chapter 14
CH 14 - Ponder
2nd POV
The smell of takeout was inhaled and you were immediately awake. You winced at how your body tried to act on reflex.
"Take it easy. Food is not going anywhere," You hear Aka chuckle.
"What time is it?" You mumble as you closed your eyes for a few seconds before sitting up and catching the towel that dropped from your forehead.
"It's... 7:01 PM. Shinsuke should be coming here by now," He grinned as he handed you a bowl with the takeout food. It was soft gyoza that only came with 6 pieces, and some steaming mushroom soup paired with mild warm green tea.
"Do you need help eating?" He offered but you shook your head.
"... I can manage somehow," You muttered, "Thank you.. and also, I need the room for a sec to change in some comfortable clothes."
He nodded and got out of the room, sitting on the floor behind the closed door. You sighed as you put the food by the small table in front of your nightstand before standing up to grab a t-shirt and sweatpants from your drawer near the bed.
"You can come in!" You lightly shouted.
Aka entered with a smile and sat on the edge of your bed, watching you eat slowly.
"Sorry to have had bother you with myself," You apologetically smiled.
Aka dismissed it with a wave of his hand, "Don't worry about it. It's fine. Plus, you somehow piqued my interest."
"Oh?" You raised a brow.
"I happen to have a type for strong girls," He playfully smiled, "You're pretty and smart as well."
It made you a little uncomfortable.
"No wonder Shinsuke didn't want him saying a word about you. Maybe he was gatekeeping?" He joked.
"Maybe to keep me safe?" You half joked back at him. He threw his head back as he laughed. Aka cross his arms as he turned to you again.
"Feel better?" He asked.
You frowned and hid your pout while you ate, "Food is not enough.."
He hummed, "I can order more, if you'd like?"
".. It's alright," You weakly gave him a small smile before continuing to eat, "Thank you, again.. will you be going home soon?"
He shook his head, "I don't have a curfew anyway. I might stay for a while longer. That okay?"
You hummed in response before you stopped eating as he moved closer, his thumb wiping something from the corner of your lips.
"You have a little something here...," He whispered.
His eyes met yours for a few seconds. Before he can say another word, your door opened quickly.
"Sukii!" Osamu called out with his brows furrowed in worry, before his face shifted into a glare when he saw Aka close to you. Atsumu had a dark look in his face which made Aka look away.
"Move it," Suna said as he shoved Aka away. The boy had his brows raised before standing up with both his hands raised in defense.
Kita entered the room before kneeling on both of his knees, grabbing the food from your hands to place on the table before hugging you.
"Shin.. I'm sick. You can't hug me," You tried to push him away but he held tighter.
"I've been worried sick, that's all," He muttered before pulling away and motioning Aran, who just entered as well, to close the door.
Aran smiled at you before ruffling your hair, "How are you, Notabe?"
"I'm a bit better than earlier. Thank you, Ojiro," You giggled.
Atsumu sat beside you and rested his back on the headboard of the bed and scoffed, "I can't believe you didn't return any of our texts, again."
Kita glared at him, "She's sick. She isn't supposed to use her phone."
The blond flinched and looked away, "Right.."
Osamu stood idly near your bed as he was looking at Aka with a dark stare. Aka felt this and looked back at him. He had a small smirk displayed on his lips before sitting on a sofa chair in front of your study table.
"As much as I want to stay, Gran has no one in the house with her so I need to go home now. Aran and I bought more medicine and fruits for you so make sure you consume them, alright?" Kita said as he kissed your forehead.
You nodded and squeezed Aran's hand. He grinned and squeezed back, "My little brother is at home alone so I need to also head out. I'll see you again once you've recovered."
"Yes. I appreciate you for coming," You said before letting go of his hand.
Before Kita and Aran left the room, Kita pointed to Aka, "You. Go home. We're not done talking. See me in my office tomorrow. And you three,"
He pointed to the twins and Suna, "You all have curfew. Go home."
Suna frowned, "No I don't."
Atsumu pouted, "That's not fair. Who's going to take care of Sukii?"
"Me obviously. Tell mom I'll be going home a little later," Osamu grunted as he sat on the floor beside your bed.
"You know what happened the last time we came home late right?" Atsumu sweatdropped. Osamu was silent.
Kita pinched the bridge of his nose, "Just go home." Aran laughed at them before they exited the room.
Aka whistled before grabbing his bag and approaching you with a smile, "I'll get going now or I'll make Shinsuke more pissed off. I'll see you, yeah?"
You nodded before he tried to exit the room.
"Wait a good damn minute, Man," Atsumu, who got up from your bed earlier, had a cold smile as he now stood by the door with his hand on Aka's chest, stopping him from leaving.
Osamu stood up and walked behind him, "You think you can get away after doing this to our manager?"
Suna also walked behind him with a glare, pressuring Aka with their stares that seem to voice out 'I'll kill you before you can leave this room'.
"Now, now, boys. Let's not get too violent, shall we?" Aka laughed before turning to them three.
"I knew I should've never let her go with you. Asshole," Suna sneered at him.
Atsumu placed his hand on top of Suna's shoulder and smirked, "Now that we have this opportunity to beat him to shape, Suna, why regret?"
Osamu gritted his teeth, "You better not go near her again. Do you understand?"
You just sweatdropped as you watch them intimidate their senior.
"I understand, I understand," Aka said with an amusing look in his eyes before turning to you, "Hit me up when you feel better, Sukii. Let's go on a date."
He left the room as the three boys whipped their head at you, you were coughing from what he said.
"Tha-That asshole! W-Water!" Your eyes widened as you held your throat. Osamu quickly went near you and handed you a water bottle from your nightstand.
"I'll be back," Atsumu said, about to leave the room and chase Aka.
Suna held him back by the collar of his blouse and rolled his eyes, "Leave it. Clearly, Sukii has no idea what the fuck he's talking about. He's not worth the time."
Atsumu huffed before leaving the room anyway, with Suna rolling his eyes for the nth time before following him.
Osamu frowned before sitting on the bed by your legs facing you, "Sukii, I've been really worried. We came here as soon as possible the moment training ended. I sent you so many message and missed calls when Suna said you didn't attend any of your classes. 'Tsumu tried asking around but we only knew from Kita-san about what happened."
Somehow, Osamu's the only one who could make your heart feel strange things.
Pushing that aside, you smiled at him, "I'm sorry for making you worried. I'm really thankful you guys visited me."
The silver head boy sighed as he took both of your hands and brought them up his forehead. He was really relieved that you turned out fine.
"How's your day?" You asked him, his hair moved as he looked up at you. Concern filled his orbs as a small frown engraved his lips.
His frown turned to a small smile, "It would've been alright if you were there with us.."
"Hmm?" You teased as he blushed.
"Thank you for leaving the lunchbox to Kita-san. Even when you're sick, you were still taking care of us, huh?" He chuckled.
You smiled and ruffled his hair, "I didn't want to let you all down. I also didn't want you three to miss out on the lunch I prepared. Was it good?"
"It was. As always," He smiled and caressed your knuckles with his thumbs.
"I'm glad," You said as you cupped his cheek with a hand. He lightly sighed as he rested on it.
He must be really tired from all the extra training. You thought.
"Are you sleepy? You can sleep here if you want..," You whispered at him while patting the space beside you on the bed.
He shook his head, "I'm okay. You need to rest."
"I don't mind, really. It's spacious," You chuckled as you scooted a little closer to the edge. He hesitated before nodding and sitting on the vacant area beside you with his back rested against the headboard.
"I'm sorry... it's just that, all the training and tests have been exhausting me. But I don't think I'll nap now. I want to cook dinner for you, before I do," lHe said, his face sideways as he looked at you, "Would that be okay?"
This boy.. really knows how to knock in my heart, doesn't he? You blushed.
"That would be wonderful," You smiled, holding his hand above the sheets.
The door bursted open and entered an annoyed Atsumu with his collar gripped by Suna who wore a bored face.
"What happened to you?" You laughed at Atsumu who huffed before sitting on the space beside Osamu on the bed, making your hand and his let go.
"Move it, you ass!" Osamu grunted as he and his twin started to fight over the space.
Suna had his lips in a grim line before sitting on the sofa chair he moved beside your bed. He lightly flicked your forehead with his fingers, "Idiot. You should've let me stay. I washed the lunchboxes before going here, by the way. I also compiled the notes from classes - I put it on your study table."
"You're the best, Rin," You said as you leaned to him and placed a soft kiss on his cheek.
He froze, unsure what to do. His ears turned red as his face met a pillow thrown by Osamu.
"You hogging bitch!" Atsumu and Osamu yelled as the three started to chase each other around the room, throwing your pillows to each other.
You smiled in pain as you almost cried. You just washed the pillows' pillowcases.
Minutes passed before they stopped. Osamu just grumbled something under his breath before he asked for your permission to use your kitchen, dragging Atsumu by his collar to help him prepare dinner. Leaving you and Suna alone.
He sighed in exhaustion as he sat on the sofa chair again, "Those idiots really test my limits."
"That's good," You snickered, teasing him.
He rolled his eyes at you before he had a serious look in his face.
"What do you think of Osamu?" He asked.
You were surprised at his sudden question.
"I think he's the sweetest boy. Very caring, ambitious, and makes the most delicious food. Why?"
He pursed his lips before standing up to wash his hands inside your room's bathroom. Suna came back with his sleeves rolled up to his elbows and had a fresh cloth in his hand as he dipped it in a new bowl of warm water. He squeezed it before telling you lay down so he can put it on top of your forehead again.
"Don't you like him?" He murmured, drying his hands with tissues.
A blush crept its way to your face as you looked away, "What's with the sudden questions?"
"Just answer."
You gulped before looking up at your ceiling.
"Osamu is nice to me. I don't see a reason to not like him," You said.
You heard him chuckle, "Y'know what I mean, Sukii. Anyone can distinguish how your eyes are between me, Atsumu, and Osamu. I see how you look at him and no doubt, some of the members or even the other people do, as well."
Right. He meant that.
To be honest, the past few days have been confusing you with your feelings. Things with Osamu has been the same as things were between the twins and Suna, but some things are arguably different when it comes to just Osamu.
He cooks well and for you, he cares about you, he does his best at his studies and volleyball, he cares about his twin brother even if he hates to admit it, and he's respectful. You didn't see any flaw of men in him. He was just the perfect guy. Osamu is your type.
But you can't help but ponder if those characteristics of him really interested you romantically. It didn't hurt to admit that you might have a crush on him, but in contrast - it hurt a bit to think that he might just see you as a friend.
You aren't familiar with how Osamu treats other girls. Barely the twins nor Suna interact with any at school. The usual supporters would compliment them and a simple thank you or ignoring would be enough for them as a reply.
Sure they have friends and some of them are females, but they weren't really indulged in any friendship. Suna was almost avoidant or he couldn't really care less, while the twins have a special condition wherein it was hard for them to befriend people, especially Atsumu. But Osamu? He's the calmer between him and his twin albeit being the same at the end of the day.
"... I might," You started, surprising Suna, "At the same time, I don't like being confused."
"It never really dawned on me - the idea of liking anyone from Inarizaki. Even in the past I've only liked one guy, but that was it. Any other guys didn't mean more to me other than my late dad."
You sighed, "I guess my fear decides who I like, at the end of the day."
"Are you afraid that you'll lose him when you confirmed your feelings?"
It was silent for a while, before you nodded.
Suna hummed, "Can't blame you. It does suck to like someone with the thought of risking them leaving."
"But you know that doesn't always apply to everyone," Suna said, "I don't see Osamu wronging you if ever you confessed to him."
"It's more difficult than it seems like," You frowned, "I don't have complete control over my heart. I've been used to it for as long as I breathed."
The boy fiddled with his fingers before shrugging.
"Then maybe you just need a guy that takes over that control. Maybe that's Osamu."
You sat up and placed the damp towel in the bowl before looking at Suna with sad eyes, "How, Rintaro? Will that day even come?"
He smiled at you before pinching your cheek, "Come on, don't get sad now," Suna leaned back on the chair, "The moment that day will come will be the day you disobeyed your fear and let your heart feel whatever it wants it to feel."
"Seems easier said than done but what will you lose if you tried?" He shrugged, "You're stuck with us until 3rd year and you still will probably be since Atsumu would want you to watch his games once he goes pro. Osamu will never leave his side, efficiently not making you two grow distant regardless."
You knew that he has a point. It made you rethink your doubts and carefully think of whatever could happen in the near future.
"That face, too. The face you make while you're thinking. I know that face," Suna smirked, "Jeez, woman. You keep thinking about 'what could happen' or 'what would happen if i do this or that', it's silly. Just enjoy the present and let it all play out."
"We're young, a lot of things can happen, inevitably some of them are inconvenient - but that doesn't mean there won't be shit that would reward you or what. Question is," He stared at you straight in the eyes, "Can you afford to let go of the chance?"
"Suna..," You giggled, "I never knew you talked this much. You're pretty smart."
He rolled his eyes, "I'm useful when I want to."
"So? Thoughts?" Suna asked you.
You inhaled deeply and exhaled a smile, "When the chance is just right there, why not?"
He smiled, "Exactly."
"Thank you, Suna. I'm really glad you talked to me about this," You said as he gave you a pat on the head.
"Rest up. The twins will bring your food here. After dinner they'll clean up and head home while I," He stood up and grabbed his bag, "Read you bedtime stories."
You whined when you saw him grab his notebooks from his bag, indicating that he'll be going over the lessons in a summary so you'd have an idea once you're well enough to attend school again.
Sure enough, the twins opened the door and are carrying plates of food that was easy for you to consume. It was soft soba with beef broth and meatbuns on the side, along with the freshly cut fruits that Kita bought you.
The four of you had nice talks while eating dinner on a small table near your bed. Osamu kept glancing at you while you returned them with smiles. Suna was bickering with Atsumu over the simplest things.
You stared at Osamu while he was talking with the two boys. It made you wonder about the things that will change or whatever will remain if you did make sure of your feelings. It's not difficult to like him once you got to know who he is, contrary to what other people's impression about the twins.
Behind his blunt and deadpanned nature, he carries a soft heart that beats for the people he cares about. He never neglects anything that he likes or anything that he does. Osamu is kindhearted that occasionally comes off rude to other people simply because he isn't afraid to speak his mind. It was one of the things you liked about him.
What's more is the fact that even through his blank faces, you see through his eyes that carry genuine emotions. Never did you sense any sort of blatant lies behind them. He never judged you for your insecurities and did the exact opposite by praising them. Although he isn't familiar with your fears like your mother, your little brother, Kita, Suna, or Sakusa is - he never made you feel like you had to change yourself just so he can accept you.
It was petty for you to say it but, you found the comfort of admiration in him that you didn't find in Sakusa that only carried your insecurity, fear, and harsh judgement. What made Sakusa indifferent from Osamu is the fact that you feel that Osamu savors your relationship with him, rather than with Sakusa that eats your heart up like it's his last meal.
As your thoughts trail off to one thing to another, eventually it was time for them to clean up and head home. Suna offered to help Atsumu with the dishes while Osamu stayed with you.
You're a real one, Suna. Osamu thought.
"You didn't get to sleep beside me," You jokingly pouted at him when he sat beside you on the bed.
He blushed and bit his lip from smiling, "Maybe next time."
You laughed as you started to massage his hand. It was slightly rough from the countless drills in training, especially spiking.
"How hard do you hit with your hand?" You blurted out.
Osamu looked at you in shock as he opened his mouth to reply but closed them again. Your eyes widened.
"Sorry! It's just- I was curious and... stuff," You bit your lip as you looked away in embarrassment.
"No it's fine. I was just surprised," Osamu gulped as he brought up his hand that you are holding.
He placed both of your palms together and you grinned at the size difference, "When I spike a ball, I'd always use my whole upper body's force. But when I hit things, or for example 'Tsumu, it's just my hand. Thoughtless."
"But when it comes in contact with something precious, or someone special," He looked at you through his half-lidded eyes, "It becomes kind."
You blushed as he intertwined his fingers with yours.
His eyes momentarily stopped at your lips, making you blush even harder. You never kissed anyone in your whole life other than the thousand raspberries you consumed when you were a kid.
Before any one of you both could utter another word, the door opened.
"Little brother, it's time to go home!" Atsumu cheekily grinned.
Osamu cursed under his breath, "Read the room, you dumbass."
You giggled as Osamu stood up, muttering complains under his breath before taking his bag from the floor. Suna entered and leaned on your doorway with his arms crossed and a smirk plastered on his lips.
"How unfortunate," He mocked, looking at Osamu. The both of them definitely overheard their conversation.
"Whatever," Osamu rolled his eyes and approached you again, "Get well soon. If you're still tired tomorrow, I'll bring you food after training."
His hand ruffled your hair and he leaned to give you a quick peck on the cheek for a second before he went to the doorway. Atsumu went over to you and placed a soft kiss on your forehead before going out with Osamu.
"Don't forget to call us, Sukii!" Atsumu yelled from the staircase.
Once they both left, Suna looked at you with a smirk as you blushed.
"Didn't realize that being kissed was normal for you now. What happened to the introverted girl I know?" He teased.
"It was just platonic kisses," You murmured and hid your blush.
"Yeah, no," He laughed, "Doubt it."
You plopped back down on your back, turning to your side and away from Suna.
"I'll let you have your moment before I get started on the notes," He snickered and sat down on the sofa chair.
You looked out at the moon from your window as it shined brightly upon you.
Osamu... the moon is beautiful, isn't it?
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