Chapter 1: all his fault
Gray P.O.V.
We are running and running. I see Juvia beside me with tears dripping down her face. Why couldn't I have just said yes? I don't know but something was holding me back. Eventually we got to Fairy hills and barge into Sylvia's room. "My baby!" Juvia cried. Luke got her down and
Held her into his arms, with tears running down his face well. "SYLVIA!!" Everyone cried. "SOMEONE CALL THE HOSPITAL!!" Juvia cried. I got my phone out and told them everything. I hung up. "They will be here in 3 mins." I told her. I don't think that made her feel any better.
When they came they took Sylvia away. We all drove to the hospital. Everyone left getting snacks and coffee, leaving me and Juvia alone. "Juvia if-" "DON'T." She said sternly. I stayed quiet. A doctor came and we stood up. "How's my baby? Is she ok?" Juvia questioned. The doctor gave
Her a sad smile. "I'm so sorry Mrs. Lockser. We couldn't save her. You can say your goodbyes if you like. She's in room 309." The doctor told me. I watched as Juvia fell onto the ground. Lucy, The kids, Mira, Erza, Natsu, Jellal, and Levy went running to her. Grabbing her and hugging her.
"Juvia I'm so sorry, if-" "SHUT UP GRAY! I HATE YOU!!" She yelled and got up and walked towards me. "IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!! ALL SHE WANTED WAS YOUR LOVE! YOU COULDN'T EVEN GIVE THAT TO HER! NOT EVEN TO ME! NOT TO STORM OR RIN EITHER!!" She pounded on my chest. Tears
Were rolling down my face. She slid down but, I grabbed her so she wouldn't go onto the floor again. "You cause nothing but disatar for my family yet... I still love you." She whispered. I hugged her and she hugged back. "I'm so sorry Juvia. If I had known this would've happened,
I would've said yes. But yet something was holding me back from saying yes. I'm so sorry. I do love you. And Storm, and Rin, and Sylvia." I told her. She crashed her lips onto mine. "Hey, we talked to the doctor and requested that we say goodbye tomorrow. Let's go home." Lucy said.
"C'mon kids, we're staying at my house." I picked up Juvia and we drove back to my house. Storm and Rin shared the pull-out bed then Juvia and I shared my bed. She crashed her lips and got on top of me. "Woah! Juvia, what are you doing?" I asked. "Let's make another baby!" She
Told me and grinded our 'parts' together. I stopped her. "What's wrong Gray? Don't you want this?" She asked. "Believe me I do, But not right now. You're sad Juvia, You just want another one to replace Sylvia, but you can't. not right now. We can do it when you aren't as sad as you
Are now about her all right? Get some sleep." She fell next to me and hugged me. "You're *sob* Right Gray. I miss *sob* her." I hugged her back. "It's okay Juvia. Get some sleep. We'll talk in the morning." I told her. She sighed and cuddled against my chest. "I Love you Gray-sama."
"I love you too Juvia"
Reyna: Chapter 1 is done!! I hope you peeps enjoyed this first chapter of book 2!! thank you so much for reading! anyways bai!
Song Clarity
words: 570
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