About Me
So I'll start this book off by posting something I was tagged in by kellyisadinosaur.
1. How are you?
I am good today. Some days are better than others, but who isn't like that anymore?
2. Selfie (so my first face reveal!! I'm gonna go hide in a hole now......)
3. Age?
I'm 26.
4. Sex?
5. Sexuality?
Honesty time? I'm married to a man, I've only dated men, but I've never been opposed to women, if that makes sense? I just want to be with someone that makes me happy, and right now my husband has done that for me <3
6. Favorite song?
I don't know if I could honestly name one. I like all sorts of music, Ateez being at the top and Nightwish close behind. I also adore movie soundtracks.
7. Celebrity Crush?
Besides my amazing Wooyoung? I have a hardcore crush on Eddie Redmayne and Channing Tatum.
8. Ultimate Group?
I feel like this one is obvious haha but Ateez of course! They are my first group and I'm trying to bridge out a little more, but they will always have my heart.
9. Are You Happy?
I'm happier now than I have been in a long time, and it's all because of Wattpad. I still have my bad days, and I know we all do. But know that I'm here for each and every one of you <3
10. Have A Crush?
On my hubby <3
11. Dom/Sub/Switch?
Ha. Awkward moment. Sub. If it wasn't obvious lol
12. Nationality?
Some days I'm proud of it, some days I'm not... But I'm American.
13. Speak A Different Language?
I know a few words here and there, but I do not have a gift for languages sadly. Unless you count reading music. That I can do.
14. Emoji's You Last Used?
15. Where Do You Live?
16. Birthday?
June 16th, 1993
17. Height?
5'3" I'm short haha
Well here it is! This is just a brief intro of me!
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