"Put your lips close to mine / As long as they don't touch / Out of focus, eye to eye / Until the gravity's too much" - Taylor Swift, 'Treacherous'
When Mr Brightside finally ends, we're both out of breath and laughing. I see the grin on Jamie's face and find myself noticing the way his dark brown eyes glint in the rapidly fading sunlight. I feel momentarily lightheaded, then catch myself. Jamie's my best friend. I shouldn't be noticing this.
The radio changes to a song neither of us know, so I turn it down. I steal glances towards Jamie at every moment I can; sometimes he's looking back at me, sometimes he's not.
I keep driving, not knowing where I'm going anymore but not caring. This road stretches on alongside the seafront for miles and miles still. But we only carry on for a couple of minutes before a symbol flashes up on my dashboard.
Oh, shit.
This morning, on the way to work, I noticed that one of my tires was beginning to go flat. I'd been planning to sort it after I dropped Jamie home tonight but it had completely slipped my mind. Now, I was in the middle of nowhere with the alert flashing with increasing urgency.
"What's that?" Jamie asks.
"Flat tire," I reply. "I'm gonna have to pull over."
Thankfully, we're approaching a 'coastal viewing point' on the left. It's essentially a large lay-by with enough space for about three cars and a picnic bench. The views from here are incredible, an almost panoramic view of the sea. I pull into one of the spaces, taking my pick since it's deserted. I cut off the engine but don't do anything else.
"So, I'll grab the spare... you might have to fit it though because I have no idea how to replace it," Jamie says.
At this, I smile. This is my Jamie: reliable, steady, practical. He's already unbuckling his seatbelt and reaching for his door when I realise that, unlike him, I am not prepared or dependable. Of course I don't have a spare tire with me, that would just be too easy.
"Uh, I don't have a spare," I say. Jamie shifts back in his seat, momentarily frowning. I feel like I've let him down.
But he's still smiling, even when he rolls his eyes. "Will, you idiot."
"I should phone my breakdown cover," I say abruptly.
Quickly, I climb out of the car, the cool breeze making me shiver. It may be the summer, but this is also England. Ten minutes later, the company have someone "on their way as soon as possible". Unfortunately, that means in an hour.
I shove my phone in my pocket and hitch myself up onto the bonnet of my car, legs dangling in front of me. I twist round and gesture for Jamie to join me.
He does, choosing to sit cross-legged beside me. I check the time: 8 o'clock. It occurs to me that Jamie may well have had things to do when he got home.
"Sorry about this," I say.
"What for? I'm currently sat in the most beautiful place in the world with my favourite person in the world. That doesn't seem too bad to me."
He's right, it is beautiful: the sky is stained with purple, blue, pink, reflecting off the water beneath it. But I can barely acknowledge that because of what he said afterwards.
My favourite person in the world.
Quietly, I reply, "You're my favourite person in the world, too."
Jamie smiles, the kind of grin that must make his cheeks ache. I notice the contrast of the whiteness of his teeth against his dark skin. I notice the faint hint of stubble across his chin. I notice the broadness of his shoulders, the dip of his waist.
I notice how close we are and I'm suddenly thankful for how small my car is.
I find myself leaning towards him, slowly, tentatively. Jamie responds, inclining his upper body towards me. I'm trying to stop myself. I love Bella, I tell myself. I don't want to kiss my best friend. I draw my eyes away from his lips and to his eyes; he's gazing right back at me.
We're so close I can see the flecks of gold and green in his brown eyes. I wonder if he can hear my heart pounding.
Our lips are mere centimetres apart.
"Jamie," I say in a ragged breath. "We shouldn't."
But it's so hard. It's as though I'm being drawn into him.
His head tilts slightly, making us closer still. "Why not?"
His lips brush mine as he speaks and that's all it takes for me to surrender into him.
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