Castle Godfrey
The old abandoned steel mill known as Castle Godfrey was located at the other side of the river, even its size daunting. Who in it's sane mind would even abandon such acres of land? Only the Godfrey's will.
"Rome," Chantel said as she tied the laces of her airforce 1. "I know you love this car but in the next meeting of the Order of the Dragon, can you please bring your other rides. I seriously am tired inhaling cigarettes smoke from both sides."
"Can you please stop calling us that?" Roman tossed out his cigarette.
"No," both Peter and Chantel replied in unison as they burst out laughing. Roman looked sour.
As they neared the steel gate of the abandoned mill. Chantel realised it looked scarier than it appears to be. Why does she keep doing this to herself?
Peter looked at Roman. "How does it feel to have your name on everything?"
"Like a fucking pimp." Responded Roman as he stopped the car in front of the main gate.
"Isn't there somewhere around the back we can park this? You know..." Peter suggested scanning the unfamiliar surroundings.
"Nobody gives a shit what happens out here." Roman told him.
"Except us? Right?" Peter asked.
But Roman ignored him and got out of the car, lighting another one of his foul cigarettes.
"He seems upset," mouthed Peter.
"Isn't he always." Chantel slowly got out of the car.
The steel gate was locked with a huge metal lock, Roman pulled out his keys and unlocked the gate. Chantel walked in first, there were weeds and grasses growing everywhere. The place looked like something out from an apocalyptic movie.
"Cool," Peter said from behind.
As they reached a rusted metal door, Roman unlocked it with his keys again. It made a loud creaking sound as the three figures walked in. They switched on their flashlights. The place was humongous, the ceiling stood over three storey in height or more. And the whole building stank of corroded metals, moulds and mixture of unpleasant scents. There were holes on the roof and water was leaking from all four corners, the place looked like it had been abandoned for over a century.
"You ever see this place when it's running?" Asked Peter curiously as they walked side by side.
"My old man closed it before I was born," said Roman. "Lots of people died here—workers and shit."
"It's a graveyard then." Peter commented.
Chantel had never thought about it that way, until, Peter said it out loud.
As they walked deeper into the building, Roman said. "You know when you close your ears, skittles the sound of your heart is like a little man walking through the snow."
"Yep." Nodded Peter. Then he asked Roman, "hey, what was that, uh, big structure that was outside?"
"It's a Bessemer converter." Explained Roman. "At one point, they made pig iron into money."
The Bessemer process was the first inexpensive industrial process for the mass production of steel from molten pig iron before the development of the open hearth furnace. Chantel had read about it in school but she'd never seen it in person, until, now.
"Do we have any idea what we maybe looking for?" Asked Chantel hopping from one brick to the other, she shouldn't have worn her white sneakers.
"Uh...drivers license, social security card, dream journal..." Peter said scratching his head.
"This is a joke." Huffed Roman as they continued their search. "Left or right?"
"I don't know," shrugged Peter. "Let's split up."
The structure was enormous and if they didn't split, it'll take hours for them to cover ground. That was the right move, but spilt when a vargulf is on the loose? And who knows what crazy shits would be hiding in these walls apart from the demon dog.
"Sure," nodded Roman as he took Chantel's hand, "you're coming with me sweetheart."
Peter gave them a quick salute and walked the other way.
Chantel gazed at his disappearing silhouette, "do you think it's safe for him to be alone, when a vargulf is on the loose?"
"It's not the full moon yet," Roman mentioned. "And Peter can totally fend for himself."
"Do you think that the vargulf exist?" She asked as they walked across the old building.
"I've seen Peter," Roman said slowly. "So I believe in the existence of the vargulf as well."
"How was the transformation?" She asked curiously. "Is it the same as they show on tv?"
"You should totally stop watching those shows," he told her. "It's messing with your mind."
"Oh, like your mind is squeaky clean Monsieur Godfrey." She chuckled.
He let out a laugh, "oh."
"Anyway," she exhaled. "I wish I could see Peter transform, once in my life."
"So you wanna see him butt naked?" He turned to her.
"I do not," she scoffed.
"He has to undress first," he emphasised on the word undress. "To turn into a werewolf."
"Must have been a sight for you, then, if you remember it that clearly." She clicked her tongue.
"I have seen many nude people, to be bothered anyway." He shone the flashlight on her teasingly, "in fact you can totally be nude at the moment and I won't bother."
Chantel pushed the flashlight away from her, "keep on dreaming."
"Oh, I do dream about you." A wide smirk passed his gorgeous face.
"You dream about of lot of girls," she walked away.
He said. "No, I don't."
They entered some type of control room. The darkness was almost blinding. It looked exactly like a scene from a horror movie and a ghost would pop up any second.
"Why is this place so gross," she said nervously. "And scary."
"All right I'm done, let's get out of here." Roman grabbed hold of her hand.
"But we haven't found anything." She reminded him.
"If you want to spend more time with me just say it, sweetheart." he gave her a devilish smile.
"Yeah, my dream date is to explore an old abandoned factory." She pulled out her phone, "I'll text Pete to meet us back at the stairs."
"Why do you keep calling him that?" He asked curiously as they walked towards the stairs.
"Calling him what?" She asked confused.
"Pete," he noted.
"When I first dropped by his place, I saw one of his sketches, it was signed Pete." She mentioned. "And it just sticked to me."
He clicked his tongue, "I've never seen you, like this before."
"Like what?" She looked up at the alluring boy.
"You seem different," he let out a little sigh.
Peter was at the stairs. "Found anything?" He asked as he saw the two figures.
Roman shook his head as a no.
"Let's check out there." Chantel pointed towards the opening on the right. But as soon as they entered, it was like they'd descended to horror land instead. The room was filled with rats. Chantel baffled a scream almost slipping, but Roman was quick to grab her. She closed her eyes. "I hate rats, I hate rats, I hate rats, I hate rats."
"I know, love." He mumbled as he handed the flash flight to Peter and picked her up on his arms. There were just so many of them running around, squeaking. Chantel didn't dare to look down. This was the definition of hell on earth.
As they walked out of that rat infested room, Roman gently put her down.
She gave a sigh of relief. "Thank goodness."
"Thank me," he gave her ponytail a playful tug.
"You hear that?" Peter looked at them.
They all listened closely. A metal clanged.
"Yeah," Chantel sniffed. "You guys smell that."
An extremely unpleasant pungent smell which Chantel couldn't make out was on the air: it smelled like rotten eggs, rotten garbage, rotten fish, urine all mixed into a horrible, horrible scent she'd never smelt in her life before.
"Ugh!" Groaned Roman.
Chantel covered her nose and mouth with her long sleeves, she couldn't take it anymore. She'd totally pass out if she had to smell it any longer. Peter armed himself with a long metal. Like that's gonna protect them if the vargulf shows up.
"Ugh!" Groaned Roman again.
Chantel eyes caught something red at a distance. Two rats were feasting on something that looked like, as she realised what that was. She yelled, "what the actual fuck!"
It was Lisa Willoughby's missing body part.
Roman pulled her close and covered her eyes with his hand. "It's the bottom half of Lisa Willoughby." He said.
"I'd like to go," she sniffed.
"Let's go." Roman called Peter as they walked out of the room. Chantel was shaking a bit as Roman guided her steps.
"Who the fuck comes in here?" Peter asked in disbelief.
"I don't know," responded Roman.
"It's your fucking mill." Peter pointed out.
They all stopped at a corner. Roman ran his fingers through his hair in frustration.
"Should we tell someone?" Chantel murmured. "I think we should tell someone."
"Tell them what?" Peter looked at her dumbly.
"I don't know," she stammered. "But we can't leave her body just like that."
"Part of her body," mentioned Roman.
"You're not helping." She exhaled. What the actual hell have they gotten themselves into?
There, they heard the siren bleep, it was the police.
"Who the fuck called the police?" Cursed Peter.
"Shee-it." Exhaled Chantel.
"I'll deal with it." Roman told them.
"Just do it, ok?" Peter told Roman "Don't fuck around."
"You've made your point." Roman said. Then he asked out of the blue, "what were you guys upto?"
"What?" Peter looked at Roman.
"What were you guys upto?" Roman repeated.
"Fuck! Roman." Hissed Peter.
"I went to pick you up but Lynda informed you left before noon, so I wanna know what were you guys doing for the past three hours?" Roman questioned annoyingly.
"They're going to find your car," Peter huffed a breath of disbelief.
"I don't like secrets." Roman warned.
"Can we please drop this," Chantel looked at Roman irritably.
"Just get rid of them." Peter panicked.
"Please," Chantel put a hand on Roman's arm. "If the cops see him, he'll be in a lot of trouble."
"Please!" Pleaded Peter.
"Since you said the magic word." He told Peter, then turned over to Chantel. "Whatever happens out there, stay put. I'll come get you."
Roman headed straight towards the door.
"Fuck!" Peter cursed.
Chantel pinched the bridge of her nose with her finger tips and headed towards the little windows. Instead of him trying to mesmerise them, Roman looked like he was in a quarrel with the officers. What the fuck! Do it Rome. Then the officers cuffed him and took him away.
"Shee-it." Muttered Chantel, "they took him."
"They what?" Asked Peter in disbelief. "Didn't he do that eye thingy?"
"He's pissed." She quoted with her fingers.
"That pissed, that he got himself arrested?" Peter tried his best not to lash out in anger.
"He's Roman Godfrey after all." She stated the obvious. And he'll go to any lengths to punish people who cross him.
They stood there just staring at each other like idiots for some minutes and then headed towards the jaguar to search for the car key.
"You sure you can drive stick?" Chantel asked as they searched for the key. Because Peter looked more like a two wheeler guy.
Peter said with a nod. "I had been on the road long enough, to learn a lot about automobiles."
"Oh," she mouthed.
Roman's key was nowhere, that means it was on him.
"So this was his grand plan." She shrugged. "Leaving us in the middle of nowhere."
They heard a honk. Chantel turned to the direction of the road, it was the black Range Rover Velar of Olivia Godfrey. Kill me!
Peter was quick to fall on the ground. "Who the fuck is that?"
"It's Olivia Godfrey." She said not even believing the words herself.
"What's she doing here?" He panicked.
"I don't know but you need to disappear." She told him, he nodded and crawled towards the bushes.
Olivia got out of the SUV, wearing a two piece white suit dress smoking a cigarette. She was such a boss lady and she's going to kill Chantel.
"Poor darling," she said in that cold condescending tune of hers as she inhaled the smoke deeply.
"I..." Chantel murmured. For heavens sake, come up with a lie. "We were exploring and the cops took Rome away."
"Yeah," Olivia killed the cigarette. "He called and informed you were here, alone."
"Where's he now?" Chantel asked cautiously.
"At the station," she said gesturing Chantel to get into the car. "Let's go darling, we need to rescue the Prince."
Chantel got into the car nervously. The drive to the police station was not only stressful but she was panicking if Olivia questions her but thankfully she didn't. Chantel waited in the backseat of car, while Olivia went to bail Roman out. Susan had called her daughter up fumingly, because Chantel was late for dinner at the Rai's.
Chantel won't be surprised if her uptight mother grounds her after this.
After a good ten minutes Roman and Olivia appeared. The boy gave her a quick salute as he got into the car, none of them exchanged a single word as Olivia drove in silence, tension brewing between the mother and the son. Chantel's heart was pounding as well, she couldn't wait to get back home and blast the music out so loud that she wouldn't be able to think anymore.
"What?" Roman finally asked his mother.
Olivia didn't respond.
"The fuck, you're pissed? It's our fucking property." He fumed. "and you had me arrested?" He nodded at Chantel who was seated behind them, "I had to leave her all by herself."
Olivia clenched her jaws. "Who the hell told you, to take her there at the first place? Out of all the places in Hemlock Grove." She spat. "For fuck sake! If you guys wanted a vacation, just say so, I'll book it right away."
Roman hissed. "I just wanted to show her the fucking property. It's ours after all!"
Olivia grabbed his jaws with her hand and turned his face towards her, "not our. I will cut you off without a cent!" She threatened. "You think I won't?"
Chantel wanted to leap out of the moving car and plumed to her death.
Olivia took a deep long breath, then looked over her shoulder. "I'm sorry darling, shall I drop you home?"
"That would be nice." Chantel nodded in agreement.
Roman watched her from the corner of his eyes, she totally ignored him. If Roman had just mesmerised the police officers, they'd not be in trouble from the first place. But he did what he did because he wanted to punish Peter and her a little for keeping secrets from him.
Chantel's mother wasn't home because she was at Gia's house for dinner. Thankfully a six digit password was needed to get into the house. Her notifications were popping up ever since the ride back home but Chantel hadn't checked them. She just prayed it wasn't about them at Castle Godfrey but she had never expected what she saw: Christina Wendall completely flipped and had scratched poor Tyler's face while hanging out at the beach.
Well Tyler deserved it, Chantel thought.
Her phone pinged. Roman send her a song 'the less I know the better' by Tame Impala.
"What's that suppose to mean?" She frowned as she climbed up the stairs. Tomorrow morning, she might be grounded by Susan. All thanks to the one and only Roman Godfrey.
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