New friend!
A/n: hope you guys like it. well thanks all I gotta say so, read!
Chapter 3: new friend!
Nykera's pov:
After I finished my burger and fries, 'master' came back into the room.
"you like the food?", he asked me looking hopeful.
'Bipolar' i wanted to say but I just nodded then asked "are you going to kill me?"
A smirk came on his face, " as long as you listen to me, no".
I nodded again, then asked, "can you get me something to drink?".
"yes, pet since your being good now", he answered as he left the room.
Just like last time, I walked around the house, trying to memorize everything. Again just like last time I made it back to the room before 'master' did, or so I though. As I walked in I saw a guy in the room cleaning.
"what are you doing?", I asked him.
"cleaning, what does it look like", he told me sarcaitly.
I huffed at him as I pouted, "you don't have to be sarcatic".
That's when he smiled at me. He rubbed the back of his head as he said, "aw your pout is cute, sorry".
I nodded, " apology accepted, it's understandable being with asshole all day".
He laughed, "you mean the bipolar master".
"yup, so what you in for?", I asked him as I sat down in a chair.
"he got me off the street as I was walking home a little drunk from a party, and he got me to sign something, and now I'm his slave", he answered me, shrugging.
I sat up, "what about your parents?".
"they died when I was 16, car crash and my aunt has been taking care of me, but she doesn't give a shit about me, so yeah", he told me and went back to sweeping.
"I'm sorry", I said leaning back in my seat.
"what can ya do?", he said as he swept the little trash in the dust pan.
I smiled as I got up,put my foot on the chair as I pointed to the ceiling, " I can be best friends with you and get us the hell outa here, that's what I can do"
I turned and saw him looking at me as if I were insane, then said, "to the first part: ok, to the second part: how?".
I grinned like a madwoman as I made my way over to him. I moved till my lips was at his ear and was about to start to whisper my plan to him.
he pulled back, "you don't want to get close to my ear".
I tilted my head to the side and blinked, "what,why?".
That's when he blushed, and looked down as he said, "if you do anything to my ear, like whisper or blow on it, or stuff like that-".
I interrupted him smiling, "like what stuff".
He looked at he with narrowed eyes, "you know what, I'm talking about".
I smiled wider, "no I don't know what's in your mind, and I'm not a mind reader".
I heard him sigh, "likebiteingnibbinglickingandsucking".
I heard him perfectly but i wanted to make him say it so I blinked, "what?".
I heard him sigh for the second time, " I said like biting, nibbling, licking, and sucking ok!"
I grinned as I said, "I heard you the first time I just wanted to hear you say it again".
I laughed as he gave me a blank look then i said, "so your ear is your h-spot?".
He raised his eyebrow, "h-spot?".
"the spot on your body that makes you horny besides the obvious, duh", I told him sticking my tongue out at the end.
He nodded, " yeah, of course", Then rolled his eyes.
"what's your name?", I asked him.
"Roger", he said simply.
A laugh left my lips then asked in case I heard him wrong, "roger?"
He nodded and I laughed more, he narrowed his eyes at me for a second time.
"why are you laughing?", he hissed at me.
"roger as in 'mister Roger's neighborhood'", I said and then clenched my sides as I laughed.
He look mad, "no, well yeah, but no!'.
"so which is it yes or no?", I asked him, between laughs.
He just huffed and picked up the trash bag heading for the door.
"wait, where are you going?, I didn't mean to laugh!", I called out to him.
The door opened and in came 'master' saying, "to finish his duties if he doesn't want to be punished".
Roger looked at the ground as he said, "yes, master, sorry master".
'master' put his hand on his shoulder and smiled as he said cheerfully, "don't let it happen again".
I raised my eyebrow at 'master', I've said it twice and I'll say it again, 'master is BI-FUCKING-POALER!'. 'master' smiled at me as he went over to the chair I was previously sitting in and sat there. I rolled my eyes at the asshole bipolar master, man i can't wait till I'm away from him.
i then mouthed to roger, 'will I see you again?'
He mouthed back, 'yeah we got a plan to talk about'
With that he walked out of the room. I was jumping for joy in my mind, I have a friend now. 'yeah me' I said like london off of "suite life of Zack and Cody". I turned to 'master' ,up my happy is gone now, *mental pout*.
"get some sleep pet", was all he said as he walked out of the room. How badly I wanted to smack the hell out of him. 'get some sleep pet' I mocked him, ass wipe.
I walked over to the bed I mumbled my response, "make me".
I lead back on the bed as I got comfy I mumbled, "bipolar ass wipe of a 'master'".
I yawned then grumbled mocking him again, "get some sleep pet".
I then relised he never got me my drink. What do I keep saying he's an asshole, I then closed my eyes and fell asleep,
A/n: hope you like it, comment, vote, spread the word!
Whispers 'tell your fans to check it out'.
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