***(Y/N) POV***
When Dabi had joined us at Ujiko's lab, he stayed quiet. I didn't ask about what he had done once we had left, but not because I felt guilty. I was too preoccupied trying to make sure Mustard was alright. Thankfully he had built up a little resistance to his quirk, which just meant that be felt kind of sick for a while. Dabi had even been kind enough to stitch Mustard's brow, even though we had a literal doctor present. He just wouldn't come close enough to let us see his face.
Early the following day, he shooed us off, also giving Dabi his own communication device.
"Use this to keep in contact with that little hero you scouted. Remember, we have a deal in place." Ujiko said sternly, his lenses almost glowing in the dark. "I swear, you lot are so needy...Don't make a habit out of calling on me until you defeat Gigantomachia! He should be napping now, so make sure you're prepared for when he wakes up!"
We all hummed in agreement, standing close together across the room.
"Thanks for the help, I guess..." I mumbled, immediately beginning to hack up the black sludge. I'd gotten kind of used to it, but it didn't make it any less unpleasant. Once we had been transported, I made sure Mustard was steady on his feet before breaking away from the pair.
"Oi, where are you going?!" Dabi barked in frustration, starting to dash after me.
"Isn't it obvious?" Mustard sighed, lingering well behind. "Who has she been raving about lately?"
Father was clutched safely in my hand as I ran, locating the group of renegades quicker than I thought I would. Spinner was the first to notice me, perking up from his place on an awfully brittle looking tree limb.
"They're back!" He called out, alerting the others of our arrival. Of course, I wanted to greet each and every one of them, but none as much as Shigaraki, who was sitting alone by the small fire pit they had set up, kicking at the charred sticks and leaves in his personal glow amidst the dark.
The excitement that bubbled inside me was overwhelming, but I had no idea why I felt that way. Once I reached him, I began to run around in tight circles, a curled brindle tail appearing just to wag behind me at an ungodly speed. After a good six or so circulations, I skidded to a halt beside him, placing Father in his lap and leaning with my hands propped against his leg.
"Are you okay?! Have you made any progress?! Did you miss me?! I did a good job on my last mission, right?!"
Wow...I must look like a dog whose owner just got back from a month long vacation...
Shigaraki looked rather disgusted for a few moments, but his lips soon cracked into a smirk, and his hand came down upon my head, index finger lifted only an inch or so above my (H/C) hair as he ruffled it fondly.
"Good girl."
Holy shit holy shit holy shit I am I am I am such a GOOD FUCKING GIRL! I AM I AM HOLY SHIT!
As I basically vibrated under his touch, Dabi stood off to the side with an unreadable expression, fists balled tightly in the cross of his arms.
"(N/N), I knew you'd come back! Oi, Toga! I owe you a burger cuz the kid lived!" Twice yelled out from where he was lying in the dead leaves, flat on his back. He sounded exhausted, and everyone looked like they were ready to collapse. That answered one of my previous questions.
I should have brought them all supplies...
Both Dabi and Mustard were s warmed by the others, enduring a slow-paced fill in on what they had; or rather hadn't, accomplished during the time we had been away, but I remained glued to Shigaraki, who seemed to be content with petting my head. Even so, something didn't feel right with him.
"Hey, are you alright? You seem depressed." I asked softly, my chin now resting upon his knees. "You aren't hurt, are you? If that huge guy hurt you I'll rip him to pieces."
"Just thinking...Planning..." He assured shortly, staring into the burning embers of the fire pit. After studying him closer, I could see he wasn't in the best shape. Bruises and dirt marked his dry skin, and the bags beneath his eyes were much more prominent than they usually were, essentuated by the heated glow of the flames. I wanted to cheer him up. I felt like it was my duty.
"So...I can't go back to school anymore..." I confessed, shrinking down a little, looking away the moment his carnelian eyes flickered over to me. "I blew my cover while I was gone...b..but that just means I'll be here whenever you need me. I'm sorry I can't get any new information from UA..." His four fingers didn't cease to rub against my scalp, and he hummed to himself, taking in my words.
"That doesn't matter. Now that the symbol of peace is out of the way, there isn't all that much they can give us. It's all up to who can become or those pathetic heroes..."
Honestly, I could have listened to him go on and on about anything and never get tired of it. Even if I couldn't understand what came out of his mouth at times, it made me feel useful. Important. Why did I feel that way about him again?
"Tenderfoot, come 'ere." I lifted my head as Dabi called for me, hands wedged deep in his pockets. "If you're gonna do this with us, then you need to sleep. Come on."
I don't wanna...
"I'm gonna stay with Tomura for a bit. I'll be over later." I replied without much of a thought, unsure as to why Dabi's jaw tightened the way it did.
"Can't you see he's brooding? Leave him alone and come here." He sounded much firmer this time around, and my tail drooped. I was torn down the middle. Half of me wanted to go curl up next to Dabi, the other half wanted to stay as close as humanly possible to the boss.
"I'll send her away soon. I want A word with her, so beat it." Shigaraki didn't turn to address Dabi, but by the look on my boyfriend's face, he may as well have turned around and punched him square in the face. Agitated, the ravonet kicked at the ground, spinning on his heel and stalking off without another word. I felt sad watching him go, but my mind was quickly snapped back to attention as Shigaraki forcibly turned my head back to face him. "I want you to turn into a Corgi. A brown and white one."
That's a very specific request...
"Sure, whatever you want." I murmured, smiling as I happy did his bidding, soon sitting by his side in the form he desired. His expression softened into something I had never seen on the man, and I made room for him as he slid himself down from the log onto the earth next to me. Not once had I ever viewed him as a delicate man, but that was the only word to describe the way he lifted me into his lap, eight fingers combing through my fluff.
"Corgis are nice..." Shigaraki said quietly, his voice somehow becoming less grating. I relaxed in his lap, laying my chin upon my paws and enjoying the affection. It felt like I was doing my job, keeping my master comfortable, regaining energy before I put my life on the line to fight for him in the coming days. Something inside my mind was telling me my sentiments weren't normal, but I quickly disregarded that small voice.
This is what I'm meant to do. For once I'm actually useful. I'm good at this.
"Sleep, Mon-chan." Shigaraki whispered as he leaned back into the rotting log, the tip of his middle finger scratching behind my ear.
"...Tomorrow, you'll fight for me..."
***Sorry this chapter is a bit of a mess, and so short. I've been having chest pains for the past 2 days and I'm not feeling too great!
Thank you so so much for 4k followers, though! I love you guys ❤
Next time: An ultimatum***
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