21 | BB&B - Book Clubs, Bookfriends, and Bobs
Jo-Lee was magnificent in her madness. In the months since she started working with the online sex shop as an affiliate, she created a few book clubs. Demoanica Desserts and Books followed by Book Clubs, Bookfriends, and Bobs. The book club and desert groups linked up with so many creators. All those creators across many platforms increase sales for Demoanica. And instead of taking the money, Jo-Lee flipped it into shares of the company. Which has taken off. So many adult romance readers love a battery operated boyfriend. Even in talks to make a big beautiful woman lingerie and play clothes line. Jo-Lee is on a fucking boss bitch role. No one would believe that more than six years ago she showed up at our door. After all those years of knowing her and her family. Plus, to add on the sadness her husband died in the war. A freshly minted broke single mom. But she made it.
A loud laugh from Jo-Lee interrupts my overthinking. It was a pink cock shaped jello mold. Jo-Lee shifts the fruity flavor back and forth within the mold. Lovely popping out the cock jello shooter for book club night.
"And this would put a smile on everyone's book club night. It's my favorite choice for a discussion of titles. Just one and make a few blank cock shooters for fun to go into drinks." Said Jo-Lee as she dropped the little cock into a mixed drink. Then drinks the whole tumbler glass with the jello going down her throat with the mixed drink. Eve zooms the camera into Jo-Lee as she licks her lips. Giving out the code for the cock shape mold to the live stream on YouTube.
Carly was doing everything in her power with a herculean effort not to break down laughing. But the ruination of the live stream was all in her laughing eyes. Her face was completely red, which took some work for her soft mocha complexion to pull off. One book was blocking part of her face and the other two books were on her lap, which was the discussion books. It was one of those thinky erotica romances where it was erotica written like a normal chick-lit book. But the book had all the racy scenes written in that erotica dirty dirty way. It actually poses some really interesting questions about women in the workplace. Business ownership and even public and private schools. How public schools revise so much pressure and the importance of investing in them. It kind of reminds me of the way ForNoah charities focus on Public Schools and tutoring.
I was so damn proud of Jo-Lee from single mother to major shareholder. The possibilities for her were whatever she made of it. The best part is when she smiled into the camera, licked the head of another floating jello cock. Then with a jaunty smile she reminded her viewers. "All these kink items are made from union shops in the USA." Jo said with a loud smack.
"Our next book is from a wonderful author...." Jo-Lee goes into the next book smoothly while sucking on the meaty ball of the cock shaped jello shooter. Tears roll down my face as I attempt to not make any sound in the background. We had secured more guests to be on the show at Carly's remodeled cake shop. But Carly has been having trouble with her remodeling team. The contractor for the repairs is staying a problem. Carly comes in like a hero on the discussion about the next book from the club. And the live stream chat goes nuts over the title. It's a web novel Silicon Knights unknown but Jo-Lee read the first book and loved the unknown author.
Eve backs away from the camera and pulls me outside for a break. I couldn't take it anymore myself. My ears were pink and to make my dark ears pink you have to work at it. As Jo-Lee got progressively drunker, it was time for me to get air. My mind kept going over spending a week with Noah alone on his boat. Even while Eve talked to me, it was what was going on in my head. Why a week for a haircut? I agreed without really thinking about what was being offered.
I can work pretty much anywhere in the world. Pushing back a few things and doing some stuff early, I could switch things. My problems or should I say my issues where filling my head fuller than I could handle. I kept following Eve out into the side control room.
Eve watches the tv in the control room with a sad smile. That smile caught me off guard. Something was up and I waited for Eve to tell me what was up. She always does at some point and my patience was rewarded.
"I'm happy for Jo-Lee and Carly, really." Eve says, but her sad smile had so much unsaid I kept my mouth shut. "But... It feels like the world is moving and I'm not. I'm still working for everyone else and doing the same job I did when I got out of college." Which is understandable when I stop and think about it. Fresh out of college was during another economic downturn. A lot of our friends don't have a good job. They work yes but a good job with a future is worth a lot more. She's getting paid pretty well, but it wasn't what she went into school to do. "I thought I would be making theatrical films or doing more, but I'm not."
Eve leans against the back of the coach in the back of the control room. Carly, shop setup unlike most shops that bake. It's really a studio for making stuff that happens to sell baking stuff. Her eyes roam the room and back on the Tv with both Carly and Jo-Lee doing book club together. "I mean, look at it. It's a space for all of us if we want to do stuff. The world is moving and I'm standing still."
I got where she was coming from the day I saw Theo's new wife in the brand new SUV. Emotionally, it like I was a failure. I felt like I would never move forward. And that everything I thought was ground wasn't ground after the divorce. Work stuff was one of the few things toward the end that showed I was semisuccessful in my life. I didn't even have that anymore." Hell, I still don't have that, but I'm so close. Also, I hate myself a tiny bit for needed that kind of validation. I took a tiny loan for space camp and I've been speed paying it off as fast as I can. I'm not sure why not having the money when my kid needed it made me feel like a failure all over again, but it did. "Everyone else's rules aren't as important as your own, Eve." I got next to her on the back couch, wrapping my arms around her. "You will figure it out. I know you will."
Eve's head nods into my shoulder. "Everyone wants us to have everything put together on Instagram pretty. But you know what I figured out we don't. You are an important friend. You also taught me how to edit videos which makes me so much better at my jobs. We wouldn't be who we are now without you. And if you need help, time or whatever to figure out what 'more' is for you, all of us are here for you." At that very moment Jo-Lee was showing Carly the largest dildo in the store's options. It was obscenely big and both of us tilted our heads just to follow the cock line. We break out into giggles together. "Talk about finding your calling in life." I said.
"Yeah," Eve cackled with me.
"So, I have a week with Noah coming up." I said to her, "I've got no idea what I'm going to wear." I pulled up the picture program I used to keep clothes in order. It's a simple album app, and I organized it using hashtags. It's the way I've been keeping the clothing straight for Zoey and Sabali.
"T?????????????????" I thought Eve was going to bounce off the couch. Her smile was so wide. "Do you need me to drop you off?"
"Yes, thanks." I said to Eve with an even bigger smile on my face then she had.
"What's this about clothes and trips?" Carly said with one arm around Jo-Lee waist so sloppy drunk hanging off.
"We have some sexy work to do." Eve said while grabbing my phone and ready to pick outfits.
A/n: As always I can't thank yall enough for sticking with me. Remember to share and send my book along to whoever. It's Black History month and a found a lot of my small wonderful audience during that time orginally. So, if you haven't already feel free to check out the tour. Also, check out and share both my books :). It helps TOnnnnnnnnnnns
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