12| Disgrace, Dishonour, Discredit.
● Ember Elliot Elysian ●
I was happy to see Erin.
No, I wasn't happy--I was actually ecstatic when I saw her.
It was as if my unanswered wish had finally come true--as if the gods above finally heard me after thirteen years.
Those nights wishing if I could see her only for a mere moment didn't go in vain. Those sleepless nights discussing with my friends about how I can communicate with her in any possible way didn't go in vain. Those nights in my childhood--waiting impatiently for a shooting star to appear so that I could say, Please let me see Erin again, please let her be okay. didn't go in vain.
But all of my happiness to be with her again, hope to know her more, excitement to show how much things had changed died when she uttered those words. "Sorry, but do I even know you?"
When she said that, I felt like the universe had pulled out the nastiest joke on me.
All of my thoughts about Erin came to an end when I felt a hand shaking my shoulders. "You there, Ember?" I looked up to see it was Ace, his face concerned.
"You worried about Amber?" he asked as I nodded.
"I don't know what to do, she forgot everything," I sighed, confused.
"There's really nothing to do when someone's memories have been changed," Ace was telling the truth- once it was done, there was no going back and it was done for forever.
"As a Memory Writer, I can write new memories for her. You know, everything that she's forgotten but it won't be authentic," he suggested.
I shook my head. "I don't want her to have fake memories, Ace,"
"Then, there's nothing to do except for telling her everything and making new memories,"
"Well, I'd be doing that if it wasn't for our old man suddenly declaring he wants to have a talk with us," I rolled my eyes as I saw my father and Ira walking ahead of us as Ira desperately argued with him while he just shook his head.
"Honestly, what's there to talk about? Either he's going to show off Ira's renèi Possession or going to tell me I should just die for being an absolute disgrace,"
"Ember! That's not true," Ace chided, his tone so much similar to our mother that it instantly reminded me of her.
"Father doesn't want you dead- he just. . . he just wants you to change,"
"Well, there's no way I'm changing and I'm going to reveal my identity soon." I said, glaring at my father's back, knowing this was easier said than done.
I was about to continue when my heart began racing when I saw the old, black wooden door where my father and Ira had stopped and before I knew it, I found myself breathing fast and clutching my chest tightly and soon, those unpleasant memories flashed upon my eyes.
"I didn't do it! I promise." I cried and winced in pain as another punch landed on my nine-year-old body.
"I don't know what you're talking about!" I tried to defend myself with my small hands but failed when those hands were caught by firm hands and a kick landed on my stomach.
Someone grabbed my hair tightly--my eyes were closed from all the beating and that person's face was blurry but I knew who was it anyways. "You really are a disgrace."
Those were the words I grew up hearing. I was seven when I first heard them. I didn't even know what they meant but I knew it wasn't something pleasant because the disgust on their faces when they said those words were enough to show.
"Ember?" Someone nudged my shoulders. "Ember? Ember? Elliot!" My breathing caught in my throat as I finally came back to reality. It was Ace who was calling my name countless time. He noticed my sudden change of behaviour and was worried.
"Why. . . why are we here?" I managed to ask, my breathing still fast.
"To talk," my father craned his head before twisting the doorknob.
"About what?" I demanded and the door opened with a screeching sound, the same creaking sound, the same doorknob, the same eerie vibes- everything was the same.
It was as if I was visiting the past against my will.
"About your curse."
A few minutes later, four of us were inside that torture room where a confused looking Ace was trying to understand what was going on, Ira looking like he'd be anywhere but here, father looking for something to sit on and me, who was still unaware of what was about to come.
Noticing Ira's uneasiness made me wonder why he was so uncomfortable here--he should be happy because the person he hated the most was in a room which was enough to make him feel weak and vulnerable.
Ace being confused was understandable as he didn't know what used to happen in this room but he knew about my curse and same went with Ira.
The room was just like how it was--small yet dark, filled with dirt and unpleasant memories. There was a chair in the center where they'd make me sit down and question about things I never heard of. There was an empty pail where water used to overflow and they'd clean my scattered-with-blood like face with it. That's all there was--a pail and a chair.
I breathed in and out. In and out until finally I felt like I could do it.
"This small room brings back some big memories, Elliot. Right?" father craned his head as he took a sit in that chair.
"You wanted talk to about something." I avoided answering him.
"What's the rush?" he smiled, the same smile he'd give me whenever I did something wrong or didn't obey him.
"No rush. I just have some important tasks to attend," I told him as he nodded.
"What could be so important to you than your amalgamation right now?"
Checking if Erin has done anything moronic.
I remained quiet and he sighed. "Emerson," he looked at Ira, calling him by the name he gave him as he snapped back to reality upon hearing father's voice.
"Yes, father? What can I do for you?" he asked.
"Slave." I spat with a scowl, clearly referring to him and he noticed.
"Since when obeying your parent became known as slavery?" he questioned with an eyebrow raised.
I scoffed, "You're obeying someone who has taken control of your life, snatched your freedom, made you unknown to your own self, took away yo-"
I knew I had crossed my limits and would've go on more and more if it wasn't for my father coming in between and cutting me off. "Elliot, you've said enough."
I looked away, trying my best to not let anger get a hold of me. "Emerson," father looked up to Ira whose facial expression was as same as before. Ira nodded and then father said something which wasn't quiet unexpected.
"Release your renèi Possession." That was it. That was his way of showing my weakness and helplessness. That was his way of showing what a disgrace I was. That was his way of making me hate myself for something I didn't have. My renèi Possession.
Upon hearing father's order, Ira didn't waste a single second to release what he and father called gift. Within a few moments, something tore off from Ira's back--his black coat. And soon, two pairs of pure white high speed wings appeared--fluttering against the walls-barely unable to fit in this small room.
This is what a renèi Possession is.
Your dignity.
Your will to survive.
Your power to live.
And I didn't have that.
I was an Ezèrian.
The despised Power Holder.
I looked at father who was thrilled to see the scene in front of his eyes. "My, my," he sighed in disbelief--admiring Ira's renèi Possession. He was a White Wing Possessor.
"Just look at it. So white, so pure--almost like an angel," he went closer to his wings and touched the feathers, feeling the texture.
I looked away, scowling and feeling like I'd be anywhere but near my father and his angel.
Noticing Ira, he also looked like me, upset, sad, ashamed and that made me furious. What was he so upset about? He should've been happy because the man with more than seven renèi Possessions was admiring his renèi Possessions. I'd kill to get his attention.
I wasn't upset about the fact that my brothers were better than me. I was upset and angry at myself. I was angry about the fact that I wasn't as useful as them, as special as them.
I was everything my father never wanted me to be.
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I was actually planning to write Ember's POV in chapter thirty or forty something but then I realised he's the effing protagonist of the story and having no POV of his would mean only more confusion-
Hope you enjoyed this chapter? How was Ember's first POV?
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Thank you so much for reading!
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