SEVEN: One of Us
It took about an hour and a half of dipping and ducking through stations and side streets to reach our destination, which also meant an eternity of me talking Dabi’s ear off. I think he was relieved when I finally transformed into a cat, but he didn't look overly impressed.
“Can't you look more...intimidating..?” He asked flatly; motioning to my regular domesticated body. I tilted my head and flicked my tail.
But...I'm a cat? I'm supposed to look cute?
“Unless you wanna be turned into a pile of ash, you're gonna wanna look a bit more...villainous…” The ravonette shuffled his feet around; growing impatient.
With a loud snort, I shifted my form into a larger size; not by much, but I was definitely above the average for a regular house cat.
“That'll have to do...come on, Tenderfoot…and try to act like my kind of cat...” He sighed and led me down a set of stairs. The building looked like a bar, and there was a strange scent in the air. It wasn't exactly decay, but not far from it.
Maybe this wasn't my brightest idea…
“This was a horrible idea…” Dabi repeated my thoughts in a quiet mumble; opening another door which led to a dimly lit room.
“You took your damn time…” A coarse, frustrated voice spoke out, and I peered out from behind Dabi to see who we were dealing with. A man sat at the bar; his hair oily, and the colour of pale sea lavender. A hand covered his facial features, but the cracked, flaking skin of his neck made me shudder.
Jeepers...I hope that's just a prop…
“Like I'd rush all the way here to see your fucked up face…” Dabi muttered sourly; walking further inside and taking a seat at the other end of the bar. I padded in after him, but yowled in surprise one I was plucked off the ground by a pair of delicate hands.
“Hey, Burn Unit! Is this your kitty?! He's so cute! And big!” A flushing face pressed up into my muzzle; bright topaz eyes scanning me closely.
I am a lady, thank you very much!
“She's a girl, you annoying jailbait shit...put her down, or you’ll regret it.” The way he spoke was like it was a signal, and I quickly realised he was trying to remind me about acting the part.
Sorry, miss!
A low, almost guttural growl rumbled from my throat; followed by a piercing hiss as I swiped out. The girl almost hurled me across the room, but I managed to leap out of her arms before I was turned into a furry football.
“What is this..?” Again, I was grabbed and lifted up, but this time it was my the scruff. I froze; the pinched hold making me realise exactly who had me.
I managed to growl again, but it came out more like a scared whine, and my tail waved about in the air below me. I could now see his eye through the parted fingers, and it was set in a carmine glare.
“That's my little companion...Fleabag.” I saw Dabi smirk at me, and I growled louder.
You smarmy little..!
“No pets...that fucking lizard is enough…” Shigaraki’s nails dug into my skin, and I felt one of his fingers hovering over me in threat. I knew a little about his quirk from what Kirishima and Mina had told me, and I knew if he touched me, it would be game over.!
“Shigaraki Tomura, I would prefer it if you didn't commit violence against animals.” A man who looked like a cloud of smog moved closer from his place behind the bench; a cloth and glass in his hands. “Just set it outside if you do not wish for it to be here.”
“Actually…” Dabi leant back and smirked. “...Fleabag is pretty valuable...she's a smart fucker…” I could see a hint of panic in his eyes, but he was doing well with hiding it. Shigaraki tossed me onto the counter and raked his nails down his neck; the painful sound of crusty flesh assaulting my sensitive ears.
“Okay...if it impresses me...which it won' can stay...if not…” He reached out and swiped the glass from the mist man’s hands, and it began to crumble to dust in his grip. Gulping, I turned to Dabi and tilted my head; wide (E/C) eyes pleading for a little help.
Some ideas would be nice! I'm about to wet myself!
“Fleabag...find me some whiskey from behind the counter.” Dabi ordered me with a yawn, and I inwardly sighed before I turned and hopped down to the floor to begin my search. There were countless bottles and flasks full of alcohol and mixers underneath the bench, and I slowly crept along; making sure to read each label as though my life depended on it. It literally did.
Nice going, (Y/N)...curiosity is gonna kill the cat!
I perked up as I finally laid eyes on the word I was looking for, and I pawed it excitedly; meowing up at the misty man. He bent down and studied what I had chosen before grabbing it, along with me, and placing me back on the counter beside the bottle.
“It seems as though the feline can read.” He mused; waiting for a reaction from Shigaraki.
“It can read...but can it write?” His condescending tone made me bristle with fear and irritation as he nodded to his companion, and I was presented with a scrap of paper and a ballpoint pen.
“Of course she can. She's mine, after all.”
D..Dabi! Don't say that! Argh!
I stared at the pen for a while before picking it up between my cuspids; hovering shakily over the ivory paper as I began. Everyone was silent; even the creepy looking school girl who had tried to snuggle me earlier. It wasn't helping my nerves. After rereading my scratchy, messy handwriting, I dropped the pen and used my paw to push it towards the villain.
It looks like a toddler wrote it...but it's readable…
Shigaraki picked the paper up with two fingers and scanned it quickly.
“” He was stiff and still for a few moments, and I heard the others stifle laughter behind me. It wasn't my fault I couldn't think of anything to write. “Is this meant to be funny?” I shook my head before retreating back to Dabi; rubbing fondly into his shoulder and climbing into his lap. He roughly ruffled my fur before looking up at his potential boss.
“See? Smart, useful Fleabag. Taught her everything she knows.”
You wish, you butt head!
I kneaded his thigh; claws digging in deep to show my annoyance, but I purred nonetheless.
“ can gather information, huh?” I could feel those carnelian eyes staring straight through my soul, and I didn't like it one bit. “Fine. The thing can stay...but if I find one flea...or if it shreds's dead.”
“Hear that, Fleabag? You're one of us, now.” Dabi whispered; rubbing under my chin with his index finger.
Yay! I'm...wait...WHAT?!
“Mr. Dabi, please follow me and I shall show you to your room.” The man of mist walked out from behind the counter and motioned for us to follow; opening yet another door. Dabi tucked my large form under his arm and wandered after him slowly. “Oh, forgive me for not introducing myself earlier. I am Kurogiri, second in command of the league.” I watched his body wisp around, and my cat instincts were screaming for me to bat at it. He led us down a flight of stairs to a long corridor; strolling along until he stopped in front of a closed door.
“This my new digs?” Dabi questioned; placing me down rather roughly on the floor at his feet.
“Indeed. You are not required to stay here, but it is available whenever you choose. Feel free to decorate as you wish, but I must ask that you please refrain from making any permanent adjustments without seeking approval.” Kurogiri gave Dabi a slight bow before crouching down to me. “May I also suggest that you give your companion a new name? She's far too special to be called such a harsh name like Fleabag.” I happily rubbed my side up against him; mewing in agreement as his spectral hands brushed along my ebony fur.
“Fine. Just call her Tenderfoot...Cuz without me, she has no idea what she's doing…” I narrowed my (E/C) eyes at the ravonette, and he stared right back before turning to open the door. “Later.”
As soon as it cracked open, I darted in and leapt up onto the bed; sprawling out over the bland calico sheets. The door clicked shut and Dabi stretched; still wincing along with his pained side. I morphed back into my human form and just lounged there for a while.
“You know, I'm not gathering you information, right? Not to be a sourpuss, but I'm not a villain.” I announced pointedly. Dabi nodded; a smirk playing his two-toned lips as he approached the bed.
“Wow, Tenderfoot...didn't think I'd have you splayed over my bed so soon.” He teased in a sultry tone, and cue the heat blazing upon my cheeks.
“L..Lewd!” I whisper-shouted before covering my face; simultaneously fixing my position. “Can I go home now? I think I made a mistake coming along, to be honest…” I totally had. I didn't know why I thought it would be fun to venture into the realm of villains, but I had a feeling that it had to do with wanting to spend time with Dabi. I still wanted to know him, inside and out. Dabi's smirk grew as he let himself fall onto the bed; directly over my surprised self, and only stopped himself mere centimeters above my face.
"Home? Not a chance, kiddo..." He brought his lips to scrape the shell of my ear, and I was about ready to short circuit.
Oh god oh god oh my oh no oh what oh god!
"'re in my world..."
***1k reads?! Bless y'all. Sorry for the shitty chapter. It's hard to write when I'm away from home x***
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