Chapter 5: Another day without her.
Nova P.O.V.
"Mom!! I want another beer!" I shouted. She gave me a disappointed look, but handed me one. "Nova, You shouldn't be drink this much. You're on your 5th drink and it's only 9:30." My father told me. I rolled my eyes. "shut up!" I yelled. He looked at my mom gave her a questioning look.
"She's just drowning her sadness away. Her and Sylvia were so close. I've never seen them apart for more than 10 mins." My mom whispered. I saw tears run down her face. I rolled my eyes and walked away. I stumbled a lot and eventually I tripped. I was waiting for myself to hit the floor
But nothing ever happened I look up to see Jack. "Jack?" I asked. He got me fully up. "Aunt Mira! I'm gonna take her home!" He told her. My mom nodded and continued to work. He carried me the whole way home. He dropped me off at my new house and placed me on the bed. Before
He could leave I grabbed his wrist. He looked behind me and I couldn't hide it anymore. The tears came running down. He gave me a sad smile. "You miss her a lot." He stated. I nodded. "It's not fair! she shouldn't have to drive herself to that. During the time were here without our moms
Uncle Gray made her feel so loved. Like he cared about her and wanted her. Her and I have been wanting that for so long and she was so close to having it. Until he ripped it away from her." I told him. Jack Pulled me into a hug and I hugged back. We stayed like that until we fell asleep.
Juvia P.O.V.
I felt someone shake me I look up and saw Storm. "Hey, do you want Storm and I to wait for you to go to the guild or can we go on our own?" Storm Asked. I rubbed my eyes. "Go on without us. Your mother and I will stay here. Don't come back too late." "Ok. Bye mom! bye dad! see you
Guys later." Storm waved bye and closed our door. "You wanna order breakfast?" Gray-sama asked. I shook my head. "I'm not hungry." I replied. He sighed. "Chocolate chip waffles it is." He got his phone while I cuddled more into his chest. He finally put down his phone I looked in his
Face. I kissed his lips, but pulled back before he could kiss back. He smirked at me and pulled me into a kiss. We had a heated makeout session before pulling away for air. "Thank you Gray-sama." I whispered. "For what? I didn't anything. If you mean about breakfast than that was
Nothing." He said. I smiled and kissed him again. "For last night. I really needed it." I told him. He smiled. "Round 2?" He asked. I smirked. "Can I be on top?" He grabbed my thigh and placed me on top of him. I gigged before kissing my Gray-sama.
Luke P.O.V.
"Luke sweetie, you need to get up." My mom told me. I pushed her away. "Leave me alone." I replied and hugged a picture of me and Sylvia even tighter. She sighed and sat down next to me. "I know how it feels to lose someone you love. I lost my mom at such a young age. Once me and
My dad finally got along he passed away. I lost my favorite Celestial key during a war. And I almost lost your Father during a war with your Uncle Zeref. Sylvia won't want you to be sad." Mom said. She got up. "we'll be at the guild." She left my room. More tears fell as I fell asleep.
Reyna: Such a sad chapter. Anyways I will plenty of time to write since I'm off of school for a month and Mundelein is on lockdown till April 8th so I'm in my house for a while. Hope you peeps out there are perfectly safe Thank you so so much for reading! anyways... bai!
words: 682
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