Shopping with master
A/n: read, vote, comment, enjoy!
P.s: I should be uploading ' anything better' soon.
Chapter 5:Shopping with master
Nykera's pov:
I ran over the plan again with roger as he washed the dishes. Just when I finished 'master' came down the steps. He came in to the kitchen, and grabbed my hand and and put a ring on my index finger. I started at 'master' in confusion, 'why did he just give me a ring?'.
"not,that thing", I heard roger, groaned.
"umm why did you give me this ring?", I asked still confused.
"so you don't go anywhere, when we go shopping", 'master' explained cheerfully.
I blinked, twice, I'm going shopping with my bipolar 'master'. Why would he let me go shopping with him? Wouldn't that be a great opportunity for me to leave? But where would I go? I frowned.
"what's wrong don't girls like shopping?", 'master' asked confused by my frown.
I glared at him, "not all girls like shopping, actually I hate it".
He glared back at me, "we'll your going to shop till you drop, and like IT!".
I stared at 'master',"ok?".
He grinned at me nodding his head, "good".
I watched him go back up stairs for something, I looked at roger.
"shop till you drop girlfriend", roger said in a girl voice and he snapped his hand in a zig-zag while bobbing his head.
I laughed so hard, I snorted. I sat up straight and said "whoa that's funny, knee-slapper, wipe the tear". Then I wiped away the invisible tear. This made roger start laughing. The laughs were interrupted by, of course, the 'master'.
"pet! Get up here!", I sighed, then I raised my eyebrow and turned to roger.
"dose he call you pet too, or is it something else?" I asked curious.
"he calls me.......(cough)..snow puppy", he said unwillingly.
I let out a little giggle, "snow puppy?".
I heard roger sigh, then explained, "yes snow puppy, cause my fur it white and his, my master, so yeah, and stop laughing".
I took in a breath to calm myself, "sorry".
"pet , your got ten seconds!", I heard 'master' warn me.
I smiled but quickly made my way upstairs, I didn't want my chance at being outside to go away.
"put this on" 'master' said nodding towards a white thing on the bed.
I stared at it in horror, he did not actually think I was going to put that thing on, did he? Well then he would be disappointed cause I not.
'master' stared at me, "what's wrong?".
"I'm not putting that thing on" , I told him firmly.
"yes you are", he said.
"no I'm not", I said back.
"yes", he said.
"no", I said.
"aren't you having fun?", I asked him.
"what?",he asked confused.
"aren't you having fun, arguing?", I clarified.
"put the damn dress on, or I swear to god-", he began but I cut him off.
"don't use the lords name in vain", I scowled at 'master'.
I watched as a vain was now visible on his neck, he glared at me with cold eyes as he growled, "put the fucking dress on before I change my mind".
I shollowed, I wasn't going to lie that death glare was pretty good.I wanted to punch him, but I remembered my plan and played up the 'sacred helpless girl role'. I bowed my head,mentally curseing him out as I said voice trembling,"yes master".
I heard him exhale and said cheerfully, "good pet, now be down stairs in five minutes and we'll go shopping".
He left the room, bipolar ass wipe. Man he gives me a headache! I glared at the white dress, hopeing it would burst into flames but no luck. I sighed as I picked it up, I could always throw it out the window. Then I won't be able to leave even if it is to shop, and most likely get punished.
I got dressed and made my way down staires with a frown, if you haven't guessed yet I hate dresses! Me and 'master' left for the mall in a nice looking car. At the first red light I unlocked the car door to make a run for it but stopped when I felt like I was being tazered, my body started to shake, spit came following in my mouth. Then after a second or two it was over but with the pain It felt like and hour then stopped.
I started at 'master' as I caught my breath, "what the fuck was that?".
"that my pet was a little shock, so you can remember to behave", he told me with this wicked glint in his eyes.
I frowned, we walked into the mall and shopped for dresses, skirts, all sorts of girly things. As the 'master' was at hot topic I was at the door, where he could see me so I didn't get shocked again. I was just looking at the people, who had no idea that I was here against my will and that there are werewolfs running around. I looked over at this group of teens, I missed that, my friends dragging me to this place, the only way I went is if they promised to get me chocolate chip cookies.
Sigh. The good old days, I continued to stare at that group like some kind of creeper. That's when I recognized brown hair, I looked more closely and found it was mike. I was about to call out to him, but stopped what would I say 'hey I was kidnapped and now I'm here shopping with my 'master' so how are you?'. Hell no I couldnt say that, what if 'master' heard, what would he do to mike?
I just couldnt handle it if something happed to mike, so I keep my mouth shut. But I guesse mike had different plans, cause at that moment he saw me and came running over like a madman. I was so glad he didn't scream my name as he ran at me.
"Nykera?", mike asked in a whisper, shocked to say the least.
"hey mike", I whispered back. I whatched as tears swelled in his eyes, and he tried to hug me, but I held him back. Even though I really needed a hug from him.
"they said you were dead", he said as he wiped his face.
"as far as anyone knows, I am mike", I said, holding back the urge to hug him and cry.
"why?", he looked at me confused.
I gave him a small smile as I said, "it's plan K".
He looked even more confused, "plan K?".
I nodded, " now please leave, before-"
'master' cut me off, "what do we have here?"
I turned to 'master', "nothing, this boy just thought I looked like his sister is all, I was telling him I'm not".
'buy the shit, buy the shit' I chanted in my head.
"really?", 'master' asked looking over at mike with a raised eyebrow.
"oh yeah, I guess I was wrong", mike said as he walked away, turning back briefly to wave and nod at us.
"all right then, we're all done lets go home pet", ' master' announced and headed to the parking lot.
I mentally let out a sigh of relief, 'master' didn't know mike is my friend, hopefully mike would understand 'plan k', and we were leaving the god damn mall. What a day, and it isn't even over.
A/N: comment, vote, fan! I need a cover for this any takers? If so pm me!
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