chapter 7
He was very much aware of the tiny and soft body pressed to his side but he didn't move. His eyes firmly closed in attempt to cuff the hungry and horny wolf within him
The little stir from her made shaquan to open his eyes- his wolf not cuffed in any way- looking from her to the wall clock and back to her again.
This will be like the second time in his entire life time that he actually felt like a normal human being. He smirked at his own thoughts. For one, normal human beings don't have a very big and angry wolf taking up almost half of their brain and pushing to manifest at the sight of a very delicate and beautifully sculptured woman.
Slowly , He stood up from the bed. Her whole body was covered up with the tiny linens posing as bed cover. Shaquan has no need for thick bed covers before but now he has a delicate soul to consider.
The thought made shaquan to halt in his step. Her mouth was open slightly her hair all over the pillow. Shaquan always liked it when a woman hair is always in a tight bund he hate the hair getting into the way especially when his might rod between his legs is receiving some attention.
Like you were actually enjoying it. Shaquan smiled at the thought from his wolf. The muscles in his arms flexed as he carried her from the bed with the soft lineing as the only piece of material between her soft body and his chisled chest. His wolf purred sitting on his legs, waggling his tail and enjoying the feel of his mate close.
She sure is a deep sleeper seeing as she did not open her eyes instead she threw her hand around his neck and purred incoherently
Gently lowering her back on the bed after a few minutes. His hot rode was pointing out causing a ruckus with the trouser zip. He closed his eyes in surprise as once again after a very long time his wolf has completely taken over. Although it only lasted for few minutes, the action was not justified
What is not justified is you trying to send my mate home with her memory completely erased.
Shaquan looked at his mate for a brief moment before walking the short distance to the closet coming out full clothed in one of his many grey suit.
His eyes once again betrayed any reasonable thinking as they stared directly at the woman on his bed he could hear her snoring slightly causing the uncuffed wolf to beat his chest.
Of course everything was perfect to his wolf but not shaquan as he walked out of the room.
Snatching the hot coffee mug sitting pretty on his office table, the big oak door opened with that gentle crick revealing his mother.
"I take it that your room is no more as comfortable as it used to be few hours ago". Shaquan robed his forehead in desperation. Just that moment that he was trying to get some rest before his uneventful journey back to the 'non human land' as his mother likes to call it,
"Mother" his voice came out not intending as a groan as she dragged the hot mug from his hands. A careful look at her will show that she is sleep deprived but asking her what the problem was could bring about textbook full of nagging something he had no intention of listening to.
. "Not that you need the coffee to slap your brain awake and keep your body warm; she made that irritating snack sound with her lips "there is enough heat in your body to melt the ice sea".
He wishfully let her drag the mug from his hand. Shaquan knows his mother and the unspoken fear she harbours he could see the many questions swimming in her eyes and he did the only things he could he closed his eyes attempting to shun any upcoming question when the normal part of his brain decided to take a walk back in time only to end up on her in another man hand smiling like the world is a beautiful place.
His wolf decided to wake up to the offensive memory causing a splitting headache.
"Where were you last night?"
Oh!she knows quite alright where he was seeing as she was the one that took off her clothes but he was not about to welcome her intrusion instead he looked at his mother with rage in his eyes
"Don't give me that look. I just asked a simple question."
" I don't even know why I went there"
"Maybe the inner and reasonable part of you wanted to be there".
His mother sigh. " Quan, listen son, she is normal, a human, a normal breathing human, no wolf in her no trace of witch,she is perfect, somebody's daughter. you can't take her you can't take her"
Once again his wolf got offend at the last statement. statement not entirely false and not entirely true. He could take her for all he cares but like the other part of the statement which his wolf has refused to listen to she is human a normal soft careless human something that does not fit well with the world he come from
Standing up from his chair shaquan doubled over in pain. This time it's was a pain well known to him. As much as his wolf likes the shining light and the loud sounds of car couple with the luxirious life filled with nothing his wolf craved more the green,thick wild were the moon is the map. Just then the pull back to the wolfworld began and he couldn't resist any longer. His wolf roared in agony leaving his mate.
finding himself in the all too familiar green wild his wolf took over forcing the Change to fur with four paws roaring to the high gods in anger.
" My Lord..."
The battle of will began as shaquan need control back but the wolf was far gone to maintain control
"My Lord, you have to calm down. We can't let our enemies Know the secrete just yet"
The word from his most loyal soldier should have calmed the wolf but instead it provoked the wolf as the urge to mate hit him at once causing the wolf to roll on his back wiggling his tail in pleasure Causing his flames to manifest without any form of control.
The hurried footsteps from other soldier made the wolf to give control back to his human forcing a change. Shaquan put out the fires just before the other soldier appeared. "Go to the east follow the pathway and see to catch the intruder who dears to burn our land" shaquan immediately bark out command while still trying to put his rageous wolf under control.
"Start planning what to say to the king when he ask" Ruben again whisper this time in caution.
"I will make sure he does not ask"
A combination of fear and anger made shaquan to take in a deep long breath holding it for a good one minute before puffing it out his shoulder were still tensed and as far as his wolf was concerned his dick was still in attention. His wolf wanted to pound her from behind while holding onto her curved waist as an anchor and this time it was not the wolf's thought alone
With long stride from his steady feet he found himself in his Chambers.
pacing again he could just imagine her kicking, screaming and fighting him when she finally know him.. or she could just open her legs in surrender and enjoy pleasure from her mate his wolf replied and shaquan actually smilled.
Knowing he won't be able to continue the batter with his wolf he lazily layed down on his bed giving himself to sleep for tomorrow will bring a solution to all his unasked questions.
Hours later he opened his eyes to judge the time and knew that it was well past time to stand up from his bed to start looking for solution to his problems. A sound that was not familiar came from down the hall and he tried to think what it could be. Throwing the cover off he pulled on his tunic and walked down the hall toward the noise. The low sound led him to the hall to see soldiers gathered around. His eyes became sharpened as his nose took in that familiar rose scent with a faint trace of pinewood his wolf immediately woke up causing shaquan to loose his balance a little. As he walked closer the scent became stronger as his wolf could not stope whispering the word shaquan always dreaded to hear.
"Sir, a woman from nowhere is on the floor" shaquan turned to look at Ruben but the scent drew his attention again causing him to finally take the last step drawing him closer to the crowd. The crowd finally gave way and shaquan was faced with his mate wearing just those tiny piece of lingerie sleeping soundlessly on the floor his sharp sense of smell began to pick up the other warriors arousal just as she turned causing her legs to part showing her pink and plump pussy lips. He omitted a low groan from his throat and one of the warriors gave a low groan too in challenge.
He gently scoped her up in his arm and she immediately cuddled up making his wolf to purr in pleasure.
"she is not marked yet so it a fair challenge" one of the soldiers shouted he payed no mind as he gently walked back to his room but gave a low groan
Let wait for the kicking and fighting or for the pleasurable surrender.
Thank you for reading my story please don't stope voting and commenting.
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