If anyone was on the brink of being bored to Hell, it would be Percy. The demigod sat with both Iroh and Zuko – both known to him as 'Mushi' and 'Li' before their proper reintroduction – at Full Moon Bay as he and a few hundred refugees waited to go to Ba Sing Se.
According to Iroh, Ba Sing Se is the stronghold and capital of the Earth Kingdom and is known for its two impenetrable walls protecting the city. A magnificent city, the old man had exclaimed. When queried on how he was so knowledgeable of the Earth Kingdom, the only reply was that he visited it when he was a different man. Percy saw the sadness in Iroh's eyes and came to the conclusion that the former general had tried to seize the capital before – Iroh was General Iroh after all – but failed. Unwilling to see the bubbly wise old man dredge up old wounds, the son of Poseidon dropped the topic.
Percy looked around, wondering how the others had arrived at the port. For the young man, Iroh and Zuko, they sneaked out of the flower shop with forged passports after two men were searching for the two firebenders to get a bounty. The method used was unorthodox but foolproof: Iroh and Zuko hid in large flower vases while Percy pulled the trolley carrying them, passing by the two bounty hunter-wannabes with ease. They were loaded on a carriage and ditched the trolley and vases the very moment they were certain the coast was clear.
When they reached the port stationed in a cove hidden in a sea cave, the trio had to deal with a long queue of people lined up in single file all due to an elderly woman who stood at the only counter as she stamped passports in approval, or people's foreheads in rejection. Of all the passports she inspected from the three: 'Mushi's (Iroh) was the quickest, the woman not bothering to question him and only sighed when he smiled at her; she studied 'Zhang' (Percy) from top to toe, looking back and forth from the passport and back to him as if the name didn't suit him; but when she started scrutinizing 'Li' (Zuko), both Iroh and Percy felt their heart in their throats. Her eyes darted between his red scar and the dual swords sheathed to his back. They released breathes they didn't know they held when she finally approved 'Li's passport, though she never took her narrowed eyes off him until she started attending the next applicant.
Speaking of Zuko, Percy noticed the Prince-of-the-Fire-Nation-now-Exiled brooding in the corner of his eyes. The teen had not spoken a word since Percy reintroduced himself, only voicing his shock in the flower shop when his uncle had said they were headed to Ba Sing Se to 'hide in plain sight'.
"Is he always this grumpy?" Percy thought to himself, but must have voiced out his mind as Iroh chuckled while Zuko snapped his head towards the demigod. Amber eyes glared daggers into sea-green, but Percy wasn't affected by it as he merely shrugged with an unfazed "just asking".
"My nephew is many things," the 'Dragon of the West' said as he looked at the Prince. "Grumpy, yes. But he also has kindness in him. All he needs is proper guidance."
"Lesson One: Whoop Zuko's Ass," Percy remarked. The comment did not sit well with Zuko, who got up and marched towards him.
"You want to go a few rounds, demigod?" the question was growled out of the young firebender's throat, his hand twitching as if it wants to form a fist or grab his dual broadswords.
Percy narrowed his eyes at the challenging tone used while Iroh let out a tired sigh and a soft 'here we go again'. When Percy explained his side of the story to the duo, he tried to keep it straight to the point and simple to understand – points like he was not from this world, he's the son of a God, and Gods seem to be similar to some of the Spirits here like 'Poseidon' to the 'Ocean Spirit' and 'Artemis' to the 'Moon Spirit' as a part of trying to compare the two worlds and find some possible similarities between them. While Iroh appeared to digest some of the information, Zuko just kept an impassive expression, seemingly refusing to believe that these 'Gods' could procreate with humans to birth 'demigods'. That and a whole different world exists.
Percy really contemplated the offer – his ADHD was yearning to kick some butt – but decided against it. There was no way a firebender and a demigod who can 'bend' both earth and water duke it out without creating a commotion and bring unwanted attention upon them. Or it might just end with them getting kicked out of the terminal entirely, leaving them no quicker access to Ba Sing Se. Getting onto his feet and dusting himself as he did so, Percy told Iroh he'll be getting some air and walked off. Not before shooting his 'wolf stare' at Zuko, who flinched slightly at the intensity of it. Lupa would be so proud.
It was when he started strolling around he realised the number of people uprooted from the Fire Nation's invasion. It was no wonder Zuko and Iroh kept their identities a secret. People would have hated them. For Percy though, since he was in a whole different world he wasn't that worried about secret identities. He just used it since the other two he was keeping company with used aliases.
A soft sob caught the demigod's attention, who turned his head to see a little girl standing at near a wall, away from the crowds as she cried to herself. Right then, three men had surrounded her. This was a refugee's escape route, why are there even bullies here anyway? Percy no idea what was going on, but he knew he didn't like the look of it. His mouth moved before he realized it, grabbing their attention.
"How about I help you guys sing Soprano for a week, eh?"
The biggest muscles of the group walked towards the son of Poseidon, a smirk on his face as if he did not take Percy seriously. Eyeing the young man from top to toe, 'Muscles' landed a backhanded slap across Percy's face. The slap was so hard the sound of the smack caught the attention of the crowd in the vicinity. Sea green eyes quickly scanned the place and noticed three pairs of security guards stationed nearby had also begun scrutinizing Percy and the three men.
His ADHD was beginning to act up but again for the sake of not grabbing unwanted attention, Percy stiffly turned himself around and walked away, hoping the three men would just leave the kid alone.
"Yeah, all talk but no walk. Typical trash," he heard 'Muscles' mocked just as he was about to take his first step.
Now, normally Percy would pay no heed to people mocking him. He ignored the bullies when he was hopping from school to school. The usual trigger that would have him losing his cool would be because someone he cared about was mocked or picked on. Example: Grover back in Yancy Academy. It was most likely the demigod's deep-rooted ADHD being dialled up to eleven from the lack of action for the day, or his pride finally snapped that drove him to throw caution to the wind.
That's it. Let's rumba, Big Man!
He felt his body took control of its own like he unconsciously clicked on the 'autopilot' button somewhere in his mind. Percy spun around and just threw a kick forward, feeling his shin landing under 'Muscle's crotch. Jackpot. The towering man who just seconds ago was putting up a tough exterior had now reduced to an oaf crumbled to the ground. He had his hands between his curled up legs as he let out a high-pitched yowl it reminded Percy of Grover bleating but tuned to the highest frequency. The other two 'friends' of 'Muscles' stared wide-eyed in disbelief at their leader's fall, but both of them quickly recovered to charge at their 'leader's assailant. When will they ever learn?
There was an urge to uncap Riptide, but from Percy's experience with 'Colonel-Mongke-The-Baldy" the day before, the people here are mortals. Well, celestial bronze doesn't hurt them so they're mortals. Sure, a sword appearing out of thin air will make anyone think twice. But these guys look like they're pretty confident with their numerical advantage.
Taking a step back with his left leg as he Percy dodged a right hook and lifted his right leg to avoid being swept off his feet. The demigod merely rolled forward when the two men – labelled 'Skinny' and 'Ugly' – tried to swing a wide and wild arc with their fists at him, moving like a football being rolled into a goal. It allowed him to put himself between the little girl and the troublemakers still standing. In the corner of his eyes, Percy noticed the guards watching them earlier advancing towards him albeit slowly. This must end. Fast.
'Ugly' probably thought the same because he charged at Percy, reminiscent of a very angry bull-human hybrid which the demigod battled twice. Percy stood his ground and waited for the right moment to strike. The very moment 'Ugly' threw his punch, the demigod sidestepped, his motion a blur to others.
"Wha – eurgh!"
Before 'Ugly' could comprehend what happened, Percy spun and kicked him in the face. He had to keep his kick lower than the time he kicked the Minotaur in the snout or he'd be looking like an idiot kicking thin air. Instead of staggering backwards and putting up some sign of a fight like 'Old Beefhead' did, 'Ugly' just fell backwards as he clasped his nose.
If 'Skinny' had wide-eyes when 'Muscles' fell, his eyes were so rounded Percy was certain his eyeballs were about to fall off his eye sockets as he watched 'Ugly' writhing in pain. The lithe man gave Percy a panicked glance while muttering to himself as he turned to run, only to find his arms twisted behind his back by two security guards the very same instant. Seeing the situation somewhat handled, Percy turned around for sea-green eyes to see the little girl had stopped crying. Now, she was just staring at him.
"Don't move."
A feminine voice peeled Percy's attention away from the child. It wasn't a threat, nor was it a request. The tone made it clear to him that he was commanded to stop and warned against doing it. The Son of Poseidon looked around to realize the other two pairs of security guards had flanked him. They appeared to be ready to fight him at any given moment.
There was a possibility of escaping into the crowd, but Percy did not want to cause more trouble for anyone given the fearful looks among the adults. Those who had children were quick to pull their little ones behind them as if trying to shield the kids from a monster, despite awestruck looks clearly plastered on the children's faces.
"I'm sorry about doing your jobs," Percy deadpanned.
"What's that supposed to mean?" the same voice asked, clearly unamused. "You were clearly involved in a fight."
Percy looked to his right to see the security guard talking, and he was certain it was a girl. And he was correct. She was clearly one head shorter than the demigod, but if Percy was to guess just from body posture he was willing to bet that she was not intimidated by his height at all. Raising both hands in surrender, he felt his mouth forming a smile.
"You caught me red-handed, then."
"We'll need you to leave the place, Mister."
"Sure, if I could only inform my friends that I can't join their 'voyage'."
"Not an option."
"Listen, lady –" Percy's argument was interrupted when he felt a tug from the back of his pants and he looked down to see the same little girl he helped standing behind him. All the words and snarky remarks he wanted to spit at the guard immediately die in his mouth. Ignoring the glances shot at him, the young man slowly got on one knee as he tried to maintain eye contact with the girl without having her straining her neck. Up close, Percy saw that her eyes were bloodshot from crying earlier, but her breathing was steady.
"Did you make them sing Su-Pa-Noh?" She asked. There were no more tears flowing apart from the dry streams on her cheeks. Percy gently placed a hand on her cheek and wiped a dry stream off with his thumb as he evidently ignored the glares he was receiving. Slowly, he nodded with a half-smile.
"Yeah, I did."
"They were terrible singers," the girl giggled.
The demigod couldn't help himself. A hearty laugh escaped him, stunning the adults around, but the guards kept their stances. Controlling his delight to keep his composure, Percy looked at the girl again, his features softened as he spoke.
"Where's your mom?"
The girl dropped her head, possibly feeling a little anxious. She clasped her hands together as she timidly replied. "I don't know."
Percy's chest clenched and his heart sank. This girl was lost. In the middle of a terminal which was half the size of Grand Central Station and housed half the crowd size. The son of Poseidon still felt it was a bustling place.
"How about I help you find your mom?"
Both Percy and the girl turned their heads to see the security guard who ordered Percy to leave also kneeling to talk to the little girl. The demigod noted that her features had softened compared to when she spoke with him, possibly to help the girl feel less anxious.
The little girl turned her head to look at Percy, her eyes as if asking for assurance. Glancing over towards the guard, Percy pondered on the question. The guard did sound genuine and nice with the girl, though he didn't exactly trust her. His gut tensed and trembled whenever the demigod thought about not trusting the kid to the guard as if trying to tell him 'bad idea', and it relaxed whenever his mind weighed on the option of trusting her like saying 'uh-huh. Go with that.'
Seeing his approving nod, the girl's smile broadened as she turned to the guard and happily agreed to go with her.
"Go look for whoever you're looking for," the guard spoke to Percy as she took the little girl's hand. "But make it quick, the crabby lady doesn't tolerate exceptions."
The only person that came to Percy's mind at the mention of Crabby Lady was the elderly passport attendant. All her preaches about the 'importance of civilisation' and complaints about the 'lack of order in place' reminded him of the uptight and strict Terminus. One can only imagine if those two regulation-loving individuals met. He merely nodded to her and ruffled the girl's hair, who pouted but looked more like she fighting's not to break into a smile.
As the female security and her partner took off with the girl to find her mother, the remaining pair stood right behind Percy. They followed the jet-black haired young man so closely as he searched for his 'companions' he nearly suggested that they tie two ropes to his hands and held on to it as they walked – like a kid's harness. But he bit his tongue before he could give them any ideas.
Finding Zuko and Iroh was the easy part. The duo eyed the guards behind their travel companion before looking to him as they demanded an explanation. The hard part was conveying the message to them without Zuko creating a scene. Surprisingly, he did not.
"So, you're saying you got kicked out?" The Prince asked, his arms folded in front of his chest as he finally spoke for the first time since they left the flower shop. Percy cocked an eyebrow at the calmness he possessed. Maybe there won't be a scene after all.
"No, I'm saying they're giving me First-Class privileges." Percy managed to deadpan. The sarcasm must have flown over both nephew and uncle's heads given their lack of reaction on their faces. The son of Poseidon rolled his eyes. "Of course I'm getting kicked out. So, what's the fastest alternate route to Ba Sing Se?"
Iroh stroked his grey beard as he was deep in thought. "That would be the Serpent's Pass."
"Sounds dangerous."
"It is. A lot of travellers avoid it for its treacherous path and dangerous waters."
"Now you're making it sound easy. Who knows? I might even reach the place before you do."
"Hilarious," was Zuko's toneless reply. "So I'm guessing you'll meet us at Ba Sing Se?"
Percy smiled at the remark. Good thing they didn't hear the full extent of his powers, nor the potential he had being the son of the Big Three. Or else Zuko would be giving 'weirder' faces at Percy.
"Don't worry about me," Percy was certain someone out there was going to rip the smile off his face if he kept it on any longer. He still kept it on. "I'll find a way."
Percy could not find a way.
He planned to find this "Serpent's Pass", jump into the water and swim all the way to Ba Sing Se – or at least the land closest to it. All while avoiding any serpents that may want a taste for half-human meat.
Sounds easy in his head? Yeah.
It was not easy at all when he tried executing it.
His talk with Iroh and Zuko was cut short when an announcer invited passengers onto the ferry due for the following departure, signalling their cue to leave. As the two guards escorted him out a tunnel, he asked for directions to the Serpent's Pass, the looks they had on their faces could mean nought but one thing. Does this guy have a death wish?
When one of them started providing him directions, he started getting distracted by how well the walls of the cave were drilled and that they didn't need any support beams to keep them from falling.
Gods, I'm starting to sound like Annabeth.
His heart clenched at the thought. Suppressing the thought that he might never see her again, Percy turned to the guard and realized he had finished providing directions. So much for listening. Nevertheless, when they reached the end of the tunnel Percy thanked the pair who seemed relieved that he left the place without a fight, and parted ways.
Greek curses escaped Percy mouth as he scanned the dark grey land as he deliberated his route. The guard's instruction which he remembered was 'turn right' but the demigod had trouble piecing together the subsequent direction he should take. What he would give to be in the water for better bearings. His mind was favouring that he just use the information available and circle the sea cave.
Guess it's time to wing it.
Passing a small bush as he circled the cave midway Percy felt the same tug in his gut. For a moment he thought was standing on the bush. A feeling of disorientation washed over the demigod who shook his head and felt his focus returning to him. The experience puzzled him, but he quickly dismissed it as mere lightheadedness.
Then he felt it again. It was as though he could feel the humidity in the air and the water stored in the bush and the soil. As he took a step back, he felt the ground hum. Just, what?
His senses felt like it was dialled up to eleven, only to subside when he shook his head. Harder this time. He wanted to figure out whatever happened to him, but Percy had priorities. Ba Sing Se awaits.
So he started walking again, trying to concentrate on the land ahead of him as he struggled to take steps without feeling his ears blast at him with vibrations from the ground. The trip was different compared to Tartarus. In the darkest part of the Underworld, the landscape was always shifting, and Percy remembered how his body pained from the blisters that formed on his skin and the air could suffocate a man. This though was about his senses being amplified, and that was constantly throwing him off balance. He needed to get to the Lake fast.
Percy shifted into a light jog as he picked up the paces, not wanting to run for fear of giving himself a headache. Eventually, he reached the shores of East Lake. There he felt sensed the water trying to reach out to him, seemingly desiring him to join in. He didn't even give it a thought. The son of the Sea God just dived in.
The moment he submerged underwater, Percy felt rejuvenated like he had just woken up from a very good sleep. His mind cleared, making him realize that his senses had been magnified to the point he could feel the water in the entire lake. He felt the fishes swimming in its waters, with many of them swimming towards one point. Him. As if on cue, fish of all kinds had surrounded him and he could hear their curiosity in his head.
A special waterbender!
A mere man, he is not.
Why is this weird creature glowing? Where are its gills?
Please don't eat me!
Look! He is not wet underwater!
How can he be wet if he's underwater? We're all surrounded by water.
That doesn't make sense. You have brains of a fish.
You're a fish, too!
Percy had enough of the attention from the humans at the Bay and now the fish in front of him. SCRAM! The marines were quick to swim off, though he could tell they went reluctantly. As his field of view became uncrowded, the son of Poseidon became aware of a dark shape stalking in the background, before it swam away. Though Percy could not hear its thoughts, he was certain of one thing – that creature was not happy.
Then he felt something breaking through the surface of the water. It definitely was not the ships which transported the refugees from Full Moon Bay to Ba Sing Se. This felt heavy as it broke through the surface of the water. Seeing that maybe he would have some extra time on his hands, the demigod underwater allowed the water to guide him towards the source of his newfound 'curiosity' while keeping his vision at its surface and his body far below it. It didn't take long for him to notice a dark silhouette shaped similar to the underbelly of a cruiser sailing above him.
Well, no harm investigating further. And he started swimming upwards.
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