The not so secret lunch
What happened between Peter Rumancek and Letha Godfrey the night at the bonfire only Chantel Channing knew apart from them. And ever since Peter and Letha had developed an unlikely friendship. For some reasons unknown, Peter was digging into Olivia Godfrey past life through Letha—that Roman had no knowledge about.
Chantel picked Peter up from her Volvo XC40. "Isn't this ride a little too big for you?" Peter asked as he put the seatbelt on.
"It used to be my mom's," she mentioned as she started the suv.
They listened to 'creep' by Radiohead, on their way to town. Peter was a big fan of the band, he snapped his fingers and grooved to the music.
"Did you use those moves to hit on Letha?" Chantel chuckled as she saw the boy grooving away.
"I showed her my middle and my index finger," he jokingly displayed his fingers. "Werewolf you see."
"Yeah," she laughed. "Girls noticed that, index and middle."
She parked the car at the parking lot, and they walked towards Yummy Berry. The best yoghurt place in town.
"Roman would kill me, if he sees us together." Peter said as his eyes searched the surroundings.
"And I thought you were a werewolf," she teased adjusting the scarf around her neck.
"You're not getting my point." Peter huffed.
"If Roman Godfrey wanted you dead, you'd be dead." She stated the obvious.
"Very comforting," he squinted.
"May I ask when did you even start digging about Olivia?" She asked curiously.
"A week ago," he noted.
"Do you like her or something? I mean she's hot, I won't blame you." Chantel stopped on her tracks and examined the boy.
"No," he responded.
"Hmm," she mumbled.
"Do you think Letha called us over for information on Olivia you think there's something else?" He scratched his head.
"Let's find out," Chantel pushed the door, the bell made a little jingle as they walked inside.
Yummy Berry was jammed with people, it sits about twenty people at a max. So most of them were standing in line for takeaways. Their strawberry, blueberry and vanilla yogurt were a crowd pleaser. Letha Godfrey was already seated at the corner table keeping two seats reserved for them as she scooped her yoghurt.
"Hi beautiful." Chantel pulled a chair and sat down.
"Hey guys." Letha beamed at them.
"Uh what's that?" Peter asked surprised by what Letha was having. It looked less like a yogurt and more like something a four year old would mix to create his or her own delicacy.
"Peanut butter and lime yoghurt mixed together with gummy bears and extra M&Ms. Bite?" She offered.
Chantel and Peter shook their heads as a no.
"Screw it, I say. Bring in the maternity pants." Letha said slowly, "I mean, I don't know what picture of Dorian Gray you have to hide away for your butt to look as good as Olivia's at her age. Can you imagine? Besides, abstinence is way overreacted."
Chantel gave Letha a nod as she checked the menu.
"You don't think she's hot?" Letha asked Peter.
"Not my type." Peter mentioned.
"And he's a liar." Chuckled Letha.
"Is there something you wanted to tell us?" Peter asked Letha curiously.
Letha explained. "So, I did some more digging. I asked my dad like a million questions about aunt Olivia...anyway, when Olivia was my dad's patient...well, I got the sense she had some major problems before Roman was born." She picked on the yoghurt. "After the first baby...there was a girl before Roman and Shelley. Her name was Juliet, she died as an infant."
"Died how?" Asked Peter a bit surprised.
Letha clicked her tongue.
"Off topic," Chantel noted. "Go on, Letha."
"But in the end it was J.R who totally lost his grip. I guess he made some pretty wild accusations about her." She said slowly.
"Like what?" Peter furrowed his brows.
Letha looked at them. "Dad wouldn't say. Must have been some serious crazy-person stuff. There was a suicide letter too, they found it the next day."
"Do you have any idea what it might have said?" Peter looked at Letha.
"I don't know," huffed Letha. "I got from the look on his face that it was time to change the subject."
"Godfreys have that look down." Peter mentioned.
"Umm hmm." Agreed Chantel.
"How much do you girls think Roman knows about where Olivia came from?" Peter asked them.
"Isn't that a better question to ask Roman?" Letha lifted a brow. "Or Chantel." She turned her gaze to Chantel.
Chantel didn't respond, she never had thought about Olivia's family until now and Roman had no knowledge about Olivia's family as well.
"Anyway," Chantel said. "You called us over for that?"
"There's something else," Letha smacked her lips together.
Alexa, Alyssa and Christina appeared. Christina was holding a pink paper bag that read 'Yummy Berry'.
"Guys, baby bump and teen wolf." Commented Alyssa as her eyes landed on the three figures seated at the corner table, next to the counter.
Alexa laughed. Christina just held her head low.
"What did you say?" Chantel rose up.
"Better check that fetus for lyme ticks is all I'm saying." Scoffed Alyssa.
"Or kennel cough." Added Alexa.
"I'm seriously_" before Chantel could say another word, Letha interrupted. "Let it go Chantel don't stoop on their level."
"What?" The twins asked in unison.
"We're ladies," Letha tossed her hair behind. "Unlike you plastics."
"Woah!" Chuckled Peter.
"I've to meet my grandma," Christina said as she headed towards the door.
"What's her problem?" Alyssa scoffed.
"Two dumb bimbos!" Chantel said.
The twins frowned as they dashed out of the store.
"That was intense," Letha gave a sigh of relief.
"I'm so fed up of them and their attitudes," Chantel leaned back.
"Anyway," Letha looked at them, "I called you both over here because...I've to confess something."
"Yeah?" Peter raised a brow.
"Chantel," she said. "It's time."
"It is?" Chantel looked at Letha.
The girl nodded. "Yes."
"Time for what?" Peter asked hesitantly.
Letha put a hand on her belly, "you're the father of the child Peter."
Peter froze for a few good seconds.
"Hey," Chantel waved a hand over his face. "Pete?"
"What?" He shuddered.
"You're the father of Letha's child," Chantel said.
"I am," he asked Chantel in an unreadable expression. "And you knew it all along?"
"Yes," Chantel nodded.
"Oh my god," Peter ran a hand over his face. "Oh my god."
"You alright?" Letha asked concerned.
"Hell yeah. I am." His hands were shaking. "I'm going to be a father." He whispered, "I'm going to be a father." The next moment he was on his feet, "I'm gonna be a father." He howled.
All eyes were on them. People were just staring at them, like they were a bunch of lunatics.
Chantel pulled him down, "calm down."
"Oh my god," Peter was beaming. Chantel had never seen the gypsy that happy before. "May I?" He asked Letha hesitantly, she nodded as he gently placed a hand on her belly. "Hello, little one."
Letha smiled, and said. "I'm heading to the clinic with mom, to check the gender."
Peter sniffed, "I just don't know what to say."
Chantel smiled to herself. Peter and Letha looked so happy, she don't know where they'll go from here on but Letha had made the right decision by letting Peter know that he was the biological father.
Letha picked up her phone, "I've to go mom's here."
"Can I see you?" Peter looked at her with moon eyes.
"Tomorrow," Letha nodded.
"Absolutely," Peter smiled.
Chantel and Letha pecked each other goodbye as the pregnant girl left. Chantel ordered black cherry yogurt for a change and Peter ordered banana.
"Why didn't you tell me?" Peter asked still beaming as he fiddled with the spoon.
"Because my lips are sealed," she gave him a wink.
He leaned back. "You don't look like a person who can keep a secret but I'm glad you can."
"Is that suppose to be a compliment?" She picked up the cherry from the yoghurt and tossed it into her mouth.
"Absolutely!" He nodded pushing his hair behind.
"You're really bad at compliments," she looked at him. "You should stop."
"Anyway," he leaned forward and smacked his lips together. "When we first met, I never thought we'd be friends because you looked at me like I was weirdo, or something."
Chantel let out a soft chuckle, she clearly remembered their first meeting. It was awkward. "I'm sorry about that, but I just thought you were a very hirsute young man." She explained.
He murmured, "I've no idea what that means."
"Forgive me," she bite her lips. "But it means furry."
When Chantel first saw Peter he was shirtless swinging on the hammock, sipping a bottle of beer listening to 'high and dry' by Radiohead. She'd stared at him for a few good seconds as she examined the hairs on his body, the weird tattoo on his rib and his long fingernails.
"Now you know why," he dug his spoon into her yoghurt. Peter had finished up his yoghurt under a minute, his appetite was huge for his size.
She pressed her lips together, "are all werewolves hirsute like you?"
Because in movies and books, werewolves weren't hairy at all. They were muscular, with six packs and very seductive in nature.
Peter giggled at the word. "You can just call me furry it's okay and I guess the answer is, a yes."
"Some chicks dig it." She licked the yogurt off the spoon.
"Do you?" He raised a brow.
"Are you trying to flirt with me?" She asked teasingly.
"No," he gave her a sly smile. "Do you want me to?"
"I like your jokes," she giggled. At least his jokes are not as cocky as Roman's.
Peter displayed his hands again, "and the fingers."
They stopped by the gas station to get gas. A Ford Eco Boost Mustang in bright blue pulled up, music blasting through it speakers. It was Tyler White and his best friend Matt Humphrey.
"Shee-it," Chantel said under her breath as Tyler's gaze caught hers.
The captain of the football team got out of the car and headed towards her, holding a bottle of beer.
"Hey," he smiled.
"Hi," she forced a smile.
"I had been texting," he mentioned causally.
"I have been busy, sorry." She murmured.
"We're heading to the beach, want to join?" He invited her, nodding at Matt who gave her a cherry wave from the mustang.
"I've this thing_" before she could complete her sentence, Peter appeared with her card. He went in to pay for the gas.
"What's that gypsy freak doing here?" Tyler looked at the Peter, "is he bothering you?"
"No," Chantel said, "he's with me."
"What do you mean, with you?" Tyler asked irritably. "Are you ditching me because of him?"
"No," Chantel shook her head, "it's not like that."
"Hey," Peter raised both of his hands up. "Calm down buddy."
"I'm not your buddy." Hissed Tyler.
"What's going on?" Matt appeared.
"This werewolf scum is the reason why Chantel's acting all weird towards me." Tyler told Matt.
"Really?" Matt confronted.
"Hell no!" Chantel huffed a breath of disbelief.
In a wink Matt had grabbed hold of Peter's arms, as the gypsy struggled. Tyler grabbed his collar and was about to throw a punch.
"Stop!" Chantel yelled. "It's not him."
Tyler turned to Chantel, "what do you mean?"
"It's you!" Chantel spat at Tyler.
"What did you say?" Tyler asked defensively.
"I'm avoiding you because I don't like you, end of story." She said. "Now, please leave."
Tyler looked at her in disbelief, his ego clearly hurt. Then he turned to Peter and emptied his beer on Peter's head. The liquid poured all over his clothes. Tyler spat on the ground and left with Matt, fumingly.
"You okay?" Chantel asked as she walked upto Peter. "I'm so sorry."
"This was my good shirt," he let out a chuckle.
"Fifteen minutes in the washer." She said, "and it'll be sparkling again."
Chantel was busy washing and drying Peter's clothes, while Peter took a quick shower. The door bell began to ring but before she could get to the door. Peter was already opening the main door a pink towel wrapped around his waist.
"What are you doing here?" Roman's eyes fixed on the pink towel, wrapped around Peter's waist.
"I..." Peter scratched his head.
"Rome," Chantel walked towards the door merrily. "You're right on time."
"Yeah," Roman looked at her. "What's he doing here?"
"Long story," she exhaled as she hugged him. "You missed quite the drama."
"Did I?" Roman mumbled, his lips brushing against her hair.
Peter cleared his throat, "my clothes."
"They're in the laundry room." Chantel nodded towards the end of the hallway.
Peter gave her a quick salute as he headed towards the laundry room.
"Honey," Susan entered the house. "Oh," she stopped on her tracks as she saw the teenagers still embracing by the door. "You've company."
"Hi, Mrs Channing." Roman gave her a little nod.
"Yeah, mom...we're heading out for our group project." Chantel lied as she let go of Roman.
"We have dinner at the Rai's tonight," Susan reminded her with sharp tune.
"I'll be home on time, I promise." She told her mom, then jogged up the stairs and quickly put on her mint oversized hoodie. Roman and Peter were waiting for her at the door.
"You might catch a cold," Susan gestured Chantel's exposed legs as she was wearing shorts.
"It's not winter yet," Chantel responded.
"Mrs Channing," Roman gave her a little salute as he walked out of the door.
"Have a goodnight," Peter smiled at Susan.
"Love you." Chantel gave her mother a flying kiss as she closed the main door behind.
"We have to talk." Roman put an arm around Chantel.
"Now?" Chantel asked looking up at him.
"Later," his voice almost restraint.
Oh no! She knew that look and she knew that tune.
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