Paige ~1
The sun was setting just beyond the horizon as I skipped down the darkening streets of Nimbasa City with my best friend Makayla. We'd snuck out this morning and spent the whole day at the park rather then the dullness of the orphanage where we lived.
"Paige?" I heard my friend ask, her tone seemed happy but somewhat unsure.
I looked at her, smiling as I did.
Makayla's bright red hair fluttered around her face in fiery wisps. "What Pokémon do you want when you get to choose your starter?"
I stopped skipping, thinking for a moment about her question, since I was born mute I couldn't verbally tell her but I had my other ways. Pulling out a small, well used piece of chalk from my pocket and drew a doodle of Reshiram, a Pokémon we were learning about during our schooling hours.
Kay giggled. "You can't have a legendary as a starter Paige. You have to choose something else."
Again, I thought deeply about question, unable to think of a Pokémon I'd really want to start with. I'm not sure... what are you going to choose? I eventually replied.
"Hmm... I like Snivy." She looked up at the sky for a moment. "We should be getting back before Miss. Kate finds out we're missing." She giggled
I smiled as I nodded, giggling while I slipped my piece of chalk back in my pocket. Kay and I then proceeded to skip back to the orphanage. The air gained a sudden chill, making me stop for a moment, looking around unsurely but unable to find anything that would change the feeling of the air. I took Kay's hand and pulled her after me, urging her to hurry. She protested in confusion, pulling back as she questioned what was wrong. A car pulled up next to us, jet black in colour and detailed with a shield on the side.
A man got out of the back seat of the car, before either Kay or myself could react, he grabbed onto my wrist and held me tightly. I cried out in shock, trying to wrench my hand back but his grip was too strong. He reeled me in, throwing me, literally throwing me into the a back seat of the car. I screamed out in fear while Kay attempted to fight the man. She didn't get far but while he was distracted I attempted to escape out the other side but the door was locked and I failed to find the latch.
Kay call my name. I turned to see her now on the ground in tears. The strange man climbed back into the vehicle, taking hold of me again, despite my protests, he tied my hands behind my back and feet together with thick, scratchy pieces of rope before he place a piece of duck tape over my mouth.
The car began to move and I struggled out of fear but I was simply thrown to the ground and given a sharp kick to the ribs. "Shut up!" The man hissed as I fell still, shying away from the hurt. I curled myself into a tiny ball, leaning against the door for some form of support as I tried to hide the tears falling down my face. What were they going to do with me? The words repeated themselves in my head over and over as I huddled as far from the man as I could. The man kept glancing at me, a disgusted glare over his features but I simply pulled myself in a tighter ball and didn't look back at his, squeezing my eyes shut.
I was trapped in the car so long, my knees felt numb and my finger tingled with uneased nerves. However when the car did stop, I found myself dreading leaving the car. It felt like we were traveling for days but the windows were so darkly tinted, I couldn't tell. The man huffed as he grabbed me roughly but the collar of my shirt and dragged out. I failed to stand on my own and I wasn't given the chance to get the feeling back into my legs before the man began walking again, dragging me behind him. I was eventually pushed in front of a man and boy, whom looked just a little older than me. My bonds were cut and the duck tape was ripped off, leaving a sharp stinging pain behind it.
"What's your name girl?" The man sneered, one of his eyes was red and seemingly mechanical intimidating me greatly as I flinched away from the hostility of his voice, crawling back a bit, trying to find somewhere to hide.
He bent down close to me, slapping me across the face. "I asked you a question. What's your name!?" He spat as he burnt holes through me with the intensity of his glare.
Unable to take in everything that was happening, I burst into tears. It was all just to much for me to handle, but fearing him hitting me again I pulled out my chalk, messily scribbled my name on the ground. Paige.
"What are you mute or something?" He looked at me with a disgusted snarl.
I nodded my head, still crying.
"Take her away, this runt is no use to us." He sneered, turning away as the many men in the room closed in of my cowering figure.
The green haired boy ran to my side, hugging me in a reassuring way. "Shhh its alright." He whispered gently, tucking loose locks of my bright pink hair behind my ear.
I hugged him back, letting my tears flow freely as I snuggled into his chest. Before a man wearing a knight outfit pulled me away. A small shriek of protest burst from my throat as a struggled to get away, whimpering in fear and pain. The orange haired man simple growled at me, raising his spare hand as if he was going to hit me. My body froze as he grunted and lead me down countless halls, eventually pushing me into a small, bare room with only a bed in corner.
The door slammed shut behind me, the lock clicking after as I scurried over to the bed. Pulling aside the bland grey-white bedding before burying myself beneath the thin covers and breaking down in a fit of sobs. I just wanted to go back to the orphanage, I wanted to sleep. It felt like forever since I'd last eaten and even longer since I'd last had water.
I had no idea how much time passed, possibly an hour, maybe longer but regardless I cried the whole time. The door creaked open, making me freeze as I thought about the scary man who'd hit me. I peeped out nervously, instead seeing the boy who hugged me. His silver-blue eyes met mine with a look of pity. To me, his appearance was somewhat strange but in a nice sort of way. He had long green hair and pale skin, an orange short sleeved shirt contrasted his hair and his black shorts seemed slightly to big.
The boy had a sad smile on his face as he shut the door behind him and sat down next to me on the bed. "Are you alright?" He asked softly, looking down at me as if I were and injured baby Pokémon.
I shook my head, hiding under the sheets again as tears continued to fall.
Through the thin material, I felt him gently rub my back. "It's gonna be alright. My name's Natural, your name is Paige right? It's pretty."
Feeling deeply confused, I peaked out from under the covers again. After a moment, I sat up, cautiously pulling away from him slightly, he simply smiled at me a little. I pulled out my chalk again, Turing to the wall and writing down my question, my hand still trembling but much steadier then before. Can I go home?
Natural shook his head sadly. "I'm sorry but father said that you have to stay here... But he said that I can be your friend while you are here, and that I can take care of you."
Sighing deeply, I hung my head. I might never see Makayla again, or any of my other friends. She was so upset when I was being taken. He wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into hug. "If you need anything, you just tell me. Okay Paige?"
I nodded my head, remaining in his arms and hugging him back. After a short while, I fell asleep in his arms but when I woke up he was gone.
.*.*.*. 6 years later .*.*.*.
My cell door slammed open, making me jump slightly but the rude entering of the grunts was something I was more then accustom to. "Come on girl, Ghetsis wants to see you."
I flinched at Ghetsis's name but nodded, pulling on my grey, slip on shoes. I paused briefly to hug both Samurai and Gardenia, a Kirlia and Gardevoir respectively, who served along with N as my only friends in this entire castle. N had given me the eggs for my two friends years ago, to cheer me up after being kidnapped by the people who worked for his father, Ghetsis.
I giggled slightly as Gardenia fixed up my hair before running out the door to the obviously impatient grunt, Ghetsis hated to wait and I'd learnt that the hard way over the past few years. The grunt pulled the door shut, locking Gardenia and Samurai within my cell before leading me through the varying halls of my prison. I knew them well, I'd cleaned them thousands of times but regales I wasn't permitted to be out of my cell without a grunt close to my side.
I knocked on Ghetsis's office door once we arrived, waiting silently for it to open with my head bowed low out of fear more then respect. The door opened, revealing Ghetsis giving me a sharp stare making me flinch and shuffle from foot to foot.
"Get to work," He sneered. "I want my office cleaned in an hour or else you know the consequences."
I nodded, scampering past the intimidating glare of the green haired man to do what had been asked of me, sweeping, vacuuming, polishing everything within the large office. I'd done this so many times and an hour was always hardly enough to clean the office to Ghetsis's standards.
As usual, I finished just in time as Ghetsis walked in and inspected his office. He was quiet, I bit my bottom lip hoping I'd done good enough. Standing in the corner, I subconsciously hunched my shoulders, retreating away from Ghetsis's harsh looks where I could.
"Go now runt." He said coldly and I dashed to my room finding a grunt waiting for me outside. Ghetsis never used my name, most commonly refusing to me as a 'runt' or something else with demeaning meaning. The grunt escorted me back to my cell where as usual, Samurai and Gardenia greeted me it's a tight embrace.
~Are you alright Paige?~ Samurai asked, examining my arms for new cuts or bruises since it wasn't uncommon for Ghetsis's to hit me if I'd done something wrong.
I gently nodded as I sat down on the edge of my bed, pulling him up onto my lap to cuddle him close. Samurai, unlike Gardenia, didn't want to evolve into a Gardivoir it was to feminine for his liking and wanted to stay as his prevolved form, Kirlia, for the time being.
~Are you sure Paige?~ Gardenia placed a hand on my forehead, worry clear in her bright, crimson coloured eyes. ~You seem to be feeling off.~
I shrugged, hugging Samurai tighter.
There was a knock on the door. I blinked in surprise, no one usually knocked on my door. I wasn't deemed important enough for that. Anyone who came in here just walks in except for N, but he was away. After a moment, the opened and none other then N to walk in. I beamed as I ran up to him, hugging possibly the only kind person in this whole stupid place close.
"Hi Paige, how are you?" He smiled, returning my embrace.
I shrugged my smile only grew.
"I've got a present for you, or more specifically for Samurai." He pulled a greeny-blue stone out of his pocket and held it out for me to see.
I carefully picked it up, examining it before giving N a confused look.
"This is a Dawn Stone Paige." He explained, fishing though his pockets. "It can be used on male Kirlia to evolve them into their other evolution."
~Is it girly?~ Samurai asked in a flat tone.
N shook his head, pulling a photograph from his pocket and handing it to me. It showed a tall, proud looking Pokémon with blade like arms. "This is what it looks like. It's called a Gallade."
Samurai nodded his head in approval. ~I like it.~ He looked up at me with red eyes shining.
I laughed, handing him the stone. The stone emitted a bright light that engulfed Samurai. He grew taller and gained a much more sturdy build.
~Gallade?~ Samurai said examining his new body. ~This is pretty cool.~ He smiled swinging his new blade like arms in a karate chop manner.
:Aww, now I'm the shortest: I pouted and Gardenia translated my thoughts into words for N. I didn't even reach the spike on his chest.
N ruffled my hair. "I like you like that makes it easier to do this." He started to tickle me before I hid behind Samurai.
I peaked out and poked my tongue out at him before the X-transceiver on his wrist started to ring. I was hanging my head in disappointment before he even answered, knowing it meant he would have to leave. N hung up and gave me a sad look. "Sorry Paige but I need to go." I gave him my Lilliepuppy eyes, begging him to stay.
N sighed, hugging me tightly before left without another word, leaving me with my only two Pokémon as company. I honestly hated being alone all the time. I didn't like being in here at all. All I wanted was to get my freedom back, to go outside for the first time in almost seven years, I knew I would one day, I just hoped it was soon.
Yay I wrote a long flash back \(^_^)/ gives a new in sight on Paige doesn't it? Well I need to go before I get caught in class with my iPod. Bye now,
SMG out!!!
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