EIGHT: Earning Trust
“Tonight...you're in my world…” His suggestive purring made my skin tingle, and I didn't know why. I wanted to pin it on fear, but that definitely wasn't it.
“B..but...I don't wanna be a cat all night…” I complained; turning my head away so I wasn't so close.
“Not even for a saucer of whiskey?” He asked in an attempt to persuade me. I frowned and turned my head even more; craning my neck as far away as possible.
“I'm an innocent student!” I pointed out; momentarily shocked that he'd suggest giving me alcohol.
Oh, wait...he's a villain...rules don't apply…
“Yet, here you are...red faced and trembling under a man five years your senior…” He sighed in amusement; a roguish glint in his eye as he licked his discolored lips. “...Not exactly innocent…” I shifted my gaze and blinked at him owlishly; pursing my lips as I studied his face up close.
“But...you're Dabi?” His brow furrowed slightly at my words.
“And?” He leant in a little closer; our noses very nearly touching.
“Well...if it's you, it's okay...right?” I sounded unsure, but it felt like the truth to me. There it was again; that faint tint of red upon his unmarred skin as he pulled back, averting his eyes and coughing loudly.
“You...really are a grade A idiot…” He muttered; sweeping his unruly hair back.
He's kinda cute when he goes all shy…
“Hey, Dabi..?” I sat up on my knees and scratched my chin. “Can I ask you something super duper important?” He turned back around and stretched; rubbing his injured side.
“Is it really important?”
“Yep. It's like, crazy important.” I nodded once; a serious expression creasing my face.
“What is it?” I clenched my fists over my knees and took a deep breath.
“When’s dinner?”
“.....How the fuck did you survive infancy?”
“Parental dependency and sheer luck.”
After a full hour of grinding Dabi’s patience down to a nub, I finally convinced him to bring me back out to the bar. I padded along happily behind him as he grumbled his usual cusses, and I made sure to keep a sharp eye out for the cat-eyed girl so I wouldn't end up crushed in another surprise embrace.
“You could always try to catch a rat or something? I'm sure there's plenty scurrying around...” The ravonette chuckled dryly, and I snorted in response; tail twitching.
Rats don't suit my tastes...believe me, I've tried…
When we entered the bar, the mood was unsettling. All eyes were on us as we walked inside. All eyes were on me.
“Good evening, Mr. Dabi...and…” Kurogiri gave me a funny look; as far as I could tell from his featureless face, before he turned back to Shigaraki. That man was burning holes through my form, even with that creepy hand covering his eyes, and I didn't like it one bit.
“Why the stink eye, Crusty?” Dabi asked rudely; seating himself on a stool beside some guy in what I could only describe as a conservative gimp suit.
“Kitty kitty! I hate cats, ugh!” He said in two different tones; picking me up and sitting me in his lap.
Um...okie dokie?
“That...Fleabag…” Shigaraki started; tapping a solitary finger against the bar top. “...where did you get it again?”
“Found her as a kitten...been with me ever since…” Dabi’s eyes narrowed; looking sceptical at the question.
“Pussycat pussycat, I love you! Fuck you!” The covered man stroked my fur gently before flicking me in the ear; making me grunt and retreat back to Dabi.
“I see...are you sure about that?” The head of the league was leering at me now, and an icy chill bled through my veins; causing my fur to stand on end.
Say yes and get me the uppity out of here! Please!
“Surer than you are ugly.”
Oh my gosh, we're going to die!
I pressed myself as far back into Dabi as I could; waiting for Shigaraki to speak again. The tension was so thick that it could have been carved with a knife, and I wanted to get as far away as possible.
“I'll pretend I didn't hear that...anyway...that's kind of funny...Master seems to think that your little...pet...there, is named (L/N) (F/N)...a third year student at UA…” Dabi and I tensed at the exact same moment, and I felt his arm wrap around my feline form; almost protectively.
"Well, your master must be a real fucking idiot, then..." Dabi said flatly as he nudged me off to the floor; his eyes flicking back and forth from me to the open door.
He wants me to run...
My four legs moved before my mind caught up, and just as I laid eyes on my escape route, everything turned black for a moment. When I managed to blink, I was face to face with Shigaraki; standing on his lap.
Oh dear oh no oh god oh fuuuuuuuu....dge!
He picked me up by the scruff; a single finger hovering over my furred skin, and held me out to the side.
"You have until the count of three to show yourself, or you're dead." I kept my (E/C) eyes on Dabi, who had his fists clenched and steaming by his sides; already out of his chair. His face was the only stoic part about him in this moment.
What do I do?!
Stuff it! Nine lives or not, I'm not risking it!
Just as Shigaraki began on the third count, I morphed back into myself. I managed to wriggle my way out of his grip, and I stumbled backwards until my back hit the wall.
"Pretty girl!" The strange man from earlier jumped up before smacking himself across the face. "Intruder!"
"We obviously need to review our security measures..." Kurogiri hummed; finally placing down the tankard he was polishing.
"So...why did you come here, hmm? A spy? Or, perhaps you want to join my organisation?" Shigaraki approached me; his fingers twitching by his sides, and I shrunk back into my wall.
Now I know why Tamaki does this so often!
"N..no! I..I asked D..Dabi to bring me! I was just curious! I..it got out of hand! Uh...I mean...not hand...uh...you...like...hands?"
Nice one, (Y/N)...make the murderous villain think you're a joke!
"Stupid brat..." I squeezed my eyes shut as his hand flew towards my face, but nothing happened. After a few moments, I reopened my eyes and realised that, not one, but two portals had been opened; courtesy of Kurogiri. One stopped Shigaraki's hand, and the other was engulfing Dabi's, who was no doubt about to strike.
"Shigaraki Tomura...don't jump to such violence so suddenly." He tutted; releasing both men from his quirk and making his way around the bar to reach a misty hand out to me. "Ms. (L/N)...may I ask you a few questions?" I stared into his glowing topaz eyes as I nodded; gingerly accepting his hand and letting him lead me back over to take a seat. Dabi quickly took the stool to my right, and the weird guy was to my left.
"I'm Twice! Hope I get to kill ya! Nice to meet you!" I blinked owlishly as I scooted my stool closer to Dabi's.
"Ms. (L/N)...you do realise that you've gotten yourself into quite a predicament, yes? What is your relationship with Dabi, here?" Kurogiri's voice was calm, and somewhat soothing. He seemed to want to avoid killing me, which I was thankful for, but I was still terrified beyond belief.
"I...uh...I'd like to think...that...Dabi and I are...friends..?" I have the patchwork man a quick side glance, but he showed no signs of wanting to help me out. His only action was keeping his knee pressed to the side of mine under the counter.
"I see. Now, what about your affiliation? From what I know, you work with the pro hero Fatgum, correct?"
How did they find this out so quickly?!
"Y..yes...I do..." I murmured, before waving my arms around defensively. "B..but I have no intention of catting...I mean...ratting you guys out! I owe Dabi my life! Y..you can trust me!"
"Your life? You saved a hero?" Shigaraki butted in; sounding absolutely disgusted. Dabi heaved a sigh and gave me a short glare before stretching his arms above his head.
"I owed her a favour from way back. I've been taking advantage of her hospitality recently because she's so fucking gullible."
"Pardon?!" I have him a light shove; momentarily forgetting the dire situation I was in. "I fed you, tended to your wound and I let you stay at my house! I'm not gullible! I'm charitable!" I huffed; folding my arms in front of my chest.
"You tell him, lady! Watch your tone, brat!" I immediately yelped and shrunk back down as Twice sounded off beside me, and I forced my attention back to Kurogiri.
"Y..yes...well...We need to decide what to do with you...we can't just let you leave without figuring out the details..." He pondered; his wispy hand moving to stoke his facial mist.
"I say we kill her." Shigaraki said quickly; a single crimson eye blazing into the side of my head.
"I'm saving this kill for a rainy day, Corpse Bride. Back off." Dabi's hand landed on my bare shoulder, and I squeaked out and swatted him away abruptly when my skin began to burn.
"That was hot, you butt head! Cut it out!" I whined; rubbing the reddening patch of skin near my spaghetti strap. Everyone seemed to sweatdrop at my new-found bravery, but the question still remained.
So...what are they gonna do with me?
"I say we make her stay as a kitty cat, name her Princess Monster Truck, and make billions on social media!" Twice suggested excitedly before delivering yet another sharp smack across his own face. "You're an idiot!"
"Or..." Dabi draped his arm over my shoulders; leaning over towards Shigaraki with a glint in his eye. "...we induct her as an honorary member. You know...not active in villainy...but you gotta admit that it's difficult to gather necessities like food and shit when you're on the list of Japan's most wanted..." I felt myself begin to sweat when Dabi spoke, and I gave him a look; something between shock and annoyance.
"So...you want me to make this little bitch our personal delivery girl..?" Shigaraki hummed in thought; his nails raking against the skin of his neck.
"I shall admit, that wouldn't be such a bad idea...if we can trust her..." Kurogiri added. "Can we trust you, (L/N) (F/N)?" I gulped down my fear and darted my eyes between them and Dabi. I didn't quite know how to respond. I didn't want to go against my friends and heroes; especially not Fatgum and Amajiki, but I knew a negative answer would likely result in my demise.
"Sure we can. She owes me...plus, I know where she lives..." Dabi squeezed me closer into his side; smirking almost playfully as my teeth chattered along with my twitching jaw.
"Y..you can...I...I won't say anything...I promise!" My voice was a squeaking mess; sounding like somebody sat on a dog's squeaky toy, but it was sincere. Shigaraki stared into my soul with his visible carnelian eye for what seemed like eons before he nodded once; turning his head away.
"Fine. You can leave. We'll let you know when we need your services..." He mumbled; a finger tracing the rim of his glass. "But...if you so much as look suspicious..." Slowly, he tapped each remaining finger down onto the glass. One, two, three, four...
It disintegrated in front of my wide, unblinking (E/C) eyes, and I nodded frantically.
"Y..yes sir!" I yipped; standing up and bowing as low as possible. My hands grasped the material of my pants as I straightened back up to find Kurogiri holding out a relatively old cellphone.
"Please enter your contact information, Miss (L/N). I'm sure it would be a much more convenient way to communicate our needs to you instead of just appearing in your home." I nodded and shakily took the phone; pressing in my digits. "Also, please inform me of your place of residence. I shall warp you there to save you a long trip."
This guy is so polite! How is he a baddie?!
I softly told him my address and handed back his phone before a warp gate opened across the room.
"Th..thank you for letting me...uh...not die! I appreciate it!" I bowed again to the villains.
"Have a good night, Kitty Cat! I know where you live!" I tried not to take Twice's added threat to heart as I turned to face Dabi one last time; a small, uncharacteristically timid smile forming on my face.
"Seeya later, Dabi...Uh...I'll probably listen to you next time..." I murmured; avoiding his ocean eyes for the first time.
He's right...I guess I am pretty stupid...
Doing one of those awkward jogging walks, I made my way over to the warp gate and stepped through; feeling a little queasy before I found myself tripping on air and crashing into the frame of my bedroom door.
"Ouchies..." I whined; turning to see...nothing. I was alone again, and a feeling of regret washed over me like a cold shower.
I really should listen to people more...Dabi tried to warn me...but...
Heaving a long, dramatic sigh, I wandered over to my bedside table, where my phone sat on charge. It was almost nine at night, and of course, I had over thirteen missed calls and texts from the lord of anxiety himself. Smiling slightly, I picked it up and dialed his number off by heart; holding it to my ear as it connected.
Well...I'm up poop creek without a paddle...but...I can work with this! I won't let it get me down! Who knows...they mightn't be all that bad!
"(Y/N), oh my god, I thought you were d..dead! Wh..why didn't you answer your phone?! A..are you okay?! Sick?! Is it bad?! Are you gonna-"
"Ta~ma~ki! Up for a late night visit from your favourite idiot?"
***Sorry for the lack of updates, my dudes...I've been busy and lazy. I went to SMASH con today in Sydney and I spent all my money on BNHA merch lmao.
I'll try to update more!
There were so many good bnha cosplays! I was drowning in Dekus...met another shy Aizawa...highfived a few Dabis, and got my ass slapped by a girl dressed as Todoroki. (yes, my response was yelling "SHOTOOOOO" like Endeavour lmao)
Also have a horrid photo my ex (and also good friend) Hayden took of me, and please ignore my hideousness and overhanging gut. I like to eat (and dab) my pain away. ***
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