FIFTY FIVE: Starve a Fever
"...Oh, and thin mints. I'd literally kill a whole entire orphan for thin mints..." Mustard chuckled, patting my hand as it rested against his chest, toying with the only remaining golden button on his uniform.
"As opposed to half an orphan..?" I snickered, trailing off into a sharp cough.
It was just like me to get sick after being out in the rain. It had happened a lot when I was a child, it had happened the day after I had first met Dabi, and it had happened this time, too. The weather was still temperamental, rain spitting down from the heavens and drumming steadily against our shitty, torn shelter, which was merely a bunch of leaves stitched together with vine, and the shredded remains of Mr. Compress' trench coat.
I could hear the rest of our motley crew engaging Gigantomachia in the distance, and I felt useless. From the moment the beast had woken up, it had just been myself and Mustard, as I had already begun showing signs of illness. How somebody could go so long without a break was beyond me.
"Think you can stomach something now? You really should eat, (N/N)." The boy shifted, turning his head and gazing at me through the red lenses of his mask, which I had insisted he keep on, just in case I was contagious.
"Feed a cold, starve a fever, Hiso..." I reminded him, butting my head weakly into his shoulder. It was a blessing that my nose hadn't become a waterfall of snot, but everything else had hit me like a bus. Burning throat, aching body, and apparently a fever, though all I could feel was the icy cold chill around us.
"Maybe we could call the doctor and get you some medicine once the others get back..?" He thought out loud, using his wrist; exposed by a large tear in his sleeve, to feel my forehead. "You're burning up..." The sweet young thing had been fussing over me nonstop, and I was honestly glad I had him with me. Of course, I missed Dabi and Shigaraki terribly, but having my not-son by my side made me able to cope.
Shaking my head, I closed my eyes, squishing closer against his side and willing myself not to cough like I desperately needed to.
"He's not on our side until we beat the brute...I'll be fine..." I said surely, using my hand to press down against his chest a little. "You're gaining muscle fast...Maybe you'll finally be able to beat one of the boys in an arm wrestle..."
"Hah, maybe..." Mustard replied, though he didn't sound all that amused. "Hey, can I say something? You may not like it..." Humming, I nodded slowly, letting him know he had my attention. "I think you should stop using your quirk for a while. I mean, I know you want to help us, but you've gotten...kinda mean..? N..not like, mean to us! You're always super great to me! It's're different now, and some of us miss the old you..."
I know...I do too...but I was so annoying...and I just can't help this...
I went to speak, but a catch in my throat sent me into a coughing fit, my body tensing and curling in on itself as Mustard sat up in a hurry, reaching over to rub my back.
"You gotta stop talking...We can talk about this all later, okay? I just want you to get well again..." He said sadly, pulling his feet in a little, as they had been outstretched and being drenched by the rain. He really was growing up fast.
"O..okay..." I wheezed out, blinking away the tears that had been brought on by my fit.
Instead of laying back down, Mustard popped the lone button of his gakuren, shrugging it off and draping it over me like a blanket, leaving him in only his long-sleeved undershirt.
"They shouldn't be too much longer. Just hang tight, okay? Dabi will hopefully scare the sick away..." Lazily, I reached out and slipped my hand into his, squeezing weakly.
"I love you, little bro...Thanks for taking care of me..."
The boy didn't say anything for a few moments, but soon his hand tightened around mine, and his other moved across to sandwich it.
"I love you too, sis...Is there anything I can do to help you feel better? Water or something?" My brain was hazy, and I was trying to think of something that would cheer me up.
"Could you sing me something? Music always cheers me up..."
"Oh fuck, um, okay..? I can try..?"
Several encores of 'Mambo No. 5' later, the chaotic sounds from afar ceased, and not long after our companions began to file into camp one by one.
They were all in horrible condition, soaked to the core and hobbling to their designated resting places with barely a sentence said between them. I was barely even able to open my eyes when Dabi approached the shelter, kneeling down and pressing the back of his hand against my forehead, the chill of his staples making me shiver.
"How long has her fever been up?" He asked Mustard, for once without any aggression in his tone.
"Uh, it's been like this for about three hours, now. I did try to cool her down, but she said she's freezing...I don't know anything about medical stuff..." The boy responded, sounding guilty that he hadn't been able to do more.
Dabi sighed and slid his hand down to rub my shoulder, and I rolled a little to lean and kiss his knuckles in a pathetic display of affection.
"You're warm...Be my heater..." I pleaded, but his touch quickly left me.
"Believe me, Tenderfoot, I would if you weren't burning up. It'd just make things worse. You really need to see a doctor..."
I don't wanna...
"Moringa." The boys turned to face Shigaraki, who had slinked over from his usual place of solitude.
"The fuck is Moringa?" Dabi stood up, stepping between me and our head honcho, though I still became hyper aware of his rough voice.
"It's a herb. Kurogiri used to give it to me when I got sick. You need to go and test that new Nomu for Ujiko, right? Tell him we need it for an emergency."
I tried sitting up to look at them, but Mustard gently pushed me back down again, keeping his gloved hand hovering over my form in case I tried to move again.
"I'm not leaving until she's better." Dabi insisted, turning his head to look down at my pitiful state. "You can call him for that herbal shit, but the stupid Nomu can wait."
Stay with me...
"You know that isn't an option. Ujiko is a tit for tat kind of guy. No test, no medicine, and with no medicine, she might not last another twenty four hours. Do you care that little for your lover, Dabi..?" For a few moments I felt a brilliant burst of warmth, but it quickly disappeared, being taken over by the chill once more.
"Fine. I get it..." Dabi growled, turning back to me and lowering himself to the ground by my side as he pulled out the burner phone. "Hey, I have to go away for a little longer, but I'll get you something that'll help, alright? Promise to hurry up and get better."
Moving faster than I had since falling ill, I whipped around and grabbed hold of his arm, squashing my face into the crook of his inner elbow.
"Stay...I'll get better if you stay..." I whimpered, unable to fight to maintain my grip as he pulled his arm from me. Leaning in, he gave me a chaste kiss on the forehead, the warmth of his lips sending a pang of pain through my head despite how sweet it was.
"Don't be stupid. Your brat will be right here with you the whole time..." Dabi glanced over to the almost fourteen year old for confirmation, and Mustard nodded in agreement. "It'll only be a few days. You won't even know I'm gone." When he tore away from me I whined in complaint, which sent me into yet another hacking fit. Before stepping back, he shrugged off his coat, dropping it beside me without saying anything. Whilst Mustard tried to help me out, I missed the brief exchange of words between Shigaraki and Dabi before the latter walked away.
I wasn't sure how much time passed, but eventually Twice limped over, holding up a small bottle as he rubbed at his crotch.
"Yo, this splurted out on my nuts when I was tryna nap! You've got mail, boss!" Shigaraki snatched it from the man, who quickly retreated back to wherever he had been resting, and approached us. Mustard immediately shifted close to my side.
"T..tell me how to give it to her and you can go." He was really trying his hardest to sound threatening, but he wasn't quite getting there.
"I can handle it. From now until she's recovered we will take it in shifts. Even you can't fall behind the rest of us, so you need to pull your weight, brat." Shigaraki said flatly, scratching just below his chin. "Go away and sleep." I could feel the waves of skepticism flowing out of Mustard as he sat there silently, mulling it over carefully in his head. When he finally turned to me, I nodded, making his mind up for him.
"You need sleep..."
After a bit of fumbling, Mustard pulled his helmet off, and I could see just how exhausted he was. His ashy hair was greasy and flat, and the bags under his eyes made him look like he was about to scamper off and join the black parade.
"If you need me...I'll be right over...okay..?" Slipping off his periwinkle gloves, the boy took my hands, slipping them on and rubbing my palms a little. They were warm, and I focused on that instead of the awful chill clinging to the rest of my body.
Shigaraki gave it a few moments after the boy walked off, but eventually he came over to me, sitting down by my side and giving the small bottle a bit of a shake.
"Open your mouth." He ordered, and I did what I was told, watching him closely as he filled the pipette cap with the oily lookong substance. The second the moringa oil hit my tongue I gagged, beginning to cough as the bitter taste assaulted me.
I'd rather just tough this out than do that again..!
"Sorry. It doesn't have a great taste." The pale man mumbled, reaching over me to grab Dabi's jacket and standing again, spreading it out across the ground where he had just been. He then proceeded to lay down, this time taking careful hold of my arms and dragging me so I was lying along his body, head tucked into the crook of his shoulder.
"The least you could do is warm me up with that fever of yours..." He muttered quietly, the muscle in my chest being sent into overdrive against my will. "I have a job for you once we show Gigantomachia that we are worthy, so you need to get better." He wasn't exactly warm. Honestly, his clothing was a little damp, and smelled like sweat and mud, but I couldn't have been bothered by it even if I had tried.
"H..hey...why do you sometimes call me Mon-chan..?" I rasped out my question, dragging my gloved hand up so it sat close to his shoulder. As I waited for his answer the rain began to bucket down, the roof of our makeshift shelter dripping and buckling.
"The name seems familiar, that's all. No idea why." His chin kind of tapped against my forehead as he spoke, but I didn't mind. "I suppose it suits, because you've become familiar, too."
Despite my exhaustion, my quirk acted on its own accord, a matching set of ears and tail forming. The little corgi puff above my rear began to wiggle and wag happily, even though I was beginning to feel unsure.
"Dabi...wouldn't like seeing us like this..." I murmured, yet I made no move to pull away. Just like Mustard, he had gained a fair amount of muscle compared to how bony and gaunt he had been originally. He was incredibly comfortable.
"All I'm doing is looking after you, as promised. You're all over the gas leak every day, so how is this any different?" Shigaraki reasoned, and I felt my mind try to tweak into my previous mindset.
"He's...a little're..." I cut myself off, knowing that if I said anything more my throat would try to tear itself apart again. Scoffing, the man beneath me reached up and scratched at his ear, glancing at me out of the corner of his vibrant, carnelian eye.
"Putting the vanguard aftermath aside, have I ever touched you without permission? Inappropriately?"
"Okay, scratch that...I promise that I will no longer do anything like that again. Ever. If I make you physically uncomfortable, tell me and I'll stop. Fair?" This was wildly out of character for him, but it was a welcomed change. I felt my nubby tail wag harder, and I nodded into his side.
"Yeah..." I was vaguely aware of his hands as they hovered over my back, and I was at war with myself about whether I wanted to be held or not. My quirk-warped brain was definitely winning.
"Does this make you physically uncomfortable, then?" Shigaraki almost sounded...nervous? That couldn't have been right.
"No...I don't think so..." I didn't even think about it, closing my hazy (E/C) eyes and cautiously clearing my throat so I wouldn't cough up a lung.
"Good, so no more talking. You sound gross..." The man mumbled, still not lowering his hands.
Sorry, Touya...but this is harmless...I told you, I love Tomura in an entirely different way...
Even as icy droplets leaked through the woven roof, I felt comfortable. Sleep was slowly creeping up on me, and I was more than happy to welcome it with open arms. A relaxed, albeit crackly sigh passed my lips as Shigaraki finally allowed his hands to rest upon my back, save for a finger on each. I wasn't oblivious to the way his heartbeat sped up, but I was far too weak and tired to care.
" this is what it feels like..."
***Before people get all up on me with the 'seriously? Another guy?' stuff, I'm just gonna say that I know where I'm going with all of this. Things shall be cleared up about certain characters in upcoming chapters.
Also sorry, I was going to add a really fluffy, sappy schpeal for Tomura, but I'm absolutely wrecked. My liver disease has started kicking my ass again, so I'm out of sorts.
Next Time: Scrub-a-dub-dub***
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