FIFTY EIGHT: Resistance
"Ugh, I'm so sore!" Spinner whined and rubbed at his lower back, his scaly face twisted up in pain. I definitely sympathised with the lizard, as I was in the same boat. We all were, really.
"At least I'm all warm, now!" Toga chirped, albeit tiredly, snuggling into the collar of her new duffel coat.
We had been receiving the bare minimum from the Doctor, and with her share, she had bought it for herself. The rest of us, however, hadn't even bothered to spend our shares. We were much too preoccupied.
"Didn't you join the league because of Stain?" Spinner and the giggly teen began to converse, but I vagued out, leaning into Dabi's side as we trudged back to camp in the cold.
"You're burning up..." I pointed out quietly, concerned about the stinging sensation that irritated my skin, thanks to his.
"Just my quirk. You know that." He replied with a yawn, leaving it at that. Not convinced, but too tired to argue, I just stayed quiet. At least, I did until I felt a tug on my sleeve from behind.
Turning around, I quickly perked up once I realised it was Shigaraki, still tattered and bloody from the fight we had just paused for the umpteenth time.
"I have a job for you, if you're up for it." He spoke in such a hoarse voice, it worried me.
"Oh? Sure, what do you ne-"
"She's not." Dabi interjected with a sneer, leering at our leader despite me giving him the stink eye.
Ignoring my boyfriend, Shigaraki continued, shuffling his feet against the damp, frosty ground.
"We're running low on food supplies again. Ujiko has a small outpost set up for us on the edge of the woods, so I would like you to go and purchase us some rations, if you're able." He explained his request, eyes hidden by his much longer, rattier hair. "You're much faster than the rest of us, thanks to your quirk. You can sit out for as long as you want once you return."
He's actually kind of asking instead of ordering? Ah, he's growing up! I'd do it either way, but this is so great!
"Sure thing! I'll head off now, so I'll be back before the big bastard wakes up again!" I smiled, accepting the offer as I tried to ignore Dabi jabbing my side with his elbow.
"Thanks. Just use my credit. I don't need it." It was still such a strange, fulfilling feeling whenever Shigaraki patted me on the head, but I had learnt not to question it. Dabi's low growl was a bit of a bitter addition, but I was glad he had chosen to wait for Shigaraki to leave before voicing his complaints.
"You're fucking exhausted, idiot. Sleep first, then go, if you really have to. Don't just do what he says because you're his creepy little puppy dog pal.. " Dabi tried to pull me further along the path, but I stood my ground, digging my heels into the dirt.
"This is important, Tou. It's not gonna be like last time! I'll be back before you know it, and I'll make sure to give you extra kisses if you're gonna miss me that much." I teased, knowing it would rub him the wrong way. His masculinity was definitely one of his weak points.
Gritting his teeth, he released me, only to yank me back into a tight embrace, his chin digging into the top of my head.
"Fine, but make it quick. I'll hold down the fort while you're gone." Snorting, I nuzzled into his chest, the blazing heat having already dulled down to a calming warmth.
"Kind of a bold move to say that when you're sucking more than Hisoka lately."
I laughed out loud as he squeezed me much tighter in retaliation, but I knew it was all in good fun. He knew I hadn't been completely serious. Sure, he hadn't been on his best game in the recent weeks, but none of us had been.
"Go on, then. I'll make sure I'm warm for you when you come back to me."
My heart just created a fresh dubstep beat ahhhh!
After that, I didn't hesitate. I was off like a rocket, using the form of a Pronghorn to make my trip a little quicker. Some of the bodies I had been using in the recent weeks felt so strange, simply as I had never tried them before. This one was no exception. Being in the form of a herbivore was also helping me to regain my real sense of self, soothing the effects of aggression and predatory nature that had became somewhat permanent.
After about an hour of weaving through trees, jumping streams and nearly trampling a hare, I made it to the 'outpost', which was nothing more than a small box, which housed a single button. When pressed, Ujiko would send supplies. Easy peasy.
At least it would have been if there hadn't been somebody standing in my way.
There was no mistaking it. Shigaraki Tomura was standing before me, but there was something different. He was clean, and looked to be well rested. Confused, I returned to my human form, tilting my head but staying put.
"Hey, how'd you get here so fast? Are you even-"
"Come." I wasn't sure why I did what he told me, but my legs moved on their own, carrying me towards the man who sure looked like my master. The closer I got, the more I realised just how wrong it was. There was no way it could be him. That hadn't even been his voice.
"You aren't Tomura..." I felt my non-existent hackles begin to rise as the Not-Shigaraki began to walk closer to meet me in the middle, face blank. His eyes were almost hollow, sunken pits, and my fear spiked.
"You're going to come with me." Between my hero and vilkain experiences, I knew I had two options at that point. One, I could stay put and do what I was told to avoid conflict, or two, I could make a break for it. The latter wasn't a good idea, seeing as I had no idea what sort of quirk was in play, and trying to fight was just stupid.
"F..fine...but tell me who you are...I'm well aware of the risks of talking to strangers..."
Hero? Villain?
"You're already annoying me." Casting my gaze higher, I locked onto a dark silhouette in the branches of a nearby tree, dropping down to the ground with ease. If I had thought Dabi was lanky, then this guy was just straight up cooked spaghetti. Eyes hidden behind long, straight black hair, he pocketed his hands, not moving any closer than necessary. "You can't run from us. Just come along quietly."
Villain. Definitely villain.
The way my (E/C) eyes quickly darted to the side, over to the tree line, didn't go unnoticed, and the man clicked his tongue.
"I wouldn't. We know the exact location of your little league. If my calculations are correct, obtaining you will get things going much faster." What happened next really sent me into disarray. The Shigaraki grabbed me by the wrist.
With all five fingers.
My skin didn't fester and decay. Nothing about his usually deathly grip hurt in any way, shape or form, but my body seized at the memory of how it was supposed to feel. I knew I didn't have a choice. God only knew what would have happened if I had fled. Chewing the inside of my cheek, I walked along behind the thing that resembled my leader, silently praying that Dabi had somehow managed to follow me, like the idiot I was.
"Where are you taking me..?" I managed to ask, only after the large, shining helicopter came into view.
"Are all of you this stupid?" Lanky man snipped back, halting at the open side of the machine. I was starting to get pissed off, and so was he, but I wasn't going to completely roll over with my tail between my legs, literally or figuratively.
"It's only fair. You tell me where we're going, otherwise my feet stay on the ground. Tit for tat."
He was glaring at me through those black-out bangs of his, I could tell, especially by the way his lip curled back.
"It's apparent that you aren't going to shut up. That's fine. Bringing you in conscious was never explicitly stated." When his fingers moved towards his ear, I got ready to defend myself, but I didn't realise it wasn't him I should have been watching until it was too late.
"Where is she? Gigantomachia's gonna wake up any minute..." Mustard stared off into the hazy afternoon glow, the light reflecting from his red lenses.
"She's one of those chicks who likes to stop 'n smell the flowers, isn't she? Probably on her way back." Spinner suggested, but was silenced by a sharp whack to the side of the head.
"No, she isn't like that when it comes to jobs like this." Dabi growled, his entire body tense from head to toe. "I'm gonna go look for her." The ravonet began to walk off, shoulders hunched, but before he could even make it past the first cluster of trees, a ringtone blared to life.
"Huh? The fuck?" Twice fumbled around for a moment before pulling out his phone. "Oh, it's Giran! Hi, Giran! Why didn't you pick up any of Mister's calls?! His arm be actin' real stupid-like!" They all waited for that rough, amused voice to reply, but that wasn't what they got.
"Ah, that's entirely our fault! He's not to blame. This is the League of Villains' Twice, Bubaigawara Jin, right?"
Everyone froze solid. It was apparent that something was incredibly wrong.
"New phone who dis?" Twice responded casually. "Where's Giran?!"
"Are you guys in a position where you can check the news right now? I'd like for you to all take a look!"
In a flash, Mr. Compress had snatched the phone from Twice's hands, tapping away with his one hand until a news bulliten appeared.
"Breaking news...An update to yesterday's story. Another finger has been discovered..." He read out loud, sending another wave of dread through the lot of us.
"F..finger?!" Spinner blanched, taking a step backwards.
As they read on, they realised there was a pattern. Everywhere that the League had been, a finger had been found, pointing. Accussing.
"Allow me to introduce myself, League of Villains! I am the supreme leader of the Special Abilities Liberation Army, Re-Destro!"
The phone again returned to Twice's clutches, and he shook it violently as though the Re-Destro guy was right in front of him.
"You sound lovely! What have you done with Giran?! What's your objective?! That guy's a really good guy, ya know!" He spat, the area around the mouth of his mask becoming damp with spittle.
"Oh, he's right here, and still alive, of course! My objective is the liberation of special abilities. To create a world where humans can be humans, and can unleash one hundred percent of their power. To redefine the boundaries that have governed us to this day.
The League began to mutter amongst themselves, but Shigaraki took to the stand, his nose scrunched up in disgust.
"Release broker and call back later. I'm busy right now. I'll lend your little revolutionary group an ear when I'm done here." They all thought that the mysterious, distorted man on the other end of the line would listen, but of course, they were sorely mistaken.
"In that case, hear me out while you're still on your break. First of all, I'm not letting him go. He's a hostage, after all! I've heard you guys have a pretty tight connection!"
He rattled on about Giran's resolve and dedication, and all the while both Dabi and Shigaraki shared a long look, conversing using nothing but their narrowed eyes. They were definitely worried about something a little more than just Giran.
"We finally managed to reconstruct the data that he had destroyed. Such fruitless resistance is worthy of praise! We, the soldiers of the Liberation Army, have long been preparing for the coming days, over many generations! We've waited for so long, spreading our roots and making preparations! And now, we have the one hundred and sixteen thousand five hundred and sixteen soldiers of the Liberation Army hidden throughout society, ready to strike at any given moment! Little revolutionary group? Give me a break. Self depreciating jokes aren't very funny, League of Villains."
Everybody was drowning in discomfort, silently fretting over the greatest threat they had faced.
"They've gotta be bluffing..." Spinner murmured, only just loud enough for all to hear.
"Niigata is pretty deep in the mountains, isn't it?! My, you all really went off the grid! We know exactly where you are all standing, at this very moment, thanks to our satellites! Actually, we already paid a little visit to your neck of the woods! Caught ourselves an adorable little addition to the hostage situation! By the looks of those scars on her body, maybe this was a rescue instead of a kidnapping!"
A wild heat blasted through the chill of the forest as Dabi lunged for the phone, teeth bared and gnashing.
"If you so much as fucking breathe on her I will tear you all to pieces, y'hear me?!" He snarled, though he already knew she had been touched. They wouldn't have known about the scarring if she hadn't been.
"Oh, I assure you, she's perfectly fine! Perhaps a little concussed, but other than that she's safe and sound! At least she will be, as long as you all follow my orders! One word from us, and we could have your band of merry men surrounded by every pro hero imaginable!"
Shigaraki had joined Dabi by the phone, one hand flexing by his side as the other raked unforgivingly down the side of his neck.
"Sure is kind of you to give us a warning. What do y'all want, bastards?" He growled, low and agitated, setting the mood in stone for his group.
"No one other than Destro is worthy of becoming the icon of liberation. You all have simply become too popular! So, fall at our hands, and light the beacon of the Liberation Army's resurrection. Those fingers are our pledge. No need for any kind of bothersome negotiation. Let us fight. Liberate your abilities! You'd do well to come immediately to Daika City in Aichi! If you come, we will release Giran and your little pet, then you'll have a choiceto make! Either fight with us, and fall at our hands...or fall at the hands of the heroes! What will you choose, Shigaraki Tomura?!"
***I hate doing word for word recounts of the manga, but hey, sometimes it just has to be done.
Skeptic is the embodiment of a Gorillaz music video, fight me.
Next Time: Excuse me, sir...your nose nearly poked my eye out!***
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