SIXTY: The Fall
"They're here..."
It hadn't taken them all that long to arrive, but now that they had, I was petrified. With my face pressed up against the glass, I watched as smoke began to rise from the city limits.
"I'd scoot back if I were you, kid..." Giran warned me in a rasping voice from his chair. "Don't want you seeing anything you shouldn't." Shaking my head, I did the exact opposite, my cheek smooshing more against the window.
"No...No, I believe in them...They can do this..."
Can they..?
Tapping his foot slowly, Giran chuckled, though it sounded more like crinkling newspaper.
"Did I say I didn't believe in them..? Look, I just don't want you to see more than you bargained for. You seem like a nice kid..." Momentarily tearing myself away, I crawled over to him, frowning even more once I saw just how damaged he looked.
"I know what they're all capable of. I want to watch them win."
The bang of the door slamming open made me squeak out, and in strolled ReDestro, chest puffed out proudly.
"It's happening! They got here much faster than I anticipated, but that doesn't change a thing!" He approached us with long strides, coming to stop directly beside me. "I'm curious to see what lengths your little rebels will go to to get you back. Bubagaiwara seemed awfully upset about Giran, and your flaming Romeo sure did have a mouth on him in the background. You know them best, little darling. Who do you think will be sacrificed first?"
I hated myself for thinking of Mustard. He was smaller and less experienced than the others, and I could only pray that he wouldn't be left alone to fend for himself. Dabi wasn't doing too well, either. His quirk just didn't agree with him. If he was forced to let loose, I didn't even want to think of how it would effect him.
"I think...that you have no idea what you just got yourself into..." I said firmly, trying my best not to sound unsure. "All you have are basic statistics you've scrounged up." Looking down his nose at me, the man scoffed, amusement dancing in his eyes.
"Well, aren't you little miss optimistic?" He rolled his eyes, spinning on his heel and walking back towards the door with his spindly legs. "Skeptic!"
Out of sight out of mind, I quickly returned my focus back to the cityscape. I saw smoke, I saw small amounts of debris, but after a while, I saw blue. Scorching licks of blue.
"It's Dabi!" It was lucky the windows weren't too fragile, otherwise I would have ended up dangling over the edge by my shackles after pressing against it so hard.
Please don't die please don't die please don't die!
Even my thoughts came to a halt when I saw it. A crisper blue, almost white, that was definitely not flame. It was ice.
"G..Geten..." I whispered the man's name, and the glass clouded from my breath, obstructing my view. Suddenly, I didn't want to watch anymore. My heart was trying to clamber up into my throat, but I just couldn't bring myself to look away.
Dabi was strong. I knew that. I had seen it. However, being strong didn't mean anything in the world of quirks. That had been one of the first lessons Fatgum had taught me when I had first started my internship at his agency. It all came down to who you were up against. I remembered the discussion quite clearly. Fatgum had used Eraserhead as an example. If I were to face off with him, I would barely stand a chance due to how his quirk overhauled mine.
If Geten's ice was stronger than Dabi's flames, then I may never see him again.
My fear began to rise as I thought about the others and who they may be up against. If ReDestro hadn't been bluffing, then the Liberation Army had a never-ending arsenal of quirks at their disposal, meaning disaster.
I could lose all of them at once...
On and on, I just started out the window, tucking my knees to my chest, completely ignoring everything else around me, even when ReDestro and the lanky ravonet who had abducted me returned to the room, discussing courses of action. They didn't sound too panicked, but from the bits and pieces of conversation that got through to me, I could tell The League was pushing through their barricades.
"Skeptic, make an annou-"
"Was it you?!" That was it. The voice to slap me right out of my terror-induced trance. Spinning around, my eyes began to water when I saw Twice. "Was it you who destroyed our home, you damn cult leader?! Oh my! It seems like you're hairline has receded quite a bit...My bad! It seems you're not just a baddy, but also a badly!"
Jin...You're okay...
ReDestro didn't really react to his presence, nor his insult, but there was a fresh darkness to his eyes that rattled me.
"Unlike Miyashita, your punchlines pack no punch." Nobody moved as Twice stepped out of the elevator, leaving the unconscious guards slumped in the metal box, and began to work his magic. From gunk and goo, the masked man had me speechless as he created copies of...himself.
"I'm gonna have you pissing your pants and begging for mercy, badly!" He threatened loudly as the three of him began to clone more, but this time, the gelatinous blobs took the shape of those of who I needed to see the most.
"T..Dabi! Tomura..! Compress..!" I shouted each of their names in turn, jumping to my feet and moving to stand as close as I could, which was right by Giran's side.
They all began to bicker among themselves, but one of the Twice clones sprang into action, starting to race towards us.
"All that matters is that we all want to save everyone right now!" I didn't know what I had expected, but it wasn't witnessing the clone of my dear friend to be obliterated before my very eyes by the needle-nosed villain.
"You're quite fragile, aren't you? By the way, do you even understand what the point of a hostage is?" ReDestro sighed, shaking the excess slime off of his hand, which had brutally struck the Twice down. "Since he's not technically a member, it was never my intent to kill Giran. The girl? I hadn't really decided on that, but if you try to multiply again, I won't hesitate."
My guts began to twist more. Our lives were hanging in the balance, and who knew what was going on outside of the tower. Were the people I was seeing before me still even alive? It was all almost too much for me to take. Shaking, I crouched down, slipping my hand into Giran's uninjured one.
"It's alright, Twice. With the doubles you've already made, it's now one versus a lot..." Shigaraki's smirk was apparent in his voice, and he took a step forward. Both Dabi and Mr. Compress lurched forward, too, preparing their quirks.
"We've got the advantage!"
"Just gotta take them back, right?"
I knew it. Giran knew it. Even one of the Twice's knew it. It was a bad idea.
"Wait!" He shrieked, but it was too late. I couldn't watch any longer as ReDestro's arm grew and warped, turning black as coal. Hiding my face in Giran's leg, I hadn't expected to be thrown across the room along with him when ReDestro struck, but I quickly wrapped my arms around the bound man, taking the brunt of the fall.
Something snapped..!
At first, I thought it had been my arm or neck, but after regaining my bearings, I realised that the quirk restraints had shattered, pieces of the obviously cheap metal scattered around the floor.
"What a sorry lot. It's ridiculous that you would think you were even in my league..." ReDestro clicked his tongue, watching as one of the Twices, who was beginning to melt away from the legs up, staggered over to us, reaching out desperately.
"G..Giran..! (Y..Y/N)..!" He spluttered, falling to his hands as he continued to waste away. It made my throat tighten and my eyes sting to see him like that, even if he was nothing but a clone.
"Jin..!" I scrambled to help him, helping him sit upright to speak to Giran before turning my attention to ReDestro. "You."
I don't stand a chance. One hit and be could kill me...but...Everyone else is fighting...possibly dying...I can't just sit here like a helpless damsel in distress!
"Me? What are you going to do? You're nothing but the League's little mascot." The balding man scoffed, his eyes sharp as he watched me climb to my feet and start towards him. "Even with your quirk, you're nothing compared to me." He may have been right, but what did I have to lose? The chances of getting out alive were slim as it was, so if I had to go down, I'd go down fighting.
If I can mix genes...I can buy some time...
I didn't like using my quirk to splice. It didn't feel right, and it made my body hurt in ways I never really thought it could. I had worked on it with Amajiki a lot in the past, but never quite got the hang of it enough to use it on the field. Well, there was a first for everything.
"I think that maybe...I can do a bit of damage..!"
My power was weak. Having those shackles on for so long made it difficult to use my quirk, but I still managed to force myself to change. Leopard genes for agility, Hyena for bite strength. I didn't even want to know how hideous my creation looked as I lunged at the man, but I couldn't get close. I was lucky to barely dodge the fist that flew towards me.
He's fast...and that hit looked like it packed a lot more than the last...What even is this guy's quirk?!
Landing on the ground, the joints in my ankles screamed in complaint, the form dealing damage to my own body. I just wanted to land one hit. I had to. Everybody else was doing so much, so I had to do something. Again, I sprung forward, but he seemed to be much smarter than I was under pressure.
"If you wanted to die so badly, all you had to do was ask!"
This time, he grazed me, sending me tumbling across the floor until I came to a stop close to the window, my form warping until I reverted completely, body aching too much to immediately get back on my feet.
"Crap..." I looked towards Giran and the fading Twice, desperately racking my brain, trying to figure out a solution.
"The look on your face right now is rather delightful, if I do say so myself." ReDestro chuckled, grabbing hold of me around the middle with his abnormal arm and raising me off the floor. "It's such a pity you weren't a part of our cause. So young, too." I thought he was going to end me in one blow, but that would have been too easy for him. This guy liked the theatrics, I could tell.
This time, as I hit the ground with a great force, I knew for a fact that the snapping sound I had heard came from inside of me. My right side burned and throbbed in agony, and I uttered out a pathetic wail, curling in on myself.
"You...ruined everything...Your cause is n..nothing but fo..fodder to your ego..." I spluttered out, sealing my own fate.
He was pissed off now.
"You guys really are just playing pretend, aren't you? The goals of the organisation should be the one and only goal of its members. Anything else is extraneous." He reached his hand out again, narrowing his sharp, beady eyes at me as I glared back at him. "You would do well to scatter in the face of our ambition..."
I'm going to die today...Please...if I have to...just make sure everybody else survives...Please...
"It seems you have quite the lofty dreams there." My (E/C) eyes grew wide as I saw a familiar mop of pale blue rushing towards the balding man. Was it the real Shigaraki, or just another clone? Either way, I was relieved to see him, even though I still felt like I wasn't long for the world. The pain in my side was only getting worse, and all I could do was lay there as the two of them parried back and forth.
"Hey...Hey, come here! I gotcha!" I hissed loudly as someone picked me up, holding me close to their chest. "Please don't die on me, little one! Don't fucking die, ya hear me?!" Twice carried me over to where another embodiment of himself carried Giran, who was now free from his restraints. The Shigaraki we were seeing wasn't fairing too well, and it didn't take long for ReDestro to have him in his clutches.
"In your first attack I flew by the window and happened to see him down below." Our leader announced, not to his opponent, but to us. My pain caused my confusion to spike. Who was down below? Was it Dabi? One of the others?
"It's coming!" Both Twices gasped in unison, their grips tightening on us. "He will definitely touch the tower!"
Touch the...Wait...Tomura..?
It was honestly one of those speak of the devil moments when the tower began to shake, and my hands grasped at the fabric of Twice's costume as the walls began to crumble around us. We were up on the top floor, so how were we going to survive the fall? I didn't doubt Shigaraki's move in the slightest, but I knew how injured Giran was. Heck, even I would struggle surviving with the damage I had taken.
"Hold on tight!" Twice yelped as we began to fall. "WE GON DIE!" We all clung to each other. The clones weren't really anything to worry about, but Giran was top priority. He was part of the reason the League had taken the obvious bait, and I needed to make sure he made it out alive.
Come on..! Think..! There has to be something I can do..! I don't think I can transform completely in this state...A bat couldn't help us...and I don't have the DNA of any other flying mammals..!
My mind may well have been moving faster than we were as we dropped, the wind lashing at our faces as debris crashed and crumbled around us. My panic had peaked, alongside my desperation, and I squeezed my eyes shut.
"I need wings! I need wings! I need wings! I need-"
Suddenly, I screamed out as a new pain joined the one in my side. It felt as if the flesh covering my shoulder blades was being ripped apart by steel claws, and I felt the immediate urge to throw up and pass out. Instead, we slowed down, and I parted from Twice's chest, instead blindly grabbing his hand before he dropped any further. I had no idea what was going on, but one thing was for certain.
I was the one keeping us from falling to our deaths...
***I just wanna get past this FUCKING ARC IT'S SO HARD TO WRITE DAMMIT!
Also I wonder what happened owo
Next Time: That's a lot of damage***
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