25 | Trust - Part 2
The crunch of the gravel driveway startled me out of my little trance. We were at Noah's and Zoey's house. For once, no paparazzi with cameras waiting outside of his driveway. Vacation was super over and it really was back to... normal?
I didn't have a lot of answers but Noah came out of his side of the truck to help me out. His warm hands wrapped around my waist and led me down from the step. The gentlemanly habit of his is yet another thing that made me smile. Noah goes to the back of the truck grabbing my luggage. The big bag he lifts easily and places it next to me. Uncertainty at the start of this trip plagued me before I went on the sailing trip. That turmoil brought with it all my ghosts until I let them go finally. We really are in a better place.
Holding my bag to my chest I didn't know what to do with myself. On the boat I wanted as much skin contact as possible constantly. A mix of lust and longing that was a storm of emotion in of itself. If he was in range, I wanted to be close. It wasn't even fully from a place of fear. It was so comfortable but now we were back to earth I couldn't reach out to him. My hands were wrapped so tightly around my bag but I ached to be near him. As easy as we were on his ship.
"Thanks Noah, I had a lovely trip," I said. My half smile would have been a full smile on the boat. Maybe he knew because worry spread across his face. The relationship between us is even moving one step forward. But I held my breath to see if there was going to be a two steps back.
Trust Tari. Trust...
Noah's head tilts to the side, and he takes a step back. Then he rushes away from me leaving me standing alone in front of the workshop. Welp, I feel like shit now. Maybe I was trying to move too fast? I had no damn answers. And I scan the yard for Sharr's car. It wasn't there just Noah's truck so, no Sharr, and Eve. That meant no contract and no ride.
I took a moment to check the sky. Still blue as the eye can see. Well, good. All I needed was for a storm cloud to open up on top of my head and drench me. I was nailed to the spot and debating with myself. Not wanting to push Noah too hard and also with my new resolve. I would not let myself be ruled by ghosts because frankly they weren't there for me anymore. With my decision made I took a step towards Noah's direction. But I stopped in my tracks as Noah came out of the workshop with one big box and one little box. The big box had a beautiful design and was large enough that Noah was carrying it under one hand. It would take me two hands to carry that thing. The space and Star Wars theme had me laughing. Before Noah met my kids, he only saw the movie once. I know for a fact that he has watched all three Star Wars so many times he probably can barely stomach it. Not to mention the prequel and the new ones. But the original three movies those kids love the most because it has Lando. That stylish space adventure was something watched in sections a thousand times. Clips and pieces they rewinded and did the lines for. Lando in the elevator at cloud city. The princess holding her blaster. It was watched so lovingly so many times before letting you watch the whole movie.
The box had Lando on it with the spaceship and more. It had cloud city carved into it as a mural wrapping around the wooden box. My kids were both on the spaceship Millennium Falcon with Lando. Any black nerd worth their salt will tell you that the Falcon was Lando's first. My little blerd heart noticed that Little Man was wearing his cape next to Lando. I couldn't see the side next to where Noah was holding it but I didn't have to. I knew that it was probably wonderful.
Noah set the box down little wheels pop out of the bottom of the big box. A large handle sticks out of the top. Then he opened it. Inside the box was handmade wooden Legos just like last year. On the lid of the box it said The Empire Strikes Back with his birthdate and the year for this year. A second box sits on top of all the Legos already open with no Legos in it, said New Hope with his birthday from last year. The smaller box was as intricate as the box it was in. I held my breath as I dip my hand into the box and pulled out the little toy people. It was all of us and I couldn't handle it. He passed me the next box with all the stars. Inside it was filled with stars and a wooden star necklace. I didn't know he could make jewelry.
I forgot to breathe for longer than I knew. I clutched that box of stars in my arm. Space Girl's birthday and the current year. All three boxes signed by him works of fucking art. He remembered the kids' birthday and got them a gift again. As my hand shook around the box, I counted my breaths to make sure I was taking them. The trembling stars in my hands were just as shaky as my heart.
I refuse to cry.
I'm not crying.
"You are not crying?" Noah asked, confused. Shit, I said it out loud. He keeps doing these insane acts of kindness without even trying. These heart shaking world changing shit and he's like 'oh it's Monday.' I had faith in him. I trusted him with my fucking erratic emotional state. He crushed me with his wonderfulness.
"Neptune, just kiss me," and bless his heart he did. His lips captured mine crushing the box of stars into my loving arms. Teasing my lips apart and sneaking his tongue into my mouth playing with it as masterfully as he was. As if the kiss was all he needed for all damn time. The taste of him filling my mouth. Warmed scent of redwood, pine, and salt. And we shared that breath as Neptune proved yet again he could breathe just fine for both of us under the sea. Just as we pulled apart from the kiss. He licked my lips and smiled into my mouth kissing me a second time. If I wasn't careful, I'd have dropped all the stars he put in my arms. He kissed me and it was everything. I have to trust.
"Thank you for the gifts Noah." I bite my lip tasting him lingering. "I think I'm going to cry. Happy tears." Noah had that upset worried expression. Why doesn't he trust happy tears? Maybe it's a guy thing. "Ok, fine, hug me. I'm not going to cry, I just need to make it through this happiness overload." Noah nods his head, anxiousness unmoving from his face. Then he takes the box of stars and puts it into the Lego box.
Big arms wrapped around me pulling my curvy body against his hard one. I'm enveloped with him in the best of ways. I put my head on his chest and let the world zone away like on the boat. We weren't in a bubble of sex highs this time we were in a relationship. Even when I was in a bubble of guy high sexcapades I loved the fuck out of this beloved man. Breathing him in, I trusted with my whole damn heart that he wasn't going to hurt me. That he wasn't going to reject me because I had kids. He wasn't going to get scared off because my ex-husband was a low-key asshole on good days. And a high-key asshole on bad ones. I got my work shit together. And I'm getting the kid shit together. I had to fucking trust that Noah and I were really in a relationship. That he'd let me fully in someday. Even if it didn't click for him, it was still ok. Deep inside he loved me back he just didn't know how to say it. My fragile heart could barely take anymore but I had to have the strength for that.
I had no idea how hard the trust was going to be. How fragile the air and wings he gave me. How much even the tiny taste of it has become so much to me. Once again I've been so fucking scared since the beginning.
Noah from the start even when he was super shy, I liked him. He worked hard, and he was always careful. Even when he didn't say any words to me.
I went on one date with Noah's best friend. My friends and I nicknamed him black kryptonite. When I dated him I didn't even know Noah liked me. But with Noah's best friend Maurice he could have been perfect in every way imaginable. And in that perfection he'd not even be able to stand in my beloved Neptune shadow for me. At that time I didn't even know Noah liked me back.
Trust... Tari. You can do it.
When Noah rocked me the words 'I have you,' from the boat filled my mind. That rumbly quiet voice Noah has as if he's so unused to saying things out loud because he probably is. Deep, clear, caring, concise man who gave me what I needed already. That rocking turn into dancing because god helped him even without music the man could dance. The last night we were together before the breakup. That night was amazing. I dance with him, pouring my whole damn heart out. Wrapping my arms around his neck and letting him lead me to music I didn't hear but could feel inside me.
When I looked up the sky was as blue as Noah's ocean eyes making eye contact with me. My beloved. He smirks, and I liked that smirk. And he went right back to kissing me and the dance didn't stop. That kiss was delicious with a hint of devilishness that wasn't very Noah and I also liked it. With our lips locked together we were like teenagers in that way when you want to pour yourself into each other. That point where the kisses are enough and even while kissing you feel like at any second it could turn into more. Where you could kiss someone for hours.
"I love you," the words whisper into his mouth. That smirk stretches into a wide smile against my lips. His hands wander delightfully.
"Noah, Tari, you have company," Zoey says behind us.
Noah lifts his head and looks behind my shoulder. Irritation spreads across his expression at the interruption from his little sister. The more I listened, the more footsteps I heard behind me.
"Not just Zoey is behind me, right?" I asked Noah.
"Nope, not just me." Zoey says answered for Noah. The annoyance doesn't leave Noah but his hand doesn't move from under my top. Which makes me want to laugh at him thinking he can glare off whoever is our guest.
"Sorry," the voice was Sabali's. She sounded so embarrassed, bless her heart.
"Hi," Shar said next.
"Us to." Eve said. "Yeah!" Carly, and Jo-Lee called out together. I rolled my eyes it was a full fucking committee. So, fucking embarrassed I just didn't want to turn around and see the damage live in color.
"Are the girls doing anything?" I asked Noah with suspicion.
"They are doing fist pump from Arsenio Hall," he said. I almost choked, #Teamcum strikes again but at least they are all happy.
"Nice to meet you again." Maurice, black fucking kryptonite. Sabali's brother and the man I went on a date with before Noah. It was before anything physical started but... We had something for half a second but didn't. No one but my friends and Zoey knew we were in a relationship of any sorts at all. Zoey knew we were together but I doubt she thought it was sexual. I was seconds from climbing up Noah and taking a good bye out door fuck. Even though I didn't have any time for it. It could not be a mistake that we knew each other very intimately.
His hand is still up my shirt cupping my breast. Thumb comfortable on my nipple like he knows the joint, and he does. So, any doubts about what is going on between Noah and I are probably no longer in doubt with our audience.
My head falls onto Noah's broad chest. I stay where I am counting down and letting the embarrassment fade. So, this was it? The jig was up. Heat was so hot on the back of my neck I was glad I had dark skin because I'd been purple at this point. Way way past red. But when I glanced up at Noah he wasn't embarrassed at all. The stubborn man was pissed. I'd so rarely seen him pissed off. Even when we were angry at each other looking back, it was more very hurt than truly pissed off. And that damn stubborn man's hand didn't move off my breast. With my head against his wide chest I broke out in a fit of giggles. Which only made his damn thumb rub against my nipple through my bra and that sparked a second around of giggles. They were going to think I was losing it.
I fish Noah's hand out from under my top. He wasn't happy about that at all. Stubborn man. Then gather together every bit of brazen I had in my whole damn soul. Turning around took a lot out of me but I did.
"Hi," I waved at the group of both Noah and my friends. How Zoey, Shar, Sabali, and Marice were able to walk up to us without either of us noticing says a lot about us kissing. It was shocking we were both way to into that kiss. Didn't hear Eve driving her car with the gals all the way up to Noah's workshop. The sound of the tires over that crunchy gravel and neither of us noticed at all. For a woman who damn near gorged herself all damn weekend I had no business being so thirsty. I drowned out the world with Noah but I did. And I wasn't gonna be ashamed of it because they'd do it if it was Noah.
I gave a second tepid wave, and that caused a crash of our friends talking all at once. Wanting to know about us information about us being a couple. We were a couple now right? From more than one of them. I nodded at the group. It was like one of Zoey, and Sabali's press meetings. Everyone asking questions left and right faster than you could really fully think. It wasn't like I had any chance to answer properly. But the visual survey of our group of friends was that everyone was happy for us for the most part. Although, Noah's friends and family look slightly shocked. But I was his first girlfriend so maybe that was it?
Maurice patted Noah on the back and even though it was his best friend, he seemed a little uncomfortable. But then again, maybe he was caught off guard by the whole thing as well? We talked for a bit to everyone. I was almost tempted to prepare lunch for everyone but I had a lot of birthday stuff to get ready for. The offer of lunch sort of died on my lips before it even came foolishly out thankfully.
When Maurice and our eyes finally met again in one of those empty moments, his expression was rueful. He shrugs then smiles at me more broadly. I took that as no hard feelings and ran with it. As long as no one was mad, I was taking the win.
Sharr passed me the offer sheet, and I did a quick check. The offer was good and I would have signed right then and there. Deal done and business in a great spot. I was shell shocked.
"Think about it first," Sharr said to me. I was second from throwing down and signing that bitch. But thinking about it closer I should send it to a lawyer first. I'd love to work with her though. I didn't need to negotiate for a better offer. This was a great opportunity and very good money.
"Sure," I said to her. "I'll think about it closely and get back to you. Drop by my place in a few days?" I gave her my information and a great time to return the custom jewelry I borrowed for Noah's event. I was looking up the prices of good quality custom jewelry before the event. It was so damn expensive so getting that necklace back to her before one of the kids broke it would be great. Two tasks, one visit.
I don't know why but Noah and I being together buoyed the group spirit. Our friends and family mixed well together. But of course Noah was still a little grumpy. With his body flush against my back I realized that he was more into that kiss than I thought. I didn't tease him, I just listened to them ask us questions or steer the conversation wherever. Until Noah turned me around and kissed me in front of them on the lips. So, thoroughly did he own my lips that I forgot that it was anyone but us? Moaning into his mouth leaning in for more. But me wanting more wasn't in Noah's stubborn plan. He nodded at me and then everyone else. Picked up the gifts for the kids putting them into the back of Eve's car. Then grabbed his tool belt from the hook and headed towards the lake without looking back. Leaving me completely shell-shocked, absolutely fucking flustered. And when I looked down with hard nipples and nowhere to go.
He went to the lake again, and he wasn't mad at me this time?
With my mouth hanging open watching him go. This time it wasn't him baffled, it was me.
A/n: Thank you for all your well wishes from the last update. I want yall to take care, love yourself, and trust. Trust those who deserve your trust. Hug them and let yourself breathe for a second. The older we get the more people betray us. We take those ghost with us and it makes it so hard to open up again. But you have the strength to do it. Love is a circle, and circles are endless.
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