour, I met with that brilliant shade of blue. "One word and I'll go. Say it and I..I'll never bother you again..."
Dabi just laid there; frozen and sweating. His adam's apple bobbed in his throat as he simply watched me. His lack of negative response was answer enough. I reached out and wrapped my hand around the base; flinching as it twitched under my touch. He flinched, too. Gingerly, I lowered my head and began to give it soft, gentle kitten licks; coaxed on by the sharp intake of his breath through clenched teeth. The bitter taste was contradictory to his sweet scent, but it wasn't exactly bad. I didn't have anything to compare it with, anyway. With ears flat against my head; showing my lack of confidence, I took him into my mouth. He didn't move. He didn't make a sound. His only reaction was gripping the calico sheets beneath his hands. His eyes were stuck on me; following the bobbing motion of my head as I tried to ease away his tension.
This probably doesn't feel good for him at all...I don't know what I'm doing..!
Pressing my tongue to his underside, I dragged it up along the shaft with an much pressure as I could. The act elicited a faint, but very real, whimper from the ravonette. It seemed to catch in his throat, but he definitely seemed to like it. Up and down, I continued to try my best to squeeze out those noises he worked so hard to keep contained. I wanted to pull away and suck in an much oxygen as possible, but I was on a mission. Dabi needed to feel good.
"D..deeper..." He urged; finally giving me some kind of instruction. I complied, as difficult as it was, and tried my best to keep my gag reflex in check. Slowly but surely, his hips began to buck up to meet me halfway; the tip of his cock beginning acquainted with the back of my throat. My hair soon sympathised with his sheets as one of his hands grasped the back of my head, and he started to puppeteer my body to his will. Tears began to pool in my eyes as I peered up at him; his appearance seeming somewhat carnal. Monstrous, even.
"D..don't look at me..." He hissed, and I quickly averted my eyes. The look on his face; burning blue eyes and grimacing mouth, kind of scared me. Despite that, I was happy. I was making him feel good. That was enough.
His's so feels like he's burning my throat from the inside..!
"T..teeth..." Dabi panted; grip tightening and shaking through my messed up knot of (H/C). "U..use t..teeth..."
Teeth..? W..won't that...hurt..?
"T..teeth, dammit!" He barked; vicious and urgent. I could only do as he ordered; just to make him happy. I didn't understand how my cuspids raking against his sensitive, throbbing flesh could be pleasurable, but the groans that escaped his being were intense and downright delicious. The space between my legs was growing hot, and the lack of friction was driving me insane, but I couldn't be selfish. Just as I thought my teeth were going to cause permanent damage, my head was forced down so hard that I couldn't help but cry out; muffled and choked.
"Sh..shit! Fuck!" He spilled into my throat, my windpipe, my everything. I felt like I was drowning it a hot, sticky mess as I tore my head away and gasped for a breath that just didn't quite reach where I wanted it to go. Tears streaked the skin below my bloodshot eyes, and his cum drizzled out from the corners of my mouth; a bittersweet cascade of what some may call a reward. I could feel my pulse throughout my entire body, and I was pretty sure I could feel his through the mattress, as well. Wiping my mouth with my sleeve, I watched his face closely.
He looked...scared.
Too many emotions balled up into one distorted expression.
"W..was that...good enough..?" I asked hopefully through ragged breaths. I begged that it was, because if it hadn't been, I wasn't sure what I'd think. Dabi sat up; yanking his pants back up to cover himself, and cast his eyes to the floor.
"Y..yeah..." He grunted; swinging his legs off the edge of the bed and standing up. "Go back to sleep...I'll be...back...soon..." With that, he just left. Not even sparing me a final glance before he disappeared from sight. My chest was tight, but I wasn't going to cry. I'd done what I had wanted to do for him, so there was no point in getting upset about it. That was just how Dabi was. Blunt and apathetic.
It was fine.
After cleaning myself off; making a quick note to wash and return his now soiled hoodie, I curled back up in his bed and waited for him to return.
And waited.
And waited...
...and waited...
...until I ended up succumbing to the call of restless sleep...
*Dabi POV*
I stared at myself in the cracked, streaked mirror; eyes adjusting after having repeatedly blinded them with handfuls of icy water. My cheeks were still flushed and burning, and the drumming in my chest was echoing in my ears.
"What the actual fuck?!" I sat myself down on the closed (for once) toilet seat and covered my mouth and nose with tented fingers. My now-flaccid cock still tingled; the slick of (Y/N)'s mouth a phantom feeling that had me teetering on the wall between nauseous and aroused.
She just had my dick in her mouth...and she sucked it...and I let her...and I liked it...and...
I sucked in a long, quaking breath.
...she wanted to...
I was so caught up in the shock of that realisation that I didn't even care that a cockroach began to scurry up my ankle; it's legs causing not so much as a tickle to my numbed flesh.
She wanted to touch fucking kiss me...willingly? Me? Someone as pretty as her actually wanted to...
I wasn't sure why I decided to punch myself in the face, but it definitely did the trick. I couldn't start catching feelings for a pestilent little brat. Especially not one that was hellbent on becoming a hero. It was my own fault that she ended up wrapped up with the league, anyway. I didn't want her complete downfall weighing on my shoulders. There was enough weight on them as it was.
But, the way those (E/C) eyes had stared back at me were haunting. The adorable way her quirk gave her those ebony ears and tail; making it swish in the air as she...
Another slap cleared those thoughts right up.
I knew I was up shit creek without a paddle. Shigaraki had informed me of his plan to infiltrate the upcoming UA summer camp; the same one her toothy little follower would be attending. Just the thought of him made my skin blister with hatred.
No...this isn't hate...
It was raw, unbridled jealousy. The same jealousy that boiled in the pits of my stomach whenever I watched her with that pointy-eared third year. How was I supposed to explain myself when I ended up killing people she cared for? That wasn't even the real issue plaguing my mind as I sat in the filthy lavatory with my scarred face in my hands.
How could she care about me when she doesn't even know who I am..?
I didn't want it. Not the trouble, not the stress. I couldn't understand how I could be completely fine with taking so many innocent lives, yet the thought of her in tears made me want to slice my own throat into ribbons.
I don't deserve what she has to offer...
Perhaps that was why I had pleaded with her to cause me pain? Her teeth cutting against me had been agony, yet it caused me to feel so much pleasure. It was sick. A twisted game of punishment and reward. My first taste of the sexual world had been tainted by my own masochistic need to be chastised.
There needs to be distance...but...I can't let her go...
I needed to keep her close, yet far away. I had to protect her from the league, from myself. From the inevitable. I had to act like I didn't care. Then maybe...just maybe...she'd give it up.
Flicking the diseased insect off the side of my jaw, I sighed; long and loud, and leant back into the yellowing cistern.
Why did you have to care about me, you stupid little girl..?
***Im starting to fail really bad at writing sexual content. I'm sorry. Also, I sketched this yesterday and all I can say is that Dabi is an utter turd to draw***
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