flagstaff | chapter ten
Dakota groans in frustration as she slams a book closed. She and Sam have been looking for more possible answers for hours, and they have found nothing. Any possible answer they find, just leads to more questions, and they are both getting pretty bored.
"When are we taking a break, Sammy?" She pouts, catching the boys attention. Sam shrugs, before glaring at her.
"It's Sam." He states. Dakota grins and shakes her head.
"I don't think so." She chuckles teasingly. "You called me Kota earlier, and I don't mind. So I get to call you Sammy."
"But only my family call me that." He groans, Dakota shrugs.
"Well now only your family, and Dakota, call you that." She tells him with a smirk. Sam sighs and rolls his eyes.
"I'm not going to win this, am I?" He asks, Dakota shakes her head.
"Never in a million years." She admits. Sam glares at her slightly and shakes his head in slight amusement.
"Okay, fine." He chuckles. "Call me what you want. And I think we can have a break now."
"Great!" Dakota cheers, pushing herself away from the table and standing up, stretching her arms and legs as she does so. "Geez, Sammy, how can you do this so often?"
"I'm used to it." He shrugs, also standing up, he however looks barely affected by it. "Come on, let's go get some food."
"Finally!" Dakota grins. "Let me just go brush my hair and grab my shoes."
"Sure." Sam nods as he grabs his shoes, which are by the door and sits back down to put them on. Dakota smiles and walks through to the bedroom, where she grabs her hairbrush from her bag and quickly brushes it before pulling it into a high ponytail and pulls her shoes on.
She runs back through to the main room where Sam is stood with Bones, waiting to go out. "Where are we going then?" She asks.
"I was thinking we could buy pizza or something and sit and eat it in the park or forest. That way it gives Bones a chance to get out." Sam suggests with a shrug. Dakota grins and nods.
"Yes!" She squeals earning an odd look from Sam, she just shrugs slightly. "What? I love pizza." Sam chuckles.
"All right then." He laughs. "Come on then." Opening the door, Sam calls Bones over and they all walk out, closing the door behind us.
"So pizza and then park? Or back to the forest?" Dakota asks as the two teens and the dog walk through the forest.
"I don't mind, up to you." Sam shrugs. "The park will be more crowded and the forest will be quieter. So, take your pick."
"Forest then. I wanna talk." She decides after a moment of thought. Sam grins, but it also looks as though he is dreading the conversation, he probably has an idea what it'll be about.
So they continue walking until they reach the town, then they go looking for a pizza place. They walk in silence, a comfortable silence though, and finally find one.
The two order a pizza each, Dakota going for a pepperoni pizza and Sam just going for a plain cheese. They carry the pizza back to the forest and find a spot to sit and eat while Bones runs around a bit and they eat.
"So, you wanted to talk?" Sam speaks up after they've both finished their first slice of pizza, breaking the awkward silence that had overcome them.
"Yeah." She nods slightly. "Monsters, Demons? What happens if they come after us?"
"I can protect you, Kota." Sam assures the girl with a small smile. "You don't have to worry, I've been trained to fight monsters my whole life, even before I knew about them."
"What?" Dakota asks with wide eyes.
Sam shrugs. "My Dad started training me when I was probably five or six. I didn't actually know about monsters back then, but I could shoot a gun pretty well by the age of seven. Then when I was eight I found out about monsters by reading my Dad's journal after a fight with Dean. On Christmas Eve."
"That sounds," Dakota hesitates for a moment before continuing. "Awful." She decides. "I can't imagine growing up like that. My family has always been close and although I took Karate lessons when I was twelve, they would never train me things like that."
"Yeah, it sucked." Sam agrees. "But it was my life. I mean, Dean was always cool. On July Fourth on ninety-six, he took me out to a field and we set off fireworks." He laughs slightly at the memory. "We may have burned down the field."
Dakota bursts into laughter at the thought. "Dallas and I once went to the beach on our own, it was the first time our parents trusted us to go somewhere like that alone. It was a disaster! I almost drowned, Dallas lost her shoes in the sea, a seagull stole our fries and then a dog stole our ice cream. It was a disaster, but it's one of my most cherished memories."
"Yeah, the disastrous memories are often the more memorable and held more dear in our hearts. I think it's because we know we got through it, and we look back on it and find these things funny." Sam smiles. "Last year, when I turned fourteen, Dean decided it'd be the perfect time to teach me to drive. So he drove us to a field in the Impala, and I swear he had a heart attack when I started driving. That car means everything to him, and I almost crashed it at least ten times. He kept grabbing the wheel before any damage could be done."
"You can drive?" Dakota asks, shock clear on her face and in her voice. Sam nods with a soft chuckle and Dakota shakes her head. "Of course you can. I mean, you can shoot a gun, you can fight monsters and demons, why shouldn't you be able to drive?"
Sam smiles at her. "Don't worry, Kota. I could teach you some things. Obviously not to drive, because we have no car. But I can teach you to fight and shoot." He offers. Dakota's eyes widen as she takes in his offer.
Does she want to learn to fight?
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