33 | This one is for us - Part 1
A/n: Normally, my sex scene have MAJOR moments in them. I tend to have revelations or reckonings in them. So, it's hard to skim my sex scenes normally because you'd miss story moments. See more information in the below A/n: if you are a person who isn't into sex scenes and just like the story moments. I understand I am not a friendly writer for you normally but this is closer to a fan service. Until about midway no sexy bits. If you are my normal thirst trap readers igggy this A/n: all together lovely thisty folks. Cos as always you my people. lol
The shower didn't work. A shower that did not fucking work. A small smile cracked my lips without trying, so I repeated the thought. I loved the house, really I did. But I needed a shower, he needed a shower; we needed a shower together. Ya, I thirsty girl giggled, creepy. His hard-on was right in my back and I was horny as fuck. More thirsty girl creepy giggles. We'd been standing here for a solid time with me rubbing my ass against his hardness and him just holding me. My painfully erect nipples poking through his shirt said touch me. But we were stuck in the caring, loving moment. Normally, I'm 100% for caring and loving. But today I wanted to forget everything. I wanted him to fuck my brains out like he used to when he was mad at me. I wanted that Noah. Lawd, have mercy on my thirsty girl soul.
I didn't know I had a new Noah until I named it. And I blinked at the realization. I had Super Saiyan Noah, Clark Kent, Superman, Neptune, Grumpy Cat Noah, Regular Noah, and THAT Noah. But that Noah... well even when that Noah was mad at me he made it hurt so good. I licked my lips realizing the truth. I needed it, hell I needed more tonight so bad.
"Noah, which shower is working again?" He said something else about it earlier. With his arms around my middle I rummage for soap, and a few other toiletries in the vanities. His items are neatly laid out on the right side so I checked the left.
"Outside one works," he confirmed, and he didn't let me go. I wasn't bothering to try to get out of his hold yet. He was full snuggled and even with his hardness in my back saying hello. Breaking the good vibes sucked. He needed the closeness as much as I did.
Found my makeup removal. I didn't need it but I put it in a different spot in the vanity. The habit of a lifetime kicked in for me. Reorganizing the cabinet the way I liked it. I kept Noah's stuff in the same order for the most part. But made it in a match to mine so it would be easier to restock the toiletries later. I wish I bought a bunch of glass bottles to put everything in and had color coded labels. My mind was moving on that problem trying to avoid the one rubbing between our bodies. I could almost feel the top of his head oozing happiness but he wasn't moving in an urgent way. It reminded me of the way he held me the first time we got to sleep together on the boat. Happy to see me but surprised to be so close. As if he isn't allowed to hold anyone? I didn't understand it but I wanted to and step by step I would. We had forever now... and the thought brought on a grin.
My hand stopped...
A fingertip hanging midair as the breath in my belly drops to my feet.
What the fuck?
I picked up the bottle of apple flavor lube at the back bottom left of the vanity. I held one of the collections of the telltale heart fuck me out night in my hand. It wasn't the one from the boat; we used that up fooling around on our little trip. This bottle was fresh. It even had the Jo-Lee custom brand from the sex toy label. And I felt when Noah figured out something was off because he tensed up again. I kept going through the vanity, nearly frantically pulling out freshly packaged items. They piled on the bathroom table and were a match to the sex dungeon mommy handbag that the girls packed me for my trip. True fuckery on the go. Same damn one that got me in trouble but mostly the items from the maybe pile, and the yes try stacks. Some items were missing though but most were there in a perfect package ready to go. The vanity felt like a sex clown car as I kept pulling things out from the bottom left of it. When my hand wrapped around the dildo from that night. It was still in the box and we never got to use it. In a panic I threw everything in a chaotic mess back into the vanity.
Closed the vanity glass door right up. No fucking way? I opened it back up but still all of it was still there. Then I took each item out quickly and placed it on the counter organizing it. I guess you can never take the organize PA nerd out of the woman. Well, little miss black nerd. Will you be blerding your sex toys into a color coordinated collection like the books? I put away the thought quickly, focus T! Noah's sandy locks tickling the back of my neck as he leans over me paying attention closely. His broad arms tighten around my waist.
"My beloved Neptune..." I honestly didn't know how to have this conversation. It was the birds and the bees on the boat all over again. Or maybe the sex dungeon bag part 2? The dungeon and the orgasm bees? "Beloved, did you have anything to tell me?"
I watched him in the mirror. My sweet sweet man tilted his head in confusion. "I bought the things you liked?" He said it as a matter of fact and a question rolled together. Kind, concise, caring,... newly kinky. Possibly, not realizing he's at level 1 kinky. My man's leveling up on me again. The Noah existence but damn it. I needed a few more words here.
"You bought sex toys?" I asked him straight forward. My too sweet of a man almost virgin nodded. Well, he's officially been debauched. I've ruined him. No, damn it I blame this on Eve and Jo-Lee's ass. I know for a fact that Carly only went along with those two troublemakers. That damn mommy bag got me in trouble again.
"Yes, you said you wanted to try anal sex. You wanted to try the nipple clamps." Noah's sweet angelic smile connects with mine in the mirror. You'd think he was talking about giving me a foot rub. He calmly goes through the list of things I wanted in the same order as on the boat without missing a blink. And the pure amount of bang me out in that PG sexy way he has about him. That manages to be more filthy than I know what to do with. The sexy has my mouth hanging open in shock. My brain just couldn't compute and when I went to cut him off it came out as a jumbled mess of a moan instead of words. He broke my mouth pussy! I had to close my eyes to get control of the moment there was too much orgasm on the table. And I'm always a thirsty girl at heart. I've always been ready to squirrel orgasm away for the cum winter. But that cum winter will never come again now that I have Forever Noah to look forward to. I smiled at the thought.
"Moginahj," pussy mouth still broken, I said on a second try. "OK," finally saying real words after the third try. We needed to talk this out, so I opened my eyes to the kink stash again. Closed it just as quickly as before. Fuck? "Where did you get all of this?"
"Jo-Lee's coupon code Team-" I cut him off before he finished. He'd been watching Jo-Lee's kinky food book club show. This would tickle Jo-Lee and Eve pink. I open my eyes again and got my shit together watching Noah in the mirror.
"OK, I see but since we talked about this on the boat, that's OK. These are mostly group activity items." Group activity items, how PC of you Tari. You're making dick down sound real politically correct. Breathe through this, you can do this conversation. "And of course you can get anything from the ...." Didn't have a nice way to put it. "Jo-Lee's shop that you want for yourself. But let's have a conversation about the group activities items together so we can talk about it." Why does this man make me so damn adventurous and wonderfully lascivious about it? Even though neither of us know what the fuck we are doing. Because, although I'd never really explored this side of myself before I wanted to with Noah. Same as the day Jo-Lee handed me the edible lube for my purse the first time. The only thing that popped into my mind was Noah. Shit, figure out how to have this convo without a panic attack or stop giggling embarrassment. The pep talk in my head ended with a break clap like football.
"We need to talk next time for more things?" He asked, nodding along with my words. "But not everything is here. We are missing," he went into the missing yes list items like clockwork and my mouth pussy wept happily. Broken in just the nicest way again. I didn't notice the missing stuff. Thinking back, the sheer amount of filth they managed to fit into one mom bag was a little nuts. You'd think I was being kidnapped for months of debauchery instead of a week on a boat back then.
"Yes, Noah, we really need to talk about that." His hand found my ass rubbing it slowly while he talked to me. So absentminded and innocent it was disarming. But the shit was diabolically sexy. Cuddling Noah was somewhat new, and I enjoyed it so much. I'd worried after the arrest he might pull back from me. That the non sexual touching he was slowly starting to do more would go away but I'm so thankful it didn't.
It was his large palm sliding under my shirt and cupping my breast that caught my attention. I'd been watching his ocean eyes in the mirror. The sweet happy smile he had for me. Gathering that honest contentment and I was lulled into this nice place. But when his thumb brushed against the tip of my tender nipple, I took notice. And the little moan at the touch was caught by Noah. His ocean eyes were as into it as I was a flick switched in less than a second.
"I want a shower first," I smiled at him before he even got too into anything. It wasn't that things were super off, but I wanted to be clean and not simply rain cleaned.
If you'd asked me what happened from point a to point b to this day, I couldn't tell you. All I knew was something flash in that man's eyes. Something hungry and that hungry necessity passed to me too. He was lifting me and racing me down those stairs towards the outdoor shower.
He had the shower running, took his shirt off me. And had that water flowing down over my body so fast. It was like slam bam thank you shower. Then when I looked left for him he was gone. Well, maybe he had other ideas about tonight? I cleaned myself off a bit, but it was just cold water and I wanted soap too.
Noah returned and pulled me part way out of the shower. He slipped a silk waterproof bonnet on my head. It was almost the same exact one I had on the trip except the color was fresher looking. Brand new by my guess. My one eyebrow went up at him. He was leveling up again, I just had a feeling about it. Noah takes off his pants. I'm not sure why but every time this man is naked in front of me it's always powerful. Broad brawny chest thick in the shoulders and arms. That kind of muscle you get from lifting and hard work and not a gym buddy look. Just working muscles that are dense and weighty. Heavy muscle on his thighs framed his perfect thick happy cock. And so happy to see me his hardness curves back just a little bit like a smile.
He drops the small purple bag he brought with him on the ledge outside the shower. Then reaches back in to open up the bag and he pulls out soap. Unlike the outdoor shower at his warehouse this one didn't have any curtains. It was just a stream of hot or cold water and a ledge. As he worked his hands into the dark flesh of my back. Rubbing along with soap hands, those tights spots unraveled. My sigh unspooled from my whole damn being. He was too good and I stayed between a sigh and a moan at every movement of his hand all over my body.
"When did you get the bonnet?" I asked him. What wasn't said was why are you leveling up so fast? But the words weren't said. I love Noah initiating contact, but this level of smoothness was something new. His dexterous hands were magic against my heated skin. As his hand traveled he hit everywhere I needed. I was one whole body hum.
Water poured down my body, and I relaxed into Noah's arms. Finally, home it was drugging the way each muscle group let go. Until instead of me standing he was holding me up as he washed me clean. Hot soapy hands moving from my back over and every place that luffa touched was good. But he carefully avoided the spot I wanted but instead gave me what I needed. And those hot soapy hands mix with that cold water into a hazy sigh.
He took my limp body backwards to the edge of the shower. Then sat on the little edge. I let him take all my weight. My legs splayed open on a soft moan in the back of my throat as his hand moved between my thighs. Water streaming down cool against my too hot skin. Small motions pushing back into his touch that circled my center. He teased out my wanty needs that were so ready for him.
"I want it now," impatience and liquid greed coating every single word. And I did want it, I need us together and whole. My core tightening in a fist so damn needful at the thought. But instead of a hard thrust followed by a merciless fuck I was looking for instead I got soft suds of soap. The cool luffa spreading over my body followed with a firm touch. I lean back into Noah as the suds and his hand move easing over my body breaking me open. Touching my painfully erect aching nipples in the cold water soothing then pinching. I shift and moan with the stinging bites of pain. Turning me in his arms he shifts us. Noah leans in his broad body sheltering mine, heating me as a furnace as always. My back to the spray of the water blocked by him and me leaning over the ledge. He slides his hard shaft between my legs prompting me to close them tight around Noah but I wanted him in me. The thick head of his cock rubbing against my throbbing clit. His busy hands worked my body over relaxing the days hurt out of me and revving me up more than it relaxed.
"Noah, please?" The question was loaded as the tight fist inside my tummy waiting for him. Reaching for him and not finding him where I wanted to, had me locking my jaw. A clench and release in time to his lazy thrust trap between my thighs. His hot breath on my neck licking the exposed skin like he owned it and he did. He owns my heart, my body, my mind. I was for him morning new night, and snack times sign me the fuck up.
Half grimice half smile as my hazy mind cleared and a no good thought popped into my head. Then my thumb came down and swiped across his juicy fat head. And Noah finally answered me with a grunt and a helpless lunge forward between my thighs. I got him now, man don't want to answer me. Wants to be tough, hard as fuck Noah, THAT Noah. I knew I had it coming for me. It was in the possessive way his bulky forearm held me up around my middle. He wasn't letting me go for nothing but he also wasn't answering me. And I wanted an answer, I wanted him now. Oh, I had something for him, the corner lips upturning. My thumb covered in the juiciness of us together I brought to my lips turning back and avoiding the water. I wanted a piece of what was on my thumb with both of us swirled together. My gaze locked on him sheltered from the water running down his beloved body. And that thumb of doom hanging between us. They say don't play with fire and the ocean was on fire in his eyes watching my thumb touching my lips like it was a bomb. And when the tip of my tongue made contact a second grunt followed the first. And I licked it, rolling my tongue around the thumb pad, licking it clean. A small hum, "good," along with the taste of us. I wanted more but when I looked up my gaze was caught completely by that ocean of his. His jaw muscle was ticking so hard. Eyes flicked from my clean thumb, then to my mouth and finally up to my own brown eyed gaze. Oh, I've made a mistake fucking with him.
Noah growled, picked me up flipping us and shifted me up the little ledge. His fire full blast the thick muscles of his shoulder bunching. Noah's hands grabbing a big fist of both of my thick thighs and driving his hardness into me. I watched between us completely captivated with the strained slide without resistance. Noah was coated in me so quickly, I was beyond ready, and we hissed together when he hit the end of me. But he wasn't playing around, a growl from the back of his throat warned me. And I stopped pulling away from the sting of him when he hit the back of me a little too deeply. He drags me back in giving me what I need making sure to bottom out in me. Grinding us together with a little vortex center on my hard clit when we rub together. Before he moves back again and he winds up for another plunge into me.
Oh god, did I open for him as my whole body wanted to fight and just clutch him. My willing body is ready to finally get what I need and gobble him down. He worked me on his hard length, my body shaking for him, my core grasping to keep him every single time. Our eyes were locked together and that rare eye contact was drunk in so greedily by me as he watched my pleasure. Viewed what he was giving me, followed as I took what he gave.
I've gone out of my way to not curse around Noah. Even when he's mad he doesn't curse. He grew up in a strict upbringing. His father was in the air force and then he transferred to the navy in the latter half of his career. And when Noah should have got a soft mother as a consolation prize his mother was often sick. Then she died about a year after his sister was born. So, all that softness wasn't something he got growing up. I've done things that should have made this man rage and not a curse to be heard from him. But I couldn't this time. I tried, with my whole damn heart to keep it PG. Fought it so hard but god help me the dick was too good.
"Fuck me, fuck me harder," slip out raspy and breathlessly. I wanted to stop it. Did with all my damn heart. I knew he wasn't down for the curse words. Even though he was too deep, I lifted in his hands fucking up to me him. Brought my lips to his neck and took him too deep, grunting with a new pinch. I bit down on his neck to keep it in. But as he shifted with my wild ass body, pussy thirsty ass took full control of me. And the Lawd needed to exorcize the demon out of me. I was gone, too damn far gone.
"Fuck me harder, Noah." Filth rain from my lips an incoherent storm of wild. "Take it, Noah." God bless him he dick me down. Mercilessly grabbing a handful of my ass fucking me on to his thick cock as the water ran down and I made a mess of him. Us mixing down the drain together as I rode his thickness. Taking him, he hurt so good. My teeth marks biting on his neck over the thick vein that beats as fast as my heart in time together.
"Shiny, take all of it," he growled out and answered me. I tried to get away from the deepness. It was too much for a second. He caught me and my thirsty ass was half angry at my pussy out here being a Noah cock demon in these streets. She didn't want to get away, she was caught. It was a team effort. My core tightens, flutters, gasping, and grasping for only him. As my pleasure crested, he released me driving deep into me holding me close. When our eyes met again into the fiery ocean. That kind of ocean where you don't know how far down it goes. Where the deep depths become unfathomable and unexplored. We have been to the moon and back but never to the depths of the ocean. And that mysterious unexplored world filled midnight blue darkness enveloped me
Noah watched my pleasure wash over me drowning in him, my mouth opening to two simple words for him, "love you." I came all over him lodge deep inside of me. And Noah followed after me, grabbed me tight and held. He pumped his lust into me and I loved it.
"So, Shiny," and his mouth captures my lips. His tongue played with mine twisting, in a joining to match the one we were already having. Jerking the last little bit with creamy slides out and drove himself back in again. Neither of us seem to want to stop and I'd certainly bite off more than I could chew. Fucked around and found out slam my heels into his back thrusting back on as the fire in me was building again.
Noah withdrew from my lips. And I licked at the taste of him as he shifted and the cool water floated over my body. Coolness flowing between my breast and running over the tender tips of my nipples. I was squirming in his hold as a frustrated little mewl slipped out. My over sensitive clit rubbed against him sizzling at the contact. Too many jolts of awareness on the tight little buds location.
"I wish you realized how beloved you're to me." Sleep coated what I said but I meant it. Even as I said it he had that surprised expression he gets. As if me telling him how much I loved him was something he wasn't supposed to have. My hand rose to cup his beloved cheek as he stayed buried deep inside me. I was laid out on the small bench water falling over him like some god, the Neptune I always called him. The luffa set aside with the soap comes as he cleans me off again. Carefully going over my limp body with oh so much attention. It's one of my favorite things about Noah. When he has his attention on something it's nearly absolute. As if every single part of it is important, down to a single grain of fine wood. His beard was all wet as my thumb moved back and forth against it. The tactile sensation gave me shivers that flowed through my body. The soapy slick movement of the luffa followed by the clean, refreshing water was a deadly mix.
So, this is what forever is going to be like?
It was a taste, a small simple taste of our maybes. And I took the good with greedy gulps. Captured the good like it was a star and if I released it I'd lose it in the sea when it came back down to earth. What's that saying...? The one in that song.
"What song?" Noah asked me.
"I said that out loud," the tiredness was really sinking in. I clenched around him to see if I could distract him from my musing. But instead Noah gave as good as he got and his soap thumb brushed against my clit lightly. It sent stars through my vision. It was too much sensation. I whimpered with that tiny bush. Quickly, I was turning into a sex potato and I didn't see my greedy ass moving. But I answered him before he could go in again. "Catch a falling star," I told him.
Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket
Never let it fade away
Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket
Save it for a rainy day
For love may come and tap you on the shoulder
Some starless night
Just in case you feel you wanna' hold her
You'll have a pocketful of starlight
When I finished I couldn't help the smile that cracked my sleepy lips. Because he was mine all mine. "See, I wasn't just incoherent sexed up babbling." I had way too much triumph in my cocky grin for someone still got their legs wide open and him in me.
Broad shoulders, even in the outdoor shower, was too big. It's how this huge man was always to be too big for every space he was in. His long sandy blonde hair wet but managing to pull off hot as sin anyways. But he was contemplating my babble. The gears of his mind work in that way a man who says so few things has a habit of doing. As if every word was a precious commodity. Priceless like the diamonds he bought me. I couldn't help myself. My other hand joins my first on his cheek and pulls him down to me for a kiss.
His lips were so close to mine we shared the same breath.
"I did catch my star, Shiny," he says against my lips. The tilt of his grin was felt against my skin down to my fucking soul. The man with so few words destroyed me. I held him close until I got control of myself. But I tasted the salt in our kiss. The tiny nips of his mouth to let him in. And I hope he didn't notice my tears because Noah doesn't get happy tears at all.
My hands got busy keeping him close. Running down his back, to his ass. Bless my greedy little heart, and I got two handfuls and enjoyed it. I thought we were going to go inside. Then maybe have ourselves a nap hopefully. Because the emotional rollercoaster had my body in overload. My fever was still in play and I'd been playing in cold water. Could have sworn he forgot about me fucking with him. I was completely prepared for him to have totally moved on from it. But I forgot that I fucked up. And my Noah didn't.
He pushed me back, laying me out on the ledge completely. Confused, my head comes up. But Noah wasn't inside me anymore which was a shame. His ocean eyes on me, he pushes my legs apart. His tongue zeroing in on that oversensitive clit without apologies. Circling my clit while his finger circled my center. Two fingers gliding into me and I was way to juicy for him to be doing what he was doing. The moan was pulled out of me like he was raising me from the dead and my hips lifted to his touch. Hell bent on anything he gave even if my body was on fumes. My hands grab his thick hair and two handfuls holding him in pace. The body was willing, but the mind knew that I should take a power nap. He worked me as my hips moved like waves to his touch. Damn, sea god knew my body better than I did. Knew I need more.
"Shiny, you taste like us," he said. I moan in reply, producing more of us way too fast. My thighs shivering against the roughness of his bead. "Tastes so good, Shiny. Are you going for me?" He coaxed me and instead of the spark he was looking for he got a damn bonfire. Something about this man and his PG sexiness did it for me. And that 'for me' of his. Because it was for him every moan, every groan. All the shivers, and shakes rolling through me as a tide comes into the shore. And when I felt his fingers slide out of me and his lips sucked hard on my clit. The demons came back and got me, Fuck,... fuck fuck fuck. My brain skipped and his two fingers worked their way into my ass. That entrance spread, wide, stretched, and with the sucking on my clit. I was in near complete sensory overload. It was too good, too much. I rode his hand and mouth. Everything inside me tighten, burning in my belly.
"Please, please, fuck," it was a mix between a chant and a prayer. The sight of this man, my leg spread open and his ocean eyes looking at me while I split apart for him. He waited for me and wasn't letting me go until I gave him what he wanted. And damn it I did, "I'm cuming." It was like my soul was leaving my body and being sucked out. Everything kisses but between my thighs was deadly as fuck. Gave my soul to my beloved man. Blossoming on his tongue, spread open as a flower to my undersea god sun.
"Good," Noah said with me, laid out tired, satiated but he wasn't. Complete stubborn determination was in his ocean eyes. Then he came up capturing my lips with his mouth tasting us in that salty sweet kiss I wanted all of it. Plunging my tongue in his mouth, burgling the taste of us and chasing after it. Energy I didn't know I had until it was all gone. I licked tasting the last bits of us. Bit his lip to try to keep him for a second more but he wasn't having it.
Noah lifted my leg, shifting it forward and diving into me. He holds my leg up over my head pushed forward. There was nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, and I took him. I was for him in that moment as my body clenched and grasped at him every time he pulled back for a stroke, and sad he left me. Broad shoulders, thick back, hips pumping, and all that thickness too big for me. The pressure built inside me and as I watched my Noah. Watched those beloved ocean eyes, watched my big man take me with so much hot lust in his gaze. As if I was only for him finally in his eyes and I always was. My beloved man had his way with me.
"Noah!" I was so deep in the what the fucks as I fucked up to meet every heavy stroke. His meaty sac slapping against me in sheer abandonment as the sloppy sound of us rang out. He was not fucking around at all. I made a tactical error poking the grumpy cat. This man, cleaning me up and then dirtying me up at every turn. It was too good... Little white lights blinked in the back of my vision and I lost contact with those ocean blue eyes. Noah bites my lip.
"Look at me when I take what is mine," Noah growls at me. Oh fuck! That was so hot. He just leveled up on me again.
"I'm cuming," my core clenched down on him and I couldn't hold out and wait. I had to come so fast.
"Mine," Noah roared his pleasure joining me. He pumping into me pushing my leg forward to get even more leverage. Taking what was his completely. His mouth was back on mine, kissing me beyond sense. He let my leg go grabbing on my hips pulling me on him again. I wrapped my legs around him and held him close. Until he gathered me up and put us under the shower one more time. After he stops the shower he towel dries me off and picks me up again. Taking my nearly limp body inside Noah wraps the lamb's skin back around me. Putting us both on the larger rug next to the fire looking out on the lake. Starting up the fire he cuddled me up. I thought all was well in my world, the nap incoming. As he took my new shower bonnet off. That was until I felt the hardness between us thick, full, damn near ready again. I really did fuck around and found out...
A/n: Yo, I don't own the copyright on this so I wanted to credit properly (song below) - Um, I don't normally split scenes but editing takes me a bit. So, it's getting split. This scene saw a few rewrites and I want to punch it up a bit more. This one is like an everything for me. I'd been waiting so long. Noah and T even this tiny bit of happiness DESERVE it. The babies fought and I'm TEAM here. lol. Normally, I put a lot into those sexy bits like I said before. This time there's less emotional come to jesus and more come together same for the next scene part.
I don't normally say this enough but if you haven't already check out The Tour. It's my other title and there's more titles coming out. Same Romance Universe so you may see other couples and characters as background or unname characters pop up.
Also, please remember I love reading comments. I spent most of yesterday reading and replying. I also, use comments to locate good quotes in the story because I suck at doing that. As well as THANK YOU FOR THE STARS, THE COMMENTs, SHARING and ADDING ME TO LIST!!!. I about teared up cos yall are so dear to me and have been doing that.
Take care, see you next post
Catch a Falling Star
Song by Perry Como
Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket
Never let it fade away
Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket
Save it for a rainy day
For love may come and tap you on the shoulder
Some starless night
Just in case you feel you wanna' hold her
You'll have a pocketful of starlight
Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket
Never let it fade away (never let it fade away)
Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket
Save it for a rainy day (save it for a rainy day)
For love may come and tap you on the shoulder
Some starless night
And just in case you feel you wanna hold her
You'll have a pocketful of starlight
(Pocketful of starlight, hmm-mm-mm)
Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket
Never let it fade away (never let it fade away)
Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket
Save it for a rainy day (save it for a rainy day)
(Save it for a rainy, rainy, rainy day)
For when your troubles starting multiplying
And they just might
It's easy to forget them without trying
With just a pocketful of starlight
Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket
Never let it fade away (never let it fade away)
Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket
Save it for a rainy day
Save it for a rainy day
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