SIX: Can I Come Too?!
*(Y/N) POV*!
I didn't know how to react to the situation I had woken up in. One minute I was laying beside Dabi, chatting away, and the next, I had opened my eyes to find that my cheek was laying on his bare chest. Jumping with a start, I stared at where my head had been and cringed.
I've drooled on a villain! My life is over! He's gonna roast me!
Dabi stirred and opened a lazy blue eye; looking between me and the glistening puddle on his chest before closing it again.
“Gross.” He muttered with a yawn before rolling over; a slightly pained groan escaping through his teeth.
“S..sorry…” I murmured before skittering off to the bathroom. When I looked in the mirror, my face was a brilliant red, with prominent indentations from his staples, and my chest was thudding loudly.
Why am I so flustered?! It's just Dabi!
I envisioned his patchwork face in my mind. His dulled sapphire eyes following my movements above stapled, discoloured skin. His two-toned smirk...
Oh my god, it's Dabi…
I splashed some cold water in my face and shook my head about; damp strands of (H/C) hair flicking droplets onto the walls. After composing myself, I gave my reflection a determined nod and wandered back to my room.
“Yep...right…’Kay…” I entered slowly once I heard Dabi’s voice, and saw him standing beside the bed; shirt already on and a cheap looking phone wedged between his ear and shoulder. “Fine...I'll be there later. Tell the crusty cunt yourself, cuz I ain't wasting my time.” With that, he hung up and eyed me.
“Where are you going?” I asked curiously; my nerves non existent. “Can I come? I've got nothing to do today!” I asked excitedly as I bounded past him and opened my curtains; giggling at his vampiric reaction.
“Yeah, I'd bring you along to get your throat slit…” Dabi rolled his squinting eyes as he slid on his black over-shirt and started towards the door.
“Awww, you care!” I tagged along behind him; the skip in my step clashing with his sluggish shuffle.
“No. I wanna kill you myself, that's all…” He growled as he descended the staircase and entered the kitchen. He proceeded to head straight to my junk cupboard and swing the door open. Pouting, I raced over and did an impressive leap; slapping it shut just shy of his greedy fingertips.
“Candy is not a breakfast food!” I barked; startling him. “I'll make you a proper meal...even though you're being a butt!” Off I went to gather ingredients, and the ravonette just gave me a sour glare; muttering curses under his breath.
“Learn some better insults, Tenderfoot…” He gingerly leaned back against the counter and watched me through his unfixed hair. “ had (F/candy bar) for breakfast the last two days in a row...fuckin’ hypocrite…” My head whipped around as I tied my (H/C) hair into a bun (ignore if short hair).
“Okay, hold the phone, Mister Tall Dark and Emo! Have you been stalking me?!” I honestly felt a little flattered. Dabi rolled his eyes, but for a split second I thought I saw his cheeks flush.
“You'd like that, wouldn't you?” He snickered; watching as I gave up my tough girl act and started to grease a fry pan.
“Well, it wouldn't bother me! Just don't peep on me in the shower or when I change and we're good!” I flashed him a toothy grin whilst I walked over to the fridge and grabbed some bacon strips my mum had bought the other day. Dabi looked fairly taken aback, but brushed it off as annoyance.
He's really cute when he doesn't know how to react!
A reasonably comfortable silence floated over us as I began to cook; eggs in one pan, bacon in another. I knew I could have just allowed him to eat junk food like he had attempted to, but I felt like I needed to pay him back. I owed him my life.
“Smells pretty good, Tenderfoot…” I squeaked out in surprise as I felt something warm and toned press against my back, and his voice mumbled close to my ear. I just swallowed; face hotter than the oil spitting in front of me as he reached around me; under my extended arm, and casually grabbed a strip from the pan.
“D..didn't that hurt?!” I turned a little, and came face to face with chubby stapled cheeks as he chewed the still crackling pork prouduct.
“Sweetheart, does it look like a little heat could phase me?” He said sarcastically; giving my head a rough pat before he slunk back towards the dining table.
“No...but...still! Don't be so reckless! You're hurt enough as it is!” I said in my sternest mum-voice. In my peripherals, I could see Dabi mimicking my lecture with grand exaggeration; his hand in sync with his mouth. Ignoring him, I quickly plated up our breakfast and placed it down in front of him; seating myself on the opposite side of the small table and drumming my fingers against the wood. “So...when are we heading out?” I cringed as the man nearly choked on the mouthful he had just taken, and he held his finger up to stop me from talking again.
“You are not coming, kid.” His eyes narrowed, and I just frowned in return. “It's like you have a big fucking neon sign on your forehead that says Please Murder Me.” I waved my fork around a little before jabbing it into my overcooked egg and lifted it up towards my mouth; whole.
“I gave you sanctuary! Just let me come!” I shovelled it into my mouth.
“I saved your fucking life. Don't think I'd do it again.” I could see his teeth clenching, but it didn't phase me.
“Mm mnnn nnn nnmmnnmiimmoo!” I attempted to speak through my ridiculously full mouth and Dabi blinked a few times before giving me a disgusted look.
“Fucking swallow, you fucking piglet.” He snipped as I painfully forced down my food.
“I said...I can go incognito! A disguise!” I grinned proudly, and he simply gave me another signature tongue click.
“Let me guess...trench coat...fake moustache...maybe some horn rimmed glasses? Gimme a break,'ll be killed on sight…” It was my turn to click my tongue; obnoxiously loud to mock him, and I stood up and moved a few feet away from the table.
“Let me demonstrate!” I cleared my throat and did a dramatic spin; effectively using my quirk to transform into a scruffy black cat. Dabi paused as I sauntered up to him; twining myself through his charred ankles.
“Well fuck...I forgot about that…” He muttered, and I meowed cheerfully; springing up into his lap and placing my paws on his chest. I was careful not to bump or nudge his injured side. “Oh, fuck no. You're not coming, you little brat. Drop it.”
Time for the old pussycat charm…
I mewed once; long and agonisingly slow, and tilted my head to the side. My wide (E/C) eyes seemed to flutter innocently, and Dabi began to panic.
“Don't you fucking dare. Miss me with that weak ass shit, fleabag!” His reaction proved to me that it was obviously working, so I repeated my action; this time nuzzling up under his chin with my silky black muzzle. “For the love of...Fucking fine! Whatever! Get your fucking little gremlin ass skinned alive! Don't come fucking crying to me when Fuckhands McMike mounts you on his fucking wall!”
Such vulgar language!
I morphed back into my true form; making Dabi scoot the chair backwards as I appeared at myself in his lap.
“Who’s Beephands McMike?” I asked curiously; ignoring his utter disgust at my invasion of personal space.
“His name is...wait...did you just fucking censor yourself?” His sneer turned into a lopsided smile as he chuckled, and boy, did his laugh make me internally melt into a puddle.
“I prefer not to taint my mouth with swearing, thank you very much!” I stuck my nose up in the air, but yelped as I felt his hands grip my hips; tugging me closer. His dead-sea eyes smouldered into my now-glassy (E/C) ones, and his tongue flickered over the staple to the right of his lips.
“I could taint it with something else, if you'd prefer?” He purred seductively, and I don't think I had ever been more agile in my entire life as I leapt out of his lap and retreated to my end of the table; a literal tail appearing without my consent so it could curl between my legs.
“'re too lewd!” I whined; face hot and mouth dry.
The power of All Might compels you, dirty thoughts!
“You have no idea, Tenderfoot…” He snickered as he leant back in his seat; arms stretching behind his head.
“A..Anyway, d..don't ignore my question! Who is...uh...McMike?!” I have him another stern glare, and he just sighed as he stood up; pocketing his hands.
“Shigaraki Tomura.” The second the name left his lips, I felt my blood chill.
Wait...hands...ha...He's the villain who led the attack on the USJ! He tried to kill All Might! And Kiri!
“Well?” Dabi snapped me from my fearful thoughts as he motioned his head towards the front door. “Still coming or what?”
***Filler because I'm sick as hell. I'll try to get a couple of chapters for this and Irascible up in the next few days because I'm visiting my mama in 3 days and the service is awful***
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