A couple days later, Apea had suggested that the three of the them all go for a relaxing spa day. She figured it would be a great way to catch up and just have some fun. Skyler and Mia had both agreed. Even though the spa was on the other side of town, Mia felt secure enough with the bracelet of scales from Cyrus and that spell him and Jackson did for her protection. While she was worried about some awful side effects, nothing bad happened to her and she felt more confident in going out. So, with Skyler's and Mia's confirmation, Apea book them a joint appointment.
When the day of the appointment finally came, Mia told Cyrus everything he wanted to know; location, time of appointment, about how long they'd be. He felt confident in Mia going out for a girl's day and was glad she was so excited. He walked her outside, where Skyler and Apea waited for her in Skyler's car. Cyrus gave Mia a quick kiss on the cheek before she left. The other two women waved 'bye' to Cyrus, and once Mia joined them in the car, were off and headed to the appointment.
The three of them talked about little things, just some simple small talk. Movies they'd seen lately, books they read, anything exciting about work. The bigger things, they decided, could wait until they had gotten to their appointment. The drive was only about a half an hour. Apea led them down back alleys and outside of town.
"Uh, where is this place?" Skyler asked a bit concerned they were on some wild goose chase.
"It's a hidden place in the forest. The Tranquil Oasis Spa is in this gorgeous area by a river that flows into a pond. It's fairytale owned and employed but they allow human customers, too. I'll even get us a discount with my little punch card since I some here so often," Apea explains. "I get this one masseuse, and wow, is she amazing!"
Mia and Skyler share a look. This was bound to be a relaxing day. They take Skyler's car through the forest until they reach a large tree that stood tall next to a beautiful river. Pulling along to the small parking lot, Skyler parks and turns down the radio. "Alright, were here!"
Getting out of the car, they head and check in. Apea is excitedly showing them the free drinks and appetizers. Mia relaxes as the warm smell of vanilla and something sweet mingles into her nose. "Wow, this place is amazing. How do you fit so much inside of a tree?" She asked as they headed towards the healing pools.
"Well, the owner is a forest mage, so she was able to create a portal through the tree that allows for interdimensional expansion," Apea explained. She removed her socks and shoes once they reached the changing area for the pools.
"Wow! I can't get over how strange and cool magic is. I wish I could do magic," Skyler said while throwing her sweater to the side.
Mia just listened and thought about if the water would be warm or scolding hot. She didn't like her water to hot as it caused her skin to get that strange itch. Walking behind the divider she removed her clothing and opened the package to a new swimsuit. Slipping it on she wrapped the provided towel around her shoulders and came out to meet her friends. The warmth of the pools were causing a light sheen of sweat to cover her body just by being in the room.
Apea and Skyler quickly got into a water. "Wow, this is so relaxing! My shoulder has been killing me." Skyler said while leaning her head back. Apea blushed and turned away like she was embarrassed.
Did something happen between those two?
Mia looked between the two and tapped her finger along the surface of the water. It was warm! Dipping her toes into the water she slowly slid in and moaned at the healing feeling that seeped into her bones. Closing her eyes, she leaned her head back.
"So what happened with you know who..." Skyler whispered like they were being watched, though they were the only ones there.
Mia's whole body seized like she had been shocked. "Cyrus said that it was all handled. I met his older brother and they did some sort of protection spell. I haven't heard or seen anything of that bastard."
"Well that's a good thing. He was a creep and a liar. I can't believe he tried to attack you," Apea said while slamming her hand in the water in frustration.
"He had us all fooled. I just can't help but feel like I've lost my grandmother all over again. It was different when I didn't know, but now that I know it's harder and finding closure and it seems impossible," Mia admitted out loud.
"Mia, it's okay to feel sad and upset, it would be strange if you didn't. But you're going to overcome this, and one day, it will just be a small ache. I'm happy that you have us and that you have Cyrus. You're going to get through this," Skyler said while placing a comfortable hand on her shoulder.
Mia wiped the tears from her eyes and nodded. "I know, I know, it's just a lot. It doesn't hurt as much because now I have a team besides me. I couldn't have gotten this far without you guys."
"Awww! I love you guys," Apea exclaims as she gets up to pull the other two women in a tight hug. She kept her hug on Skyler a little longer than Mia.
Mia noticed and couldn't help but finally ask what'd been on her mind. "Do you two like each other?"
Skyler and Apea both look at each other with wide eyes. Skyler ended up speaking first.
"It's, well, we sort of, um.. We sort of like each other, yeah."
"But it's not like we're dating or exclusive," Apea quickly commented.
"Yeah! We're just going on little dates but aren't as far as you and Cyrus," Skyler explained.
"Oh, speaking of him, when is he going to court you?" Apea asked, changing the subject.
Mia smiled with a laugh. "Okay, well have fun on your little dates. And court me? We aren't there yet. Are we?"
Knowing Mia well, Skyler gives a deadpan look. "Mia. The man, well, the dragon gave you a bracelet of his scales. Not to mention went as far as to put a spell on you for protection. I think you're there."
Apea nodded her head in agreement. "He's ready to court you when you allow him to! How exciting!"
"Okay, okay, maybe I'll consider it," Mia gives in.
The two friends smile and clap at Mia's thought, happy to see her with the right man this time.
When their relaxing spa time was over, they all got dressed again and went to check out. While Apea paid at the counter, Mia texted Cyrus to let him know that they would be on their way home in minutes. Cyrus texted a sweet 'see you soon' message back and told her he would be at her apartment waiting for their routine movie night date. Mia was excited as Cyrus was going to pick the movie this time. He always had good tastes.
The three women, very relaxed, make their way back to Skyler's car. They stop, though, as Mia's name echoed across the parking lot, bouncing off trees. The voice was familiar and turning around only confirmed who it was. Cole. He was still in his true form, with his inky black flowing form and pure white eye sockets and mouth. However, he didn't look as intimidating this time. He looked weak as he stumbled to approach them.
The tense and awkward silence was broken by Skyler's scoff and laugh. "This is the guy that was supposed to be threatening to you? Mia, you could absolutely take him down."
"Well, he looked like that but way more strong," she mumbled.
The scene of him hobbling his way towards them was unsightly. The way Cole tried to hold himself up and look intimidating was amusing. He looked like he was on the brink of death.
"Ladies, let's just leave. We can't ruin our relaxation feeling with such scum," Apea spoke.
Skyler nodded in agreement and walked with Apea back to the car. Mia stayed put, watching Cole get closer to her. He wasn't threatening or intimidating anymore. He wasn't dangerous anymore. Just scary looking and grotesque.
"Mia, you coming?"
Skyler and Apea called at the same time.
Mia's breath caught in her throat as she observed Cole's feeble attempts to approach her. His once formidable presence now seemed to crumble before her eyes, his very essence fading into nothingness with each faltering step. It was as if he was evaporating into thin air, his form dissolving into the ether.
Gone were the sleepless nights plagued by the haunting echoes of his cruelty. In that moment, Mia realized that she held all the power; the power to break free from the chains of fear and doubt that had bound her for so long.
With a sense of liberation washing over her, Mia stood tall, her resolve unyielding in the face of Cole's diminishing form. He could no longer hurt her, could no longer inflict pain and suffering upon those she held dear. In his weakness, she found strength– strength to reclaim her life, to stand up against the darkness that had once consumed her.
As Cole faded into the shadows, Mia felt a weight lift from her shoulders, replaced by a newfound sense of peace and clarity. The nightmare was finally over, and she could finally breathe easy knowing that she was safe from his tyranny.
Mia turned around to face her friends. "I'm coming," she said, walking towards the car.
The three women got in the car and drove away, leaving the fleeting memory Cole behind in the dirt.
"You okay, Mia?" Skyler asked her after a long silence.
"I'm feeling great, actually. I think moving on will be a lot better than I originally thought," she responded.
Rubbing her hand along the dragon scale bracelet she now always wore, she brought her wrist to her chest and smiled. "I'm going to be just fine," she proudly declared with a smile.
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