SEVENTY FOUR: Romantic and Sh*t
"Chop'a chop, chop-socky chooks..."
Humming some stupid cartoon theme song, I chopped up the chicken into strips, looking forward to the stir-fry I was going to whip up. I felt like this was what things would be like when we got married, and I loved it. No more death. No more hiding. Just us, living happily with our sheep, our fainting goat, and maybe, just maybe, a child or two.
"Oi, Tenderfoot!" I stopped what I was doing as I heard Dabi calling from upstairs, the water still running. "Come up here for a sec!" Wondering what he needed, I quickly washed my hands off and climbed the staircase, stopping just before I reached the door.
"What's up? Forget a towel?" I asked, leaning against the wall to wait for his reply.
"No, actually, I grabbed two by mistake, so now you're gonna have to join me so I don't feel like an idiot." My cheeks grew warm as I realised his game, and I uttered a surprised chuckle.
"I'm preparing dinner. Besides, what's wrong with feeling like an idiot every now and again?" Jesting right back, I had every intention of joining him if he wasn't messing around, but I wanted to hear his answer.
"Here I am, trying to be all romantic and shit, wanting to take a shower with you, and all you care about is food? Get in here."
Biting my lip to refrain from either a squeak or a giggle, I slipped around the corner, catching sight of his silhouette behind the curtain, framed by rising steam.
"Trying to be romantic, or trying to get me naked?" I teased, starting to unbutton my shirt as he wanted.
"This is basically a type of honeymoon, isn't it? Why can't it be both?"
Oh, it can be...
As I discarded my shirt and bra, I looked into the mirror, studying the faded burn scar beneath the centre of my chest. Dabi's mark had hidden what Shigaraki had originally given me, and I smiled as I shimmied out of my bottoms. It was kind of like a tattoo, one with a really personal meaning.
"I've never showered with anyone before..." I admitted, though it wasn't too surprising.
"Neither have I, so hurry up so we can both check it off our lists." He was being impatient, but in a lighthearted way. I knew that if I had said no he wouldn't have tried to sway my decision.
Sucking in a breath, I pulled the curtain back and stepped in, barely having enough time to glance at Dabi's undressed physique before he pulled me close by the waist, the water flowing off the top of his head wetting my own hair.
"Uh...hi..." I peeped out, my fluster taking the reigns. Even if we had been intimate before, I still wasn't used to it.
"Hey..." With half-lidded eyes, Dabi leaned down towards me, his lips scraping the curve of my jaw. "It was getting a little boring in here..." Slowly, he turned me around so my back was flush against his chest, one of his hands moving to rub against my stomach.
"Y..You got frisky all of a sudden, huh..?" I chuckled nervously, gulping as his touch trailed higher.
"You can say horny, y'know. I've heard worse come out of that mouth of yours." He mumbled, hand finally reaching to cup my bare breast, quickly followed by the other. It felt different, compared to when they were dry, but certainly not in a bad way. Not at all.
"Won't it be...uh...awkward in a shower..? It's all wet, and cramped..."
Dabi began to pepper damp kisses up the length of my neck, grip fluctuating and already driving me towards the beginnings of insanity.
"You'd be getting wet one way or another. As for it being cramped, well..." Feeling his hips roll against me caused me to squeak out, my hands instinctively flying out to steady myself against the glass. "...that just means we get to be a little closer..."
Oh lawdy, he got confident...
His teeth nipping at my ear distracted me from the fact that his fingers had gone off on quite the tangent, and I didn't realise it until they brushed against my pelvis, lingering and waiting for some form of permission.
"So, Tenderfoot? Can I have what I want..?"
"Y..yes..." There was no hesitation. I was happy to give him whatever he wanted and more, within reason. He knew that just as well as I did, but I still appreciated that he was respectful enough to ask. The first touch came as a shock, fingertips gliding across so smoothly with the help of added slick, and I pushed back against him, completely aware of the growing hardness against my tailbone.
Dabi didn't take long to find a suited rhythm, focusing on my clit and it alone. With the water, his two swirling fingers felt akin to his tongue, and I abandoned the glass pane, leaning back to rest my head against his chest. The nerves were still present, of course, but I knew him better now. It wouldn't take long for them to wash away, down the drain beneath us.
"Mmmmm, just could have this every day..." He whispered directly into my ear, which in turn forced a whimper, my knees beginning to shake as, somehow, the pleasure seemed to double. "You don't want just my fingers though, do you sweetheart..? What do you want?"
My hand reached up to tangle in his damp hair, the hot water running down from his shoulders into the cracks between our bodies, giving his erection enough lubrication to begin to tease me slowly. He was right. I wanted much more than just his fingertips, but I knew he wasn't going to be so generous. Not until he got to play with me.
"Tou..ya...hah..." Whining, my own hips began to move, resulting in me doing most of the work. Every time I tried to press down harder, he'd ease off, driving me to the brink of insanity with a teasing cycle. "You...I want you..!" Even so, I was getting close, and he eventually had to abandon my breasts to hook his arm around my middle so I wouldn't sink to the floor.
"Oh, I know you do...but what part of me? I want you to say it, and you better say it how I wanna hear it..." His tongue snaked out to lick the shell of my ear, and I squeezed my eyes shut, my inner threads fraying as he picked up speed.
"I want it..." I pleaded, exposing my neck more, in hopes of more kisses, or even a bite if I was lucky enough. "I want...your c..."
"Say it, (Y/N), baby...If you say it, I might play nice..." When did he get so bold? I wasn't complaining in the slightest, but it was doing something to me. I couldn't help but bend to his will.
"Your co..cock...I want screw me..." It wasn't quite there, but it was good enough. Pressure increasing, it barely took ten seconds for me to begin cumming, and as I was blinded by that dappled white ecstasy, Dabi flipped me around, pinning me to the tile wall.
When I came back around, panting and shivering, he was looming over me, though his face was painted a rosy hue.
"You know I love you, right?" He murmured, leaning down to kiss me. It was gentle, and genuine, almost taking away what little breath I had left.
"I too..." I replied weakly, welcoming the nuzzle of his pierced nose.
I barely had enough left in me to yelp when I was hoisted up by the backs of my knees, legs suddenly hooked over his shoulders. His smile didn't seem to fit the situation, as it was so pure to me. It didn't scream sex, it screamed out in a language we were both still learning.
"You're still on the pill, right? I'm not ready for little snot-nosed brats just yet." He asked, pecking another kiss to my surprised face. Dazedly, I nodded, still trying to figure out where the heck to put my hands.
" neither..?" My response seemed to be more than enough for him, and he proceeded to position himself at my entrance, eyes locked to mine the entire time.
Dabi didn't ease into me like the first time. No, it was more like our second encounter. Abrupt and startling. All it took was that one thrust to have me clenching around him, the position making me feel fuller than I ever had been.
"This...okay...?" Dabi was feeling it to, that was for sure. His natural skin was a deep red now, and his voice was tense.
I couldn't do anything more than nod at that point. The tiles against my back felt cold, but that was nothing in comparison to the heat burning in front of me, not to mention in my core as he began to move. The only way to describe it would be relentless. Oh, the sounds that came from our repeated connection were mortifying. A wet, slapping applause that even the running water couldn't drown out.
I could feel him up in my guts, rearranging everything from the ribcage downward. My jumbled whines, praises, and even cusses, were all for him, and that just seemed to urge him on.
"Shit...Shit, Touya..!" I gasped, my legs slipping from his shoulders to the crooks of his elbows, where his grafted skin seemed to become hotter. "Hah...I love much..!"
Contrary to his appearance, those kinds of words seemed to be a large part of his love language, and somehow, much to my delirious surprise, his pace sped up.
"Fuck..! Goddamit, I don't deserve you..!" He hissed, pressing me harder against the shower wall and burying his face into the crooks of my neck.
That wasn't something I liked hearing, but I was helpless against the glorious assault of his thrusting, which had me seeing almost nothing but bright, blurry spots.
"T..too bad...You've got me, god, Touya, please..!" My hand flew out and grappled into the back of his head, and even though I knew it was likely painful for him, I couldn't stop myself. I felt like if I wasn't holding onto him in some way or another I'd pass away.
Dabi's rhythm was beginning to fail, and I knew our sloppy, wet dance of debauchery was almost up, but I needed one more thing from him, and I didn't care if I sounded greedy for requesting it.
I need to see it...
"L..look at me...I..hah..." Was my voice even working? Were words coming out at all? I couldn't tell from the high pitched ringing in my ears. Giving up on trying to verbally convey my message, I reefed his head backwards, away from my neck, and fell in love all over again.
Cherry-kissed cheeks and clouded midday eyes, Dabi's face was a vision I would have forever etched into my mind. He was looking at me, and only me, and that was when I knew, for a solid fact, that no choice I made had been wrong. Dabi was where I was meant to be. Todoroki Touya was my forever.
Dipping his head forward again, Dabi pressed his forehead to mine instead of hiding away, his low grunts and whimpers a melody to ease the pitched ringing.
"Ma..marry me...For real...hah...The second we get back...I don't care how...but...please..?!" His voice was almost violently desperate, and I clung to him like my life depended on it, feeling strands of his ebony hair rip off and stick to the inside of my drenched fist.
"Yes...yes...hah...d..dammit, Touya, yes..!" I couldn't tell which twitch belonged to who as we came. Our pitched cries matched in almost eerie unison, and everything from the waist down and thighs up felt unbelievably hot. I panted against his skin as he spasmed inside of me a few more times before slowly sinking us to the floor, gingerly allowing my legs to slip from his arms.
He immediately pulled me into a stifling, somehow sticky embrace, even as the water beat down over our bodies, and I lived for it. Neither of us uttered a word for the longest time. I wasn't sure either of us even could have if we had tried. Our skin was beginning to prune, but it was fine. Everything about our conjoined shower session far surpassed fine.
"Tonight..." Dabi finally spoke up, his face out of view as he rested his chin atop of my soggy, (H/C) hair. "...I'll explain everything. It's only fair, I guess...I don't want you marrying someone you don't even know..."
He sounded scared, but because he didn't intend for me to see it, I just nodded, tracing my fingers along the rigid form of his curved spine.
"Thank you, Touya..." I whispered, closing my eyes and enjoying the moment before it had to end.
I want to know everything about you...The good, the bad, and the ugly...
***Dedicated to Glen_Edits 💜
I hope I got that right, cuz Insta won't open to let me double check hhhhhh
Hope y'all enjoyed your soggy lemon juice. I struggled b i g time. Not my best lemon at all...
Next Time: Stained***
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