Ugh, my head...
I didn't want to open my eyes, especially after hearing the droning buzz of machinery around me, but I also wasn't fond of not knowing who the cold hand holding mine belonged to.
The light wasn't as harsh as I expected when my lids cracked open, but I quickly decided I didn't like wherever I was due to the harsh scent of chemicals wafting around.
"Where the hell..?" I sat up slowly, taking note of each ache and pain in my body. Glancing to my side, I had to do a double take when I spotted the hand in mine. The lone, body-less hand.
Calling the man as such made me feel even grosser, yet at the same time I relished the name. As I continued to scan my surroundings, I cradled Father to my chest, starting to feel even more uneasy.
"Ah! You're finally awake!" I felt the urge to bare my teeth when that voice cried out, but I quickly relaxed once a familiar brunet sprinted to my bedside, followed by Mr. Compress.
"Hisoka...where the fuck are we?" Both males looked kind of startled at my casual cussing, but neither said anything about it.
"We aren't too sure ourselves, exactly, but Dr. Ujiko allowed us to remain here alongside you until you recovered from your ailments." Compress explained, using his left hand to pick up a glass of water and bring it over to me.
Wait a freaking minute...
Eyes narrowed, I pointed to his limb, taking in its metallic beauty.
"Arm." It was all I could manage, and he laughed softly, holding out the glass.
"Yes, my dear. Giran had supplied me with this prosthetic shortly after the incident, but it never worked properly. Ujiko was kind enough to repair it for me." I took the water, but I placed it on the tiny bedside table, a second, canine-like pair of ears appearing atop my head so I could take in each and every sound.
"What about m...Tomura? Dabi? The others?" I asked, concern lacing my voice, and Mustard sat himself up on the edge of the bed.
"Remember that huge bastard who was throwing hands with us when you got back? Boss apparently has to prove to him that he deserves his loyalty. It's like some twisted manga plot." He brushed his hair out of his face, and I made a mental note in my mixed up head to give him a haircut next time I had the chance.
"That he deserves his loyalty..?" I repeated slowly, feeling my fists ball atop the sheet. "Are they kidding?! He deserves it more than anyone!" Mustard held his hands up to try and calm me down, nervously glancing over to our companion.
"Hey...don't get so worked up, you're still not a hundred percent..." He tried to soothe, voice uncertain. "...and since when do you view Shigs like that..?"
Yeah, since when..?
I was still tense, but I exhaled, attempting to keep my cool.
"My bad...I still feel like shit..." I muttered, casting my gaze to my knees.
"You'll continue to feel as such for another day or so, I'm afraid." The arrival of a new voice sent my senses into a flurry, and before my mind even registered the burning ache of my body, I was on my hands and knees above the sheets, having shoved Mustard behind me and nearly through the headboard.
Across the room, in a dark, shadowy corner, sat a figure. My instincts told me that this person was no good, and I couldn't stop myself from snarling like some kind of rabid animal.
"(Y/N), love, that's just Dr. Ujiko...No need to go on the offensive..." Mr. Compress explained calmly, his organic hand coming to rest on top of my head, between my flattened ears.
"I assure you, I would have let you die on my floor if I ever intended on harming any of you." Ujiko chuckled, scooting a little closer on his chair, though I still couldn't make out his features. I crept back a bit, making sure that part of Mustard was beneath my own body. I just felt like I had to keep him covered to protect him, and I didn't fight that.
"Don't come near us!" I barked, trying to ignore the way my arms buckled beneath my weight. "Let me go back to Tomura and fight with the league! I don't want you near me!" Everything felt wrong. It was as though I wasn't myself, but at the same time, I didn't really recall being any other way. I was angry, confused, and all I wanted was to be surrounded by the league, keeping them all safe, even if I wouldn't be much help.
"As much as I would prefer having my solitude back, I can't allow you to leave just yet." Ujiko sighed, kicking himself back into the depth of the shadows. "I have instructed Atsuhiro on how to assist you in your recovery, so you don't have to be concerned about me getting close to you. I promise, I have no desire to be bitten by a teenaged girl!" He chuckled a little, but I wasn't buying it.
"Send me to Tomura...Send me to Dabi...Send me to them, now!" I hissed in demand, claws growing and cutting into the crisp sheets. "Send me and my boys to them right fucking now!" Slowly, I sank closer to the mattress, now laying atop Mustard's legs due to my arms losing their strength. Ignoring my urgency, Ujiko typed away upon a keyboard, not even looking in our direction.
"I suppose I could send you to your home. That would probably suit all of our needs. There we go! I just sent your father to Sweden to take a look at a Eurasian Beaver! He is a renowned veterinarian, is he not? Your mother will be home, but I'm sure you can all avoid one person during your stay." It was as though he was speaking to himself, and I honestly couldn't follow. "I'll just tap into your cellular device to keep in contact. You need to cool off and heal, (Y/N), my girl, so you can be at your best upon your return."
Wait, no, that's not what I want! I want to be with them! I want Touya! I want Tomura! I want Twice, Toga, Spinner!
"Brace yourselves. This may be painful." Mid shriek, I felt that awful bubbling in my throat, and I clung onto Mustard's ankle as that horrendous black sludge swallowed my form. He had been right. It did hurt, and I ended up a shuddering wreck on the (F/C) carpet of my bedroom, which in that moment was just as unfamiliar as where I had woken up not long before.
I felt Mustard sit up beneath me, and he quickly scooped me up, keeping me in a sitting position as I gagged on the taste that disgusting transportation slime had left in my mouth.
"J..just try to breathe, okay..? At least you have us with you, right?" He murmured, pulling my greasy (H/C) hair out of my face. "The others will be fine! That Giganto-fuck face ain't so tough!"
"But...It's my job..." I whimpered, suddenly sounding helpless as I leaned into his chest, reaching up to grip at his shirt whilst my other hand clung tightly to Father.
"No, your job is to recuperate. Why else would Shigaraki have left you in our care, hmm?" Compress reasoned, already pulling back the covers of my bed and fluffing my pillow. "See, he even left his most precious possession with you. Both he and Dabi, along with the rest of us, need you to be in top shape. Now, to bed with you, unless you want me to use my quirk."
Maybe...he's right..?
Lacing my fingers between the cracks of Father's, I nodded sadly, not fighting with Mustard as he lifted me off the ground and guided me over to the bed.
"But, didn't Shigs say-" The younger boy began to speak, but Mr. Compress lifted a finger to his mask, a single shake of his head keeping the brunet from finishing his sentence.
"Wh..what did he say? What did Tomura say?" I questioned, immediately becoming more alert as I was tucked in by the two of them like a child.
"He said he wants you to be well. He was very proud of you, my dear. We all are. You should have heard the praises both he and Dabi sang of you. Perhaps your Romeo will find a moment to contact you later on? For now, though, you need your rest."
It was the middle of the night now, and I felt my exhaustion kicking in again. Briefly, I wondered where my clone could have been, but I quickly answered my own question upon seeing identical black sludge in the corner of the room, some of it splattered up along the wall. There was no clone anymore.
"You guys will at least stay with me, right..?" I asked quietly, trailing off into a yawn.
"Young Hisoka here will be by your side for as long as you're out of commission, but I may have to rejoin the fight some stage soon. Having two waiting in the wings is enough of a disadvantage." The masked man explained, shooing Mustard from my bedside, tipping his hat. "You sleep now, love. We'll tidy up and figure out how to avoid your mother."
"Right..." I murmured sleeping, my hand tightening around Father. "...thanks..."
The second Mustard saw the girl's breathing even out, he turned to face his elder, narrowing his eyes.
"What the hell was that all about? Something's clearly wrong with her head with all this Shigaraki bullshit, so why are you feeding it?!" He whisper-shouted, sounding completely exasperated.
"Listen, boy...Think about (Y/N)'s quirk for a moment. Lengthy time spent in any form disrupts her true nature, replacing it with that of whatever creature she exceeded her limits with. In this case, it seemed to be some kind of dog, and dogs are typically very loyal animals, correct?" Compress explained, waiting for his companion to nod in understanding. "From my perspective, it seems as though the dear girl has become attached to Shigaraki, like a pet would a master. She seemed awfully concerned about his whereabouts, more so than her own lover's, and that hand he left..."
"I makes sense...but that's fucking messed up, man! You're saying he's playing with her head on purpose?!" Mustard hissed, flinching as the sleeping girl shifted. "Why do we have to lie to her? You heard just as well as I did...He said he was leaving that creepy fucking hand as a reminder, not as some disturbing way of saying thank you..."
Taking off his hat and placing it upon the dresser, Compress sighed, removing his mask and fiddling with it in his mismatched hands.
"I am well aware, Hisoka, and as much as I detest the act, we need to look at the bigger picture. (Y/N) isn't a real villain like we are. Not in any sense of the word, but with her abilities, being able to move about, undetected, she's a crucial member of the league. With this kind of loyalty, we won't have to be concerned about her double crossing us. You don't want to lose her, do you?"
Mustard was obviously distressed. His lip was almost splitting between his teeth as he turned to gaze upon the (H/C) haired girl, who finally looked at peace. He hated the situation more than he was able to comprehend. It wasn't fair.
"You know I don't...but..." He took a deep breath, shoulders shaking. "...she's gonna get hurt if it keeps up like this. She wouldn't stab us in the back as herself, and you can't argue with that, can you? She threw her entire life away just to save me...To be with Dabi...She actually saw us as people when nobody else would..."
The both of them were watching her now, looks of uncertainty and guilt etched across their faces.
"I know...I hate it just as much as you do. I may not be as close to her, but I care..." Mr. Compress said softly, flexing his mechanical hand, the minor squeak sounding incredibly loud amidst the silence. "Perhaps we could compromise with the boss's wishes..."
"How, though? We'd end up as dust bunnies..." Mustard groaned, slumping against the wall, right beside the black muck.
"All we need to do is keep her from reaching her utmost limit. Assist her in holding on to her real self until we succeed in our venture. I'm positive Dabi would also agree, though I do not think it wise to explain in such detail. We don't need any more death..."
"Easier said than done..." The young teen sighed, pulling himself away from the wall and padding over to (Y/N)'s side, a saddened look in his eyes as he watched her sleeping form. "I wish she'd just left me to rot...I wish she never met that stupid ashfuck...Someone as nice as her doesn't deserve any of this..."
Mr. Compress honestly did feel terrible, but he knew how to keep his emotions in check. It was a shitty situation, but moping over it wouldn't do anybody any good.
"You really love her, don't you, boy?" He chuckled, though it had no real amusement behind it. Mustard stiffened, quickly reaching up to rub the back of his neck, which had started to darken in colour.
"Well...y..yeah, but not like, kissy love! Like...she means a lot to me, y'know? She makes me wanna be a good person, not a villain..." He stammered, finally turning away from the girl in question.
"I understand." Mr. Compress nodded, placing a hand on his hip. "Enough of this depressing tripe. Are you going to assist me in cleaning up this mess, or what?" He motioned to the globs of black splattered across the wall and carpet.
"Uh...sorry, it's past my bedtime..."
***This didn't come out how I wanted, but I'm posting it anyway.
The newest bnha chapter threw me, man. Like, it picked me up, screwed me up in a ball, and yeeted me across the fucking room.
Next time: Lover, Master, Giant Disaster***
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