Hawks very nearly dropped me when I began to squirm excitedly in his arms, reaching down towards two of my dear friends. Toga and Twice bounced around on the ground below, and if the avian pro hadn't locked his arms around my waist, I probably would've plummeted to my death.
"E..easy, kid! Let me land first!" He half laughed, half scolded, finally releasing me a few feet above the concrete, and I was welcomed into the embraces of the villainous pair.
"Himiko! Jin! I missed you two so much!" I squealed with delight, letting them swing me around in a circle.
"Are you back for good?" Toga asked hopefully, quickly hooking her arm with mine and tugging me into a walk, Twice waiting for Hawks to land.
"I wish...I'm only here for a quick visit, but hopefully I can finish soon so I can stay next time!" My blood was pumping, and my smile stretched so wide that I thought my face would rip in two. It was definitely a huge switch to how I felt back at Yuuei.
Despite my happiness, something dark lurked in the back of my mind, and I couldn't help but glance back at the men from over my shoulder. Twice and Hawks had gotten close, it seemed, and I was wary.
"Let's go find the others! No idea where Dabi is, but I know where some of the boys are! C'mon!"
The pair of us sprinted off into the mansion, and for once I felt like I could actually keep up with the blonde. Giggling and making small talk along the way, we finally made it to one of the larger rooms, where Spinner and Mustard were busy with a game of pool against two other guys I wasn't familiar with.
"Hisoka! Shuichi!"
When I called their names, I barely had a moment to prepare myself before the youngest of the two - likely in the whole liberation front - was sprinting towards me, leaping into my open arms.
"When did you get back?! How was it?! You're not going back to the Yuuei brats, are you?!" He bombarded me with questions, and I just laughed, trying to settle him down by holding his helmet still.
"Move it, squirt." Spinner nudged him out of the way and gave me a quick hug, ruffling my hair fondly. "Finished already?" Shaking my head, I explained the situation, though I made sure to emphasise the fact that I had made a little headway.
"It shouldn't be too long now. As long as I can get to Shoto, I can get to Endeavor."
At least I hope so...
"Well, I hope it's fast. Things are so boring around here now that both you and Shigaraki aren't around." Mustard sighed, and I worked a brow in confusion.
"Wait, what? Where's Tomura?" I followed the boys back over to the pool table, and Toga perched herself on the arm of a nearby couch.
"He's getting some work done." She chuckled, voice filled with mischief, which was increased by a small wink.
Confused, I wanted to press on the matter, but chose not to. Part of me decided that it was likely best that I stayed in the dark.
"Uh, what about Dabi? Do any of you know where he is?" Spinner dipped down to take aim with his pool cue, barely giving me a glance.
"Nope, haven't seen him today. Kinda glad, since he's been a moody little bitch lately..." He took his shot, but sunk only the cue ball. "Fucking dammit!"
One of the other men in the room cleared his throat, pointing towards the door as his companion stepped up.
"He was out in the back courtyard last I saw, sparring with Iceman. They're probably still at it." It made sense to me. I knew Dabi had struggled against the hooded man back before the alliance was made, so I was kind of glad to hear that they were working together.
"Thanks, I'll go check it out. I'll be back later!" When I jetted off, Toga followed, staying right at my heels the entire way. It was nice to be in her company again, especially since we hadn't really had much of a chance to hang out after Magne's untimely death.
"I spy a ring on your finger~" She cooed, moving up beside me and giving me a playful nudge. "Dish! Is Dabi-wabi making an honest woman outta you?" She had of course only been teasing, but when I felt my cheeks flare up, she got the picture. "Oh my god, really?! Since when?! Why am I so out of the loop?!"
He's not gonna be happy...
"Everyone is, so it'd be really great if you could maybe keep it to yourself..? I mean, it's not like we're planning on getting married anytime soon...It's more like a promise..." I explained, a small smile tugging at my lips at the thought. Toga squeaked and giggled as we exited the building, face pink and eyes positively sparkling.
"I'm so excited! Can you wear red? Just imagine! Virgin white, with splatters of bloody red! A dream!"
After laughing her comment off, even though it was kind of disturbing, we came to a stop and looked out over the courtyard, and it wasn't difficult to spot my fiance. Ice and embers seemed to glow in the afternoon light, and Dabi's darkness stood out against such a colourful background. It didn't look like he was winning in any way, but I knew they weren't actually trying to kill each other. At least I hoped they weren't.
"Give it up, Blueflame! Is your pride really worth your life?!" Geten called down to Dabi from his frozen pedestal, and of course, being the charming gentleman he was, the ravonet flipped him off.
"Shut up and fight me, you asshole!" He snapped back, breathing heavily as he changed his stance.
" could take a break and come say hello?!" Hands cupped around my mouth, I called out to them, and Dabi's head whipped around so quickly that I was surprised I hadn't heard a crack. After a moment or two of processing, he began to walk over, and I jogged to meet him in the middle, beaming brightly.
"Tenderfoot..." Dabi mumbled his pet name for me as I wrapped my arms around his waist, his hand gently patting me atop the head. I hadn't been expecting an overly warm welcome, at least not with other people around.
His body was still emitting smoke, and I couldn't hold onto him for long before I felt my skin begin to burn, so I pulled back, politely smiling and nodding to the hooded man who began to walk past.
"Nice to see you, Geten." I hadn't even expected to be acknowledged, but he stopped, pulling his hood back and looking to me through snowy lashes.
"Fauna. Is the mission going as planned?" His voice was so...cold. It truly suited his quirk, that was for sure.
"Slow, but steady so far. I have a plan in place, so I hope to have some information real soon." If I was honest, I was still kind of salty towards Geten, after what had happened when I was a hostage, but I tried not to hold grudges.
Humming, he didn't give anything away with his face, but then he turned to Dabi, and anyone could tell he had mixed feelings about the man.
"Again. Tomorrow. Same time and place. Improvements must be made if you are to lead as a lieutenant." With that, he took his leave, and I could head Dabi muttering a slew of insults under his breath.
"Well, he's a buzzkill." Toga huffed, skipping away a few steps, her skirt twirling around her thighs. "I'll let you two have a cute little reunion, but I'll be back! Gotta hang out more before you go away again, (N/N)! Byeeee!" Once we were alone, I felt Dabi's demeanor change, and I was pulled back into his arms, but this time it wasn't in any way painful.
"Come with me. I gotta get cleaned up."
Once inside the mansion and up in his room, I sat on the bed as he changed his clothes and wiped himself down, my legs swinging off the edge.
"I really missed you, y'know? I kept expecting you to climb through my window every night..." I chuckled softly, following his every move with my (E/C) eyes. Towel hanging over his shoulders, he turned and gave me a look that didn't quite reach a smile, but it was still just as affectionate.
"Yeah, me too, I guess. It's weird, not having you here to distract me." Approaching, he sat down beside me and knocked me backwards, following suit and rolling to face me. "How long until you have to leave again?" Pouting, I inched closer until my forehead tapped his chin, fingers reaching out to trace the seam of mismatched flesh on his chest.
"Hawks said we have to leave at sundown, so not long..." I murmured, trying to block out the loud chatter in the hall outside as people passed by.
"He can eat shit and die. Stay longer." Dabi rolled over on top of me, burying his face in the skin just above my breasts, his warm breath creating a tickling sensation. "I don't trust him with you. I don't trust him at all..."
Vocalising my agreement, I brushed my fingers through his hair, noticing it felt a lot drier than usual. Likely due to him using his quirk more frequently with Geten.
"Neither do I, but I'm close to getting information. I've been doing training with the interns at Endeavor's agen-"
Dabi flinched the moment the number one hero's name passed through my lips. Hard.
"Woah...Touya, are you okay? You just jolted real bad..." I questioned him, trying to sit up a little to make sure he was alright. He kept me pressed down, arms snaking around my waist, which made for a rather uncomfortable position.
"M'fine..." He replied, though his tone had darkened considerably. Frowning more, I ceased combing through his hair.
It was when I said...
"Endeavor..?" Again, his skin twitched, and I pushed myself up using my arms, the man's lower half falling off the bed. He still held onto my middle, face hidden. "Okay, I don't know what the go is, but I won't mention him anymore, alright? I didn't know he freaked you out that much..."
When Dabi pulled back, his face was screwed up, as though I had just insulted everything important to him.
"He doesn't freak me out! I just hate him...that's all..." Like a toddler having been told no, he pouted, and it took everything in my power not to squish his cheeks and bruise his obviously fragile ego.
"Yeah, well, I don't like him either, really. He's intimidating..." I sighed, choosing to drop the subject. There was just something strange about his reaction that made me wonder, though.
"You're still wearing it." Dabi took hold of my left hand, the tips of his fingers brushing against the ring he had crafted for me.
"Well duh. It's my most important possession." I chuckled, glad to see his face soften once more. "Keeps me from going crazy when I'm away from you." Standing up, Dabi's small smile turned into a smirk, and he leaned over me, causing me to lean back into the mattress.
"How about we do things in reverse and consummate the marriage now..?"
My cheeks began to burn as he began to crawl over me in his shirtless glory, but just before he leaned down to kiss me, a knock sounded at the door, followed by a muffled string of curses. Personality switching, Dabi uttered a low growl before standing up and stalking over, swinging the door open to reveal Hawks.
"Hey there, Dabi, my man!" The pro grinned, all the while smothering a frustrated Mustard with a flurry of sentient feathers. "Sorry to interrupt, but the little lady and I need to get a move on. We need to squeeze in another training session before the dorm curfew!"
Managing to temporarily swat away a few feathers, Mustard, who wasn't wearing his helmet, pointed angrily at the blond, face tinted red with annoyance.
"No way! She only just got back and we've barely gotten to hang out yet! Fuck the training! Go and shit on a Lamborghini or some shit, Chicken Littlmmphhhh!"
Feathers back to gagging the boy, Hawks thumbed towards him, cocking a brow.
"Kids these days, so foul mouthed! Anyway, come on, kid! Time to hit the sky road!" Indignantly, I crossed my arms, lips curving downward.
"Not yet. A bit longer. You never said we had to do any more training today, anyway." Despite using my patented, literal puppy dog eyes, Hawks stood his ground, mirroring my pose and shaking his head.
"Sorry, but I gotta insist. Can't have your teachers asking questions. I've got a duty of care, after all."
Before I had the chance to argue my case, Dabi reached out and grabbed Mustard from the cloud of feathers, dragging him into the room before grabbing hold of the door again.
"One more hour. Deal with it." Without waiting for a response, he slammed the door in Hawks' face, heaving a sigh before turning back to me, and now a clingy Mustard, who had scurried over to join me on the bed. Taking one look at the boy, Dabi deflated, tongue clicking so loudly it bounced off the walls.
"Why the fuck didn't I leave you outside?"
***Haha You cockblocked yourself, Dabi.
I'm worried because I'm catching up to the manga now, and I don't want to stray ridiculously far from the storyline ugh...
Next Time: Flame Retardant***
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