Free for now
A/n: I just popping out uploads aren't I? Hope you like it, coment, vote, fan!
Chapter7: free for now
Nykera's pov:
Though out the car ride home, it was quite, when we entered the house, he removed the shock ring from my ringer. I felt a little worried, 'did he know I knew mike?, no I'm a good lair, I fooled him once and did it again'.
"snow puppy!" 'master' called out loudly.
"coming master", I heard roger reply.
I heard him come down the steps and the next thing I knew he was in front of us, "yes master?", he asked with his head bowed a little.
"take these up to Pet's room now", 'master' ordered him as he turned and headed for the kitchen.
"here", I said as I passed some of the bags over to roger.
As we walked up stairs roger asked, "so how was shopping with 'master'?"
I smiled as I told him everything that happened, I watched as his eyes lite up when I explained what plan k was.
"yes outside help, wait are you sure that mike will remember plan k?", he asked a little concerned.
I nodded, "he will, and we'll get out of here, I promise".
The door opened and in came 'master', ordering roger out the door. He turned to me with a grin. He made me model each and every outfit he got for me, I wasn't happy about it, I didn't hide my distaste either. It took an hour and having his eyes on me as I changed in each outfit just made me feel dirty. That's why I'm getting out of the shower and getting dressed right now. Entering my room I found, 'master' standing by the window with keys in his hand.
"um yes?", I asked as I walked in closing the door.
"who was that boy at the mall?", there was no emotion in his tone, this freaked me out a bit, he usually had some kind of emotion in his voice.
"I don't know",I told him with my arms crossed glaring at him.
"ok just checking", he said with a grin as he made his way to the door.
'suck a bipolar ass hole' I thought as I glared at him.
"oh and, your going to be staying in here till you learn how to appreciate, all that I've done for you", he told me , then left locking the door behind him.
I banged on the door, "all you have given me was clothes, food, and a place to stay, because oh yeah YOU KIDNAPPED ME AND GOT MY PARENTS KILLED!".
I continued to bang on the door till my hands hurt, I slid down on the floor as I started to cry. After I was done crying I lifted myself up to open the door to get some tissue for my face. That's when I remembered the door was locked, I sighed as I went in my closet and grabbed this one very colorful tacky dress to wipe my face with.
I moved over to my bed and laid down, this is going to set back my plans a bit.
Three days I've been in this room, 'master' sending in the bear minimum of food it took to keep me alive. Why am I here? Why did he kill my parents? I want to get out of here today! I got off the bed, pulling the sheets off, knotting them together to make a rope like my mom made. The night she died for me, and I was going to make sure that she, and my father didn't die for nothing.
I walked over to the window wrapping up the tail of the makeshift rope around my knuckles and punched out the window. I grabbed a bundle of clothes I put in a extra sheet I tied it around my shoulder, throwing the rope out the broken window I climbed out careful because of the little jagged pieces of glass around the sides. I slide my self down, into the bushes I hissed as I felt the throwers sticking me in my arms. I got up and out of the bush and ran into the woods that surrounded the place, keeping it almost hidden from the rest of the world, human world anyway.
I was glad that I read all those werewolf books cause one of the things that was in commen in all of them was that werewolfs had a great sense of smell. This could help hide me for a little while at least until I did what I needed to. I ran rubbing my shoulder against trees, striping down my clothes till I was just in my bra and underwear, ditching my clothes in my bushes, bearing some of them, tossing my shoes in trees.
I was getting a little tired so I climbed a tree, I know what your thinking 'why did you stop! You need to keep running! There's a bipolar werewolf looking for you by now!' well I had to wait, I wasn't going to leave roger behind, I promised him. I pulled out a sandwich roger snuck me, I pulled out the matches hidden in it, wiping it off with a part of my sheet bundle. I put the matches on my lap as I ate my sandwich, when I was done with my sandwich, I put the matches in my bra I climbed down the tree.
I walked further into the woods, I could see the sun was setting. I climbed anther tree, going as high as I could, looking back in the direction I came to see the house. I could still see it just nearly, 'man I made good distance, goes to show when you want to get away from some where, you can really get away'. I smiled at myself, then I narrowed my eyes as I had this feeling that it was about to rain. 'This could help me' I thought, 'help cause it will be all that harder for 'master' to find me', I climbed down the tree continuing the search for what I was looking for.
I walked that is until I felt the first raindrop on my nose, I ran trying to escape the rain that was coming down fast. I suddenly heard the loud roar from 'master' as he called out "pet!!!!!!!!!!!!".
This only made me run faster, I hoped that roger was ok. I huffed as my heart pumped faster trying to get oxygen through out my body. It started to rain heavily now, it was hard to see, all I could hear was rain. I had to keep moving, to get away from him. I found a fallen tree leaning on anther tree, i walked over to it, this would give me some time to sleep and shelther. i took the bundle off my back and usedn the sheet as some added cover, using some of the clothes as a bed and covers. i don't know how but i manged some much needed sleep.
a/n: thank you for reading, comment, vote, fan!
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