EIGHTEEN: This Is Happening
(This chapter is dedicated to UnicornBeau - she drew the most BEAUTIFUL comic sequence for the last chapter and y'all better go check out that flawless art book of hers!)
It had been an entire day since I had left (Y/N); alone in her bed, fast asleep. It also meant that for twenty four hours, she had been the only thing on my mind. The way her face lit up when I accepted her relationship proposal...The soft snoring when she fell asleep on my lap...The way her eyes widened with fear when I had first approached her that day...
She...thought I was gonna...hit her...
Memories of my childhood began to slither in between the cracks of my walls; dark, twisted sights that I had forced myself to throw into the emotional cellar. My brute of a father with his hand raised towards my mother; such a fragile woman, who often shouldered the blame for things that were entirely my fault. I wasn't strong enough. I wasn't smart enough. I wasn't...
I wasn't like him...
"Fuuuuuuuuuck!" I groaned loudly; smashing my face into the counter of the bar with a heavy thud.
"Okay, honeybunch, tell me what's up." Magne sighed dramatically; swivelling in her stool to face me. I didn't want to discuss anything with her; I barely knew her, and she was merely cannon fodder, as the handman had said.
"I scared her...not that it's any of your business..." I muttered into the counter; the overpolished surface making me grimace.
"By her, I assume you mean little miss (Y/N)? Come on, honey...tell Mama Magne what happened." Her voice was oddly welcoming, and before I knew it, I was spilling my guts.
"I was lurking around her place, as usual...and then she comes home with this...this fucking red headed prick! He was gonna fucking kiss her! I got pissed and nearly burnt the bathroom out...then, after he left...when I walked towards her...she..." My words withered away as I recalled her terrified expression, and I lifted my head to stare at the array of spirits along the far wall. "She's the only person I don't want to be scared of me..."
Nobody else's opinion matters...
Taking a long sip of whatever fruity, revoltingly sweet cocktail she had made for herself, Magne crossed her legs and leaned over.
"We're villains, honey. This girl is still getting used to that. Be patient and I'm positive she'll realise you wouldn't hurt her..."
"Intentionally..." I added solemnly; throat feeling tight at the mere thought.
"It would help if you were a little gentler with her, too! You're so snarky, and it's a major turn-off..." Magne continued; scrunching her nose. "A compliment and a soft touch can go a long way."
A compliment..? Ew...
I slumped back down onto the bar, but I kept my face towards her.
"She doesn't want me to kill the red head..." I said bitterly; my fists absently closing in on themselves. "...but I can't trust myself not to do that when push comes to shove..." The woman laughed, and my god, did it grate at my patience.
"Kill whoever you wanna kill, babe...Just know that it'll probably hurt her the most if you target her friends..." I knew she was right, but I couldn't stop myself from thinking about it. Red hair and pointed teeth, turning to ashes within my wildfire. It was exhilarating.
"Yeah...I know..." I mumbled as I stretched out my arms; the satisfying click of my shoulders popping making my comrade irk. "Anyway, I gotta go sort out some more shit...Tell anyone about this little talk and you'll be balder than a baby's ass." She chuckled lightly; waving him off over her shoulder.
"These lips are sealed."
*Day of the Assault*
*(Y/N) POV*
All I could do was stare at the swirling vortex in front of me; right in the center of my bedroom. My fingers curled around the strap of my backpack as Toga poked her head out and beamed with pointed teeth.
"C'mon, (N/N)! Hurry it up!" Her petite hand reached out and grabbed the front of my shirt; yanking me into the abyss, which led to the bar. I didn't even look up when I quietly thanked Kurogiri for collecting me, and I was led over to the bar stools by an excited, babbling Toga.
"I'm so so so soooooo happy you're gonna come play with us!" she squeezed my arm against her chest, and I faked a kind smile.
"Y..yeah..." I finally forced my eyes from the floor and they settled upon the ravonette I adored. I couldn't help but bite my lip at his new costume. A long, black coat flowed down to his knees; torn at the ends, and thick, steel cuffs sat over his biceps.
Oh no...he's hot...hotter!
"Now that we're all present and accounted for...Off with you. I want that boy...and I want blood..." Shigaraki spoke up in his raspy voice; barely muffled by the severed hand gripping his face.
"I shall transport you all to the coordinates we received, and from there, you shall commence the operation. I wish you all the best of luck. Do not let us down." Kurogiri said flatly before a portal opened by the far wall. Thankfully, Toga released me and quite literally cartwheeled through the mist, followed by the others.
I don't want to be here...I can't...hurt anybody...
"Come on..." I flinched as Dabi spoke; now from right behind me as he ushered me forward into the warp gate.
"Hey, Brat..." Shigaraki called out; making me turn my head to meet carnelian eyes. "...don't fuck this up..." The warm air that suddenly hit my skin contradicted the icy chill that ran down my spine. We had ended up in a rural area; at the foot of some cliff in the middle of nowhere.
"Ah, fresh country air! I miss the smog!" Twice announced loudly; puffing his chest out and taking and inhaling. Cicadas were a calming white noise, but I was shivering in fear. It was becoming all too real, and I didn't know how to cope.
"Head up to the top. I'll be there shortly." Dabi ordered; his voice commanding and fierce. Surprisingly, nobody complained, or even uttered a word as they began to trudge up the slope. There was hardly a sliver of their rowdy nature to be seen, and that made my chest seize.
This is real...
Dabi turned to me and approached; his hand reaching out before it stopped dead. It just hovered in the air; his fingers twitching ever so slightly a few inches from my face. It was like he was hesitating, and it didn't take me long to realise why. He didn't want me to think he was going to hurt me...
"Dabi..." I whispered his name as I stepped forward into his hand; allowing his fingers to curl into my mess of (H/C) and bring me into his chest. I felt safer there.
"I have an idea...so you won't have to kill...and nobody will realise who you are..." He said quietly; his free hand rustling in his pocket before he pulled out a small case. "Contacts...to hide your obvious as fuck eye colour...and I'll station you with the little shit...Nobody should even get near him with his quirk..."
"But...wouldn't it effect me..? I..it's sleep gas...isn't it..?" I asked in a pathetic voice; my scepticism growing by the second.
"The Houdini fucker actually figured that out for us...A small device that'll pump oxygen straight to your blood, or some shit...so you won't even have to breathe..." He replied with a sigh; his arms curling around me and squeezing tight.
You're...really trying to protect me...aren't you..?
"I..I'm sorry I'm s..so much trouble..." I whimpered; nuzzling into his chest as I clung to the ebony coat.
"Shut up...I'm sorry for this. Besides...you're...being...brave...I guess..." He muttered sourly, but that tone wasn't directed at me. He pulled back and peered down at me with a slight frown; a hand moving to his mouth, where he pressed a long, gentle kiss. Those exact fingers were soon pressed to my own lips; his ocean gaze never leaving mine for a second. My eyes widened, and the blaze that once lingered at the nape of my neck quickly overtook my entire face. "I..if you apologise one more time...y..you'll end up looking worse than me...g..got it, Tenderfoot?" He stuttered through his deep growl before pulling his fingers away, but his other arm was still around me.
"Yooooooo! Shotgun Maid of Honour! It's best man, you fucking idiot!" We leapt apart at the mismatched sound of Twice's voices, and saw the strange little man jogging on the spot half way up the slope. "Hurry it up! Take your time!" Dabi gave me one final glance before coughing into the crook of his arm; starting to walk towards his...or, rather, our, comrades.
"C..come on...Move your ass..." He mumbled before leaving me staring after him.
I...I can do this...For Dabi...I can get through this without hurting anyone...I...I hope...
***Shorter chapter, sorry! I was kind of at a loss, plus I'm procrastinating so I don't have to try to work on my other stories xD***
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