FOUR: Out of Sorts
*Three Days Later*
"(Y/N)? Hello? Earth to (Y/N)!" I blinked back into reality as a large hand waved in front of my face.
"Huh?" I turned my attention to Mirio, who just laughed and ruffled my hair.
"I asked if you were coming to eat lunch with us again today?" He repeated; understanding that I was still a little out of sorts. The only thing that had been on my mind the last three days had been Dabi. I had so many questions to ask him, but no way to do so. Not unless he decided to break in again.
", not today, sorry! I promised I'd meet up with one of the first years and check over their English homework." I replied with an apologetic smile. Again, Mirio's hand dishevelled my neat (H/C) hair and turned into a thumbs up.
He looks like that pip guy from Fallout...
"You're such a great Senpai, (Y/N)! I know the school community will be in good hands once me, Tamaki and Nejire graduate!" He said happily; skipping along. I shook my head and made a whining noise as I followed.
"Don't mention graduation! I'm gonna be a snotty mess of tears and you know it!" He turned to me and flashed that brilliant smile.
"You'll just be sad that you won't get to see Tamaki as often..." He snickered, and I immediately turned on my heel to hide my heated cheeks.
"! W..well...of course I'll miss him...but...I...shush, you!" I raced off and escaped his friendly teasing; off to the large tree out behind the cafeteria where I was supposed to begin tutoring. Mirio never ceased to joke about my relationship with Amajiki. It was a lot easier to deal with when it was just to me, but whenever he did it with the ravonette around it was nearly impossible to get him functioning again. We were close friends. Nothing more, nothing less. I definitely found him to be cute, but nobody needed to know that. Not at all. My little secret. A secret among many new ones I had to keep.
"Yo, (L/N)!" My smile returned as I laid eyes upon my favourite first year. He was already sitting underneath the tree; books laid out around his ankles.
"I hope you made progress, Kiri!" I laughed; plopping myself down beside him. "And's (Y/N)! We've known each other for what? Three...four years, now?"
"Uh, yeah...sorry! And about that progress..." Kirishima trailed off in a nervous chuckle; drumming his thighs with his hands. I held my hand out and rolled my eyes playfully.
"Hand it over, then...I guess I'll be easy on you after the whole my class battled a slew of villains thing..." I knew things had been pretty crazy for the poor boy lately. His class had only recently been attacked by a pack of villains at the USJ facility, and their teachers had been seriously injured. Partner that with the Sports Festival that had only come to a close three weeks before, plus their first internships, and it was obvious he wouldn't have been focused on his studies.
"What about you, though? I...heard about what happened...and you got hurt...are you okay?" It wasn't often that I saw Kirishima anything but happy, but his concern touched me. I nodded as I flipped through his English homework; gently gnawing on the tip of my tongue as I saw so many mistakes.
"Yeah...I'm okay...still a bit shaken, though..." I admitted.
I still can't believe Dabi caused all that...
"If you need to talk to anybody, I'm here!" Kirishima said as he patted my knee. I snorted a little behind my hand.
"Dude, you sound like All Might. I'll be okay...Thanks, though...You should probably be less concerned about my well being and start focusing on how terrible you are at general English..." I held up a sheet of his homework, which I had taken the liberty to mark whilst he spoke. There was more red than there was white.
"Aw damn! Really?! I thought I did pretty well, too!" He pouted and took the paper; cringing as he read over it with crimson eyes. I started to space out again. I thought of Dabi, and how rough things must have been for him during the last few years. I wanted to know how he got those burns, but I didn't want to ask. Despite not having much of a filter, I at least knew when it wasn't appropriate to bring something up. It had felt strangely smooth under my hand when I had pulled him along; but so warm, too. The main image stirring about my thoughts though, were his eyes. They seemed so lacklustre in comparison to when I first met him that night. So dull and heavy. I wanted to know everything about him.
"Ground control to Major (Y/N)! Can you hear me, Major (Y/N)?" I nearly fell sideways into the grass as Kirishima nudged me with his shoulder; cocking his head. "You sure you're okay? You don't usually space out like that..." He was right. I was usually attentive and on the ball, but for the last few days I'd been a complete klutz. It started when I went to make dinner the evening Dabi broke in. I'd made the dogs dinner after plating up my mum's roast, and didn't pay attention when serving. Karma and Nagisa had thoroughly enjoyed the beef fillet, but safe to say my parents didn't like the wet food I set down in front of them.
Then, the next day, I had been day dreaming on my way to class. It had been painfully embarrassing having Aizawa call me out in front of the entirety of 1A when he said I had likely made a wrong turn somewhere along the line. I just wasn't with it.
"Uh...can...I ask you a question, Kiri?" I asked as I leant back into the bark of the tree.
"Go for it! I'm all ears!" He did the same, and I tried to think of how to phrase my question.
"Say...that you knew something...Something about someone that would help in solving...a case, I guess...but...if you told anybody...someone about...would be in...danger..?" I mumbled; immediately bringing my hands up in defense once I saw Kirishima's confusion. "Totally a hypothetical question!" He thought for a few moments whilst scratching his chin.
"Well...that's a tough call...I mean...solving a case sounds like the right thing to do...but putting a friend in danger isn't very manly...I guess it comes down to how bad the crime was?" He replied thoughtfully.
"True..." I hummed distantly; nodding along. I didn't want to rat Dabi out to the police. He'd saved my life when he could have easily left me to die, but I still had this little nagging voice in the back of my head telling me that I was becoming an accessory to the slaughter.
" about I buy you some ice cream after school? Maybe a good ol' brain freeze will help get you back into the real world!" The second he mentioned the sugary delight I perked up.
"Kirishima Eijirou, I could kiss you." I laughed; leaning into him a little as I picked up his problematic maths homework. I missed the fiery blush upon his face, and he chuckled lightly.
"J..jeez, (Y/N)..."
Just as promised, Kirishima had been waiting at the front gate for me, along with a few others from his class. I knew Bakugou Katsuki from the Sports Festival, and Mina from our middle school, but I hadn't met Sero or Kaminari before. We had a good laugh on our trip to the store, and I quickly discovered I was quite talented in diffusing that ugly temper of Bakugou's.
"You're all extra!" He barked, after Sero had cracked a joke about his apparent styling mishap with Best Jeanist. I skipped up beside him and blinked curiously with wide, (E/C) eyes.
"Extra what? Extra fun? Loud? Oooh, extra awesome?!" My peppy demeanor seemed to really frazzle him, and he just stared at me like one would stare at breakdancing goat (I can totally do that, by the way. My quirk is freaking cool).
"!" His popsicle was almost melting in his steaming hand, and I just giggled and turned back to the group.
"Thanks for the treat, Ei-ji-rou!" I sang happily; licking a dribble of (F/flavour/I-cream) that was attempting to escape down my forearm. His hair blended with his face as he waved me off bashfully.
" problem, (Y/N)..."
"When you're finished your ice cream can you turn into a kitty?! Oh, please?!" Mina bounced up and down; clasping her hands together.
"Oh, so you're the girl who just strolls around school as an animal! I saw you chasing Midnight down the hall a few weeks ago as a rat!" Sero exclaimed; grinning widely.
"That was you?!" Kaminari grabbed my hand and shook it frantically. "Bless you! Bless you for making that bosom bounce! It was beautiful!"
Oh, wowzers...the hormone monster got this kid bad...
"No...problem? And yeah, I'm more comfortable as an animal sometimes. What sort of cat do you want, Mina?" I asked as I finished off my ice cream in three quick bites; making everybody, even Bakugou, sweatdrop.
"Anything fluffy! Super fluffy! So much fluff that I can't see your legs kinda fluffy! So damn fluffy that I'll literally die!" She danced around, clapping her hands, and I giggled.
"Not sure about that fluffy, but I'll see what I can do!" I brushed my hands off on my skirt and quickly turned to give Kirishima another smile. "I'll just head home as a cat, I suppose, cuz it's getting late. Thanks for the food! And it was great meeting you guys!" With that, I did a showy little spin and shrunk down into a Persian cat.
"FLUFF! SO MUCH FLUFF! LOOK! AT! THAT! FLUFF!" Mina shrieked; nearly shaking poor Sero into a permanent state of dizziness. She picked me up and smothered me with kisses and cuddles, and I purred happily against her chest.
This girl is a blessing. Must cherish. Must protect.
"You do realise she isn't an actual cat? That's borderline lesbianism..." Bakugou muttered; scowling as I leapt from the pink first year and padded over to rub against his ankles. "Don't even try to act cute, you dumbass! I ain't petting you! That's fucking creepy!"
You cannot resist my feline charms, Katsuki! Embrace my cuteness!
"Aww, come on, Bakugou! Just one widdle pat? She's too cute not to!" Mina insisted; still making googoo eyes at my fluffy tail.
She's got a point! I am incredibly cute!
After a few moments of unnecessary teeth grinding and cursing, he finally bent down and gave my head three heavy-handed pats. I gave a victorious meow before something caught my eye. It was white and dangling from the air, and the instincts that came along with my quirk quickly took hold.
I pounced over and began to swipe playfully at the white strip, which happened to be Sero's tape. Kaminari and Mina both took the opportunity to play with my tail as I messed around with my new toy.
"Aww, look...isn't this the closest Discount Pikachu's ever come to touching a real girl?" Bakugou snickered loudly.
"H..hey! Screw you! I totally get all the girls!" The blond huffed; his collected static making my fur puff up.
That wasn't very ni...oh, great...oh
My paw had finally gotten hold of the tape, but it was now stuck to me. I mewed in complaint as I rolled over onto my back; waving my trapped paw around in hopes of getting some assistance. Kirishima proceeded to gently pull the tape from my white fur and scooped me up; almost gingerly, into his arms.
"You really are something else, (Y/N)." He laughed; stiffening as I pressed my chilly nose to his.
Bless you, Kiri! Such a manly man! My hero!
After giving him a few nuzzles and purrs, I hopped down and began to stroll off down the street. Another perk of my power was that whatever I was holding it the time of transformation just morphed along with me. I wasn't sure how that worked, but it sure came in handy when I had my backpack. The only issue was that it made my body feel a little heavier; hindering movements to a certain degree.
"Bye bye, (Y/N)!" Mina called out after me in her chipper voice.
"Seeya, Animal girl!"
"Sorry about my tape!"
"I'll study real hard! Promise!"
"I hope a stray dog eats you!"
"BAKUGOU!" (x3)
It took me about an hour longer than usual to get home.
Because the city is a whole new playground when you're a cat.
My first distraction was, of course, the park. When a small child yells out "Mama, I wanna pat the kitty cat!", how could you say no? After spending a good twenty minutes letting kids stroke and snuggle me with sticky fingers, I continued on my way.
My next detour was into the cafe about four streets away from my house. I was a regular customer, as both a cat and a human, but the staff didn't realise we were one and the same. A few meows and a basic trick or two later, I waddled out with a fresh cinnamon bun between my teeth; devouring it in less bites than I would be comfortable to admit.
Finally, my last little thrill was one that I could have gone without. Luck happened to turn it's back on me for a few moments when a mangy dog crossed my path; instigating a wild chase through side streets and footpaths. After managing to lose it by darting through my neighbour's yard, I climbed up into the tree by my bedroom window.
The hedgehog jinxed me! Damn!
I was panting and huffing; fur a mess and legs aching. I knew I could have easily just morphed back into a human, but that was the easy way out. I needed to build up my stamina and as animal, anyway, and what better way than to run for my life? I turned to prepare to jump back down, when I realised my window was open.
That's funny...I swear I closed it before I left..?
Brushing it off, I made the jump with ease and peered in from my place on the windowsill. Before I had time to react, I was grabbed by the scruff and lifted into the air; coming face to face with lacklustre ocean eyes and patchwork skin.
"Well well well...look what the cat dragged in?"
***Obvious filler. The pun made me cringe. Anybody get the Major (Y/N) reference?***
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