Every day was supposed to be a good day. People were always supposed to look on the bright side of things. And Mia Richardson was just like everyone else. She looked on the bright side through rain or disastrous days. She always had something positive to look forward to. At least, she was that way, until one awful, fateful day, two worlds combined. The real world, everyone knew was introduced to the fantasy worlds of many fairy tales. Humans were forced to adapt, come to terms with everything. And many did, whether they hid in the shadows or went about life, just catering to new clientele. Then, Mia wasn't like everyone else. She didn't wish to adapt. Her positive life took a turn for the worst in her eyes. Mia quickly learned to steer away from brightly colored trees and glowing flowers that promised adventure. She definitely hated that her favorite burger joint had magically turned into a haunted forest. But this was life now and she was soon to realize that witches were indeed bitches.
Thankfully, though, despite the big city chaos integrating with fairy tale chaos, there was one constant in her life besides her friend, Skyler. That was work. Mia, a great interior designer, worked at a large store that sold everything from sinks to couches to electric fireplaces. Her job was great with pay and benefits. She loved going, even if she had to put on a fake smile when she got fairy tale creature clients. And that day, did Mia wish she actually got a day off. The cautiously optimistic spirit she held going into work was crushed when she got into the parking lot. Her designated spot, that wasn't really claimed by a sign or anything, was taken. A single witch's broom in her car-sized parking spot. Mia looked at the rickety old broom and thought about running it over into a million tiny tooth picks.
"Who needs a parking space for a broom!" She exclaimed to herself. What was next, a stable for the knight's horses, she wondered as she pulled away from her favorite parking spot.
After finding a parking spot, she grabbed her cup of coffee and rushed into her work building. Cursing at the fact that she would once again be considered late. Mia was starting to hate her once beloved job, especially since the company had opened their doors to the newly discovered witches, warlocks and creatures that she had only heard about from fairy tales. Don't get her wrong, she wasn't a racist, she didn't dislike them because they were different; she simply hated the fact that they were a disruption to her normalcy. Mia was used to a routine and she rarely strayed from it, but now, every day was always a mystery. Her usually coffee that was just a simple cup of brown bean juice was now a brightly colored pink that made your hair grow. Not that she needed such a perk, but it was the only liquid that seemed to have the caffeine she craved.
Squeezing in beside a giant werewolf wearing glasses and a three piece suit, Mia tried to fit into the corner of the elevator. The elevator slowly ascended until she was on the tenth floor. Mia was late for her first appointment and she didn't want to hear her boss' nagging. Rushing out of the elevator, she made her way to the large clearance section of the floor. She was told her client this morning had wished for a darker yet modern look and that there was a small budget. With Mia's good eye, she was sure it would be no issue to find her client things they would love. She entered the clearance section with high hopes of making her day better than it started, but her good thoughts vanished into thin air as she saw her client looking at furniture. The witch who took her undesignated yet designated parking spot. Clearly, the day could get a lot worse. Putting on a large fake smile, she approached her client; with each step she made she tried to stamp out her urge to throw her frustration into the witch's face.
"Hello... there," she started awkwardly. Was she screaming? Was her voice too loud? Mia struggled with social cues and it was harder to control herself when she was upset. Hence the awkward loudness to her voice that both of the women noticed. Her customer turned and cackled, "Ah yes, you're here. I thought I came to the wrong floor." She said while holding out a green wrinkly hand covered in large black warts. Not only did that send a shiver down her spine but she cringed at the fact that her green skin seemed wet and dry at the same time.
"What can I... What can I help you find today?" Mia's question hung in the air. Her voice had been strained as she really didn't wish to be talking to not only a fairy tale creature– a witch of all things –but the lady who stole her parking spot. That was something she would never get over for as long as the day went on. "I heard you needed cheap things," she said, doing her best to be civil and actually do her job despite the mental challenges she was raging against.
"Yes, something to spruce up my cave in Haunted Willow Grove. It's a pretty nice space, moss and spiders everywhere. But then I thought to myself, 'Susanna you're turning three hundred years old. You deserve to have nice things!'" She explained while holding up a horrid brown piece of fabric that she thought was nice.
Mia picked at the loose piece of string on her cardigan and nodded stiffly. "Of course, let's go look at some materials that are more, uh, water resistant. Have you thought about a recliner or a loveseat?" She asked, taking Susanna through the store.
The next so many hours were spent looking over houseware and the continuous yapping of Susanna explaining how mug-wort was the best kind of root to add into a cinnamon cauldron brew. By the time they were finished Mia had left even more exhausted than she had already been; the one client taking up her whole day. Opening her phone she smiled as a text from Skyler came through.
"It's taco Tuesday girl." Skyler said and added in a dancing gif of a taco. Mia quickly responded and jumped on the elevator. Maybe if she had time she could stop at the store and restock on that spicy taco sauce that was made without chunky pieces of peppers; she hated anything with chunks. Finally getting into her car, she fixed her rearview mirror and started to drive off, making sure she didn't run over the small family of talking mice crossing the parking lot.
It was still strange to see pixies and fairies flying around, they basically destroyed Doordash and started their own company. Logically, Mia saw the benefits, they could fly and were faster than cars. But still, nothing was wrong with an old fashioned automobile. Taking her careful time, Mia drove to the local Mexican restaurant; one that was still run by humans. Her and Skyler would go there often, enjoying the authenticity and consistency of the food. It didn't take long to find an open parking spot and then find Skyler inside. She was unmissable with her bright blonde hair, large smile, and gorgeous fake tan. Skyler was a contrast to Mia, who had dark brown– almost black –hair and ebony skin. The two, while different in appearance, style, thinking, and hobbies, were still amazing friends. Opposites attract, as some say.
The two shared a tight hug then Skyler sat down across from Mia in the booth she had picked out. The booth was secluded, even though the place wasn't extremely busy. Skyler just knew her friend that well, even well enough to already have a couple plates of tacos at the table with their own drinks. "So! How was your day? You seem tense, and you can't be tense on taco Tuesday!" Skyler exclaimed before taking a sip of her drink.
With a heavy sigh, Mia explained her day. From the parking lot, to the witch, to the werewolf she ran into three times before she realized he was a new coworker. "Since when did we hire fantasy creatures? The building is big, sure, but not non-human-creature-sized!" Quickly, Mia held up a finger to stop Skyler's silly retort of the building being big enough for smaller creatures as well as human-sized ones. With a flushed face from her irritation, Mia sipped her water. The two took a deep breath together and started to eat their tacos.
"Well, at least it's over now," the blonde said positively. "I know it's been hard for you. You need a bigger support system, Mia. I love you to pieces but you can't just rely on me; even though I'll always be here for you as your hype-woman." Skyler wiped her hands after finishing her first taco, giving Mia a serious look, knowing she would deny needing the extra help. "I know you would feel like you're burdening others but damn it Mia, I swear you aren't. For years therapists say that people with any disorder need a support group and Asperger's is no different than any other disorder. It affects your life, you need a support group, not just a support person." Skyler spoke in a semi-strict tone, wanting her words to get through to Mia.
Silence fell over them while they continued to eat. Mia threw around various responses in her head. She could respond how Skyler would like to hear, but Skyler would see through her lie. She could answer honestly, but she didn't really want to admit that Skyler was right. Eventually, she swallowed her last bite and responded. "I don't really have anyone else for a support system, Sky. I don't talk much to anyone since this whole thing happened. I mean, why did the world have to shift on its head when I finally wanted to try?" Mia wanted to try to find support, she really did, but she just couldn't. It was overwhelming and she tried to express this to Skyler but her best friend of years wouldn't budge. Just not totally understanding.
As her mind floated away into her second taco she thought about the 'Merging.' This was the name that was given to the magical meddling of their two worlds. Marvel hadn't been so off with the multiverse theories. Right beside their normal human existence was a world only seen or heard about in movies and children's books. Magic was an ever flowing force that grew and expanded until it slowly started to seep into their world. At first it was a strange seeing creatures that resembled mermaids, then it was that time a talking dog was found at the shelter in Idaho. But magic, as they discovered, was a force that couldn't be contained and the seams of reality came apart, the sky having tore open and an influx of creatures flooded in.
Mia still hadn't adjusted and she feared that she never truly would. It was already hard enough dealing with her triggers and the particular way her mind was set up due to her Asperger's. On top of that, she also had to deal with dragons the size of airplanes landing in the park near her apartment building. Everything was difficult to deal with, to wrap her mind around. From the pixies to the fire-breathing dragons. Skyler made acceptance of it all look so easy, and Mia envied that. But now she had to ask herself, would she adapt or would she drown? Her appetite was ruined and her mind was loud. She wouldn't be able to talk any further; she didn't think the words would come anyway. Setting down her taco she pushed her plate to the side and refused to give anymore eye contact. Mia feared all she would see was disappointment.
Skyler sighed and realized that Mia was quickly shutting down and it wouldn't do anything if she pushed her any further. Skyler would have to try something different to get Mia out of her comfort zone. She didn't want to push her over the edge, especially in a restaurant Mia considered a favorite. "Alright then! Let's blow this taco stand and get you home. Maybe you can stop and get some of that ice cream you love? What was it again?" Skyler asked while dropping some bills on the table.
Mia shrugged and grabbed her jacket, getting out of the booth and walking towards the exit. She paused and waved goodbye, lifting her phone to show that she would text when she made it home safely. Skyler followed behind after wiping her hands on her napkin one last time. The two got in their own cars. Skyler left first, meanwhile Mia sat in her car for a moment; appreciating the silence but hating the thoughts that came with it. Did she really need support? All of her support was gone the moment she tried to get a group of friends together. Why did the world have to be the way it was? It felt like it was all against her.
With a shake of her head, Mia started her car and drove home. Passing by humans in cars, running werewolves that kept up with traffic, and calm dragons high in the dark cloudy sky. None of it made her feel any better. By the time she got home, she was completely exhausted. Spending time with Skyler didn't help like she wished it did; not when she tried to help after a stressful work day. Once she was inside she didn't bother turning the lights on. Passing her kitchen, she walked into the bathroom and removed her clothing. Her body was on autopilot as she showered and rinsed the filth of the day off her skin. Closing her eyes, she leaned her head against the cool shower tiles and let the rushing of the water lull her mind into a calm state. She finished washing her hair and scrubbed at her body once more, feeling a weird sensation tingling over her skin at the thought of that witch from earlier.
After turning the water off, Mia got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around her tightly. She was still on autopilot as she dried off and put on some warm pajamas. The softness of the texture felt nice on her body after a long day. While still in the bathroom, she did her nighttime routine of hair and face care before going to her bedroom. She had gotten comfortable in her bed, though she tossed and turned as her mind raced. Some days she wished to just shut it off. Mia had work the next day, but maybe she would take Skyler out again, hoping to do something fun like shopping or going to a bookstore. Sure, she needed more support, and Skyler was always trying to push her slightly out of her boundaries. Maybe she'd be able to find support in actions besides her usual stimming or pacing. Mia decided to think about it more tomorrow while at work as she felt her body dragging her consciousness to sleep.
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