A/n: new story, hope you like it!
Copyright ©wannabeloved3
Chapter 1: Birthday
Nykera's pov:
I was woken up by someone pulling my covers on my bed. I lifted my head to see my crazy mom pulling at my covers, I couldn't help smiling.
"mom, what are you doing?", I asked her while laughing.
"waking up an 18 year old girl I know", She answered me laughing.
"come on breakfast, and school" She told me, nodding her head.
I groaned, "school, mom it's my birthday, do I have to go?",
She nodded her head, "yup, now come on and eat".
I sighed and went down stairs to eat breakfast. I was greeted by a very loud, "happy birthday sweetie!" from my Father.
I ate breakfast, then made my way up stairs back to my room to do my bathroom dos and get my clothes on for school. I wore a t-shirt that said "your mad 'cause the voices only talk to me"and a pair of jeans, that actually gave me a butt. I ran down the steps and jumped the last four, I yelled when I didn't fall.
"nykera!", my parents called out worried.
I turned to them and smile, "I didn't fall, aren't you so proud of your awesome daughter?"
"yup we're proud of you", my dad said as he shook his head. He pulled me to him and gave me a ruffled my hair, as I struggled against him.
"go to school with your crazy butt",my mom said as she separated us.
"it's not just my butt that's crazy it's all of me", I told her in a sing-song voice as I left for school.
"happy birthday BFF", my best male friend, Mike called out as he hugged me to death. He was about the same height as me and we've known each other scince middle school. Here's what he looks like:
Pail skin, freckles, brown hair,medium brown eyes and a little scar above left eyebrow.
Here's what I look like for that matter:
Light skinned, medium-light brown eyes,shoulder length black hair with the front middle dyed auburn.
So any way the school day consisted of me hanging with my friends durning lunch and having a good day.
I was walking home with the gifts my friends got me. I went in the house and had a blast with my parents we ate cake, watched movies, Dad and I made fun of Mom cause she was crying that I wasn't her 'little baby anymore. A good hug stopped all the tears though,my dad had to tear my mom away from me, cause it was getting late.
Everything went down hill when I was woken up in the middle of the night. There was a loud crash, I swong my feet over the bed, landeing on the cold wooden floor. I stood up, walked over to my robe and grabbed it, shrugging it on. I walked over to the door very careful to not make any noise. I opened the door and saw my Dad in front of the stairs with a hand gun.
"dad, what was that noise?", I asked him worried, 'I've never seen my Dad pull out his gun before'.
"everything is fine sweetie , now go back to bed, I love you", my Dad told me.
I didn't move, he walked over to me and kissed me on my forehead, "go to bed sweetie please?"
I hugged him and kissed him back on the cheek , then closed my door. I moved my feet like I was walking, but I wasn't, I was listening to my dad's foot steps go down the steps and fade away. I opened the door again, I walked slowly to the steps and leaned forward, I saw grey fur. Frighted I quickly moved back and went to my patents room.
I saw my Mom clenching the cover, she looked up and her expression softened. She opened her arms for me, I ran to her and held her.
"What was that noise mom?", I asked her.
"hopefully nothing, your dad going to be right back", my Mom reassured me.
I nodded as my Mom ran her hand through my hair , waiting for dad to come through the door. Soon though we heard gun shoot and loud banging. My Mom and I held our breath, waiting. What felt like hours were just minutes until the door creaked open, in came a larger than normal wolf, with grey fur but this time had blood in it.
It's eyes were filled with blood lust. When it growled at us, we got out of our shock, my Mom grabbed the sheets and quickly tied them together.I looked up at my Mom about to say something, when she gave me the universal sign to keep quite. I swallowed as I watch the wolf take his time getting over to me and my Mom.
She looked down at me then the window then nodded her head to the window, I moved slowly and opened the window. The wolf growled at me, I just looked at it, forgetting my fear and looked at it as if it really wanted to jump at me. The wolf raised its head at me, most likely wondering if I was crazy. I just moved my head from side to side and rolled my eyes at it, thinking 'thought so, you not going to jump at me'.
My Mom nudged, my shoulder, I turned and graded the sheets and started to climb out the window, that's when everything happened at once. The wolf growled as he jumped off the bed at us, my Mom pushed me out the window, and the wolfs teeth went into her sides.
"MOM!", I screamed out in pain at the sight.
The wolf then, moved his head from side to side, like a dog dose with a chew toy, bits of clothes, blood, and spit came raining down on me.I quickly moved down the makeshift rope my mom made, I jumped down and saw something shine in the moon light I moved over to it and grabbed it. It was my Mom's favorite bracelet, I put it on. I moved and looked through the sliding doors and saw my Dad dead. I ran in and grabbed my dad's gun and ring, I closed his eyes before I ran for my life.
I ran with my lungs screaming for air, my legs burning. Man I was out of shape even though I am skinny, I'm just lazy. I heard growling be hind me and ran faster, I needed to get away or I was dead. My parents were dead, I'd never see them again.
Never talk with my Mom about the littlest things or joke and mess with my Mom along side dad. Never go down to that hotel with the pool for a few weeks each summer. My Mom will never drag me to the mall for clothes for the swimsuits or school clothes. My Dad would never play fight with me again. Their gone, because of that wolf, that damn grey wolf.
"help!", I yelled with what oxygen I had in my lungs, I was calling for all of five minutes, changing direction every five seconds. Until i felt a hand grab me, I turned to start swinging when the person grabbed my other wrist.
" are you alright?", He asked me concerned.
"", I gasped out.
"are you ok?", He asked again
I nodded my head, yes. He pulled me close to him. I struggled and raised my gun to him.
"what are you doing out here?", I questioned him.
"I heard you screaming, and came to help, come on we need to get out of here",He told me.
" I don't believe you", I said as I aimed my gun at him and shot.
He moved so fast, one second he was in front of me the next, he grabs me. "good, now sleep", he said as he put a cloth over my mouth. I fought against him but I was weak from running and his grip was strong. Just before I fell 'asleep' I saw the grey wolf turn into a guy. The darkness over took me. This was where it began.
A/N: thanks for reading, comment, vote, fan!
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