Chapter 3
Shoto's P.O.V
It's been three months since me and Kirishima have seen Uraraka and Tsu. I started seeing a boy with green hair on the beach that is next to my cave. I also see a load blond man with him too. He would have the green hair boy clean the beach.
My cave has two beaches next to it. On the fight over the cave there is trash on it. It's used as a place to dump broken objects and other junk while on the left is clean and beautiful. My cave is huge so you can't see the "junk beach" so everyone forgot about it. Most humans are afraid of my cave because they think it's cursed.
The green hair boy and the blond go to the junk beach every sunrise and the greenette cleans while the other tells him what to do. Right now I'm hiding in the water or the sore with Kiri because he wanted to see for himself.
"When will these humans come?" Kiri asked.
"In a little bit." I whispered back. After about 3 minutes I see the greenette with the blond.
'They're here!' I signed to Kiri as I sucked down more and Kirishima quickly going the same.
Kirishima and I see the greenette and the blond train for 20 minutes. Kirishima is mesmerized with them which is no surprise. In the corner on my eye I see something sparkly in the distance. I hear a surgeon type of song I am way to similar with.......The Siren's Lure Song...... I look at the greenette to see him walking to the siren. I quickly swim to the siren but the human got there before me. The siren drags him under water and I swim faster.
I sneak up behind the siren and seeing that he siren is a female, I use a stronger luring song for the human to come to me. The female siren turns around and glares at me but I continue. I get the human to me and the siren thought differently. She grabs the greenette's leg hard enough to dig her claws into it. I wrap my tail around him as I see Kirishima swim like a bullet to the siren. When she lets go I unravel myself and swim up to the surface. I hear a faint yelling but wasn't focused on it.
I looked at the human and checked to see if he was breathing. He wasn't so I started to mimic what I saw and heard from the other humans. I put my hands on the center of his chest where the nipple line is and started doing......what was it called?.......Oh! CPR! As I kept doing CPR the greenette began to cough so I backed up enough to be in the water but can be seen. I looked over to the right and froze. The blond human looked at me and ran to the greenette. I tried to move but my body wouldn't listen to my brain.
"Are you okay my boy?!" The blond asked.
"Cough cough I'm okay All Might. Thank you for saving me."
"I didn't save you Young Midoriya."
"Then....who did?"
The blond- I mean All Might looked at me and pointed in my direction.
"He did."
*They are going to kill me!!!! Come on, MOVE!!!*
Before I knew it the greenette- I mean Midoriya was standing in front of me.
"SHOTO!" I looked over and saw Kirishima swimming over to me and he got into a fighting stance. I put my hand on his shoulder. Midoriya looked at Kirishima and put his hands up. He than looked back at me.
"Were you the one that saved me?" I nodded to answer his question.
"You understand me?" I nodded again.
"What are your names?"
"I'm Shoot Todoroki and this is Eijiro Kirishima."
"Hi.." He said with hesitence while waving his hand.
"I'm Izuku Midoriya." He said with a smile that can light a dark room.
"I'm Toshinori Yagi also known as All Might."
" killed her...." I can feel my heart breaking like it did on that dreadful day.
"YOU KILLED QUEEN REI!!" Kirishima hardened his arms ready to hurt All Might.
"What?" All Might said with confusion.
"My killed her!" I yelled at h with tears welding my eyes. He had the face a realization after about a minute of thinking.
"I didn't kill your mother Todoroki, I helped her."
"What?!" Me and Kiri yelled in unison.
"But my father told everyone you killed her..."
"Where is the queen?!"
"I'm not sure. Last I remember she was thanking me and going into a house I bought for her."
I was so happy to hear that she was alive and some what well. Midoriya looked at the time.
"All Might I have to go, I'll see you later." He ran off.
"Good luck at U.A my boy!" He yelled back. We stayed with All Might for a while until he had to go as well. Kiri and I said our goodbyes and snuk back into the Kingdom like always. We acted like nothing happened but I can see it in Kiri's eyes that he was happy to meet another human after the girls from three months ago. *I hope I can see Midoriya again*
All I could do was think about him and at night I fell asleep with a picture of him and my mother in my head.
Hello everyone. Sorry for the long wait but here is chapter 3!!!! Also here is what Shoto's eyes look like when he uses his siren voice.
I hope I didn't disappoint everyone!!!
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