09 | Live
The chatroom full of people all clambers to be heard. Names and questions wiz across the screen. The red light flashes for live. I look up at Noah calm and working on his boat. His steady hand places layer after layer of sealant paint on the boat.
The first question to Noah from the live stream chat room.
"Redhairedwoman: What do you do in your free time Noah?"
Noah doesn't answer, he keeps fixing the boat. This live stream Q&A was a bad idea. You come up with ways to build a channel and a live stream seems like a good idea. I really should have thought this out more.
"DeathbyReagan: What is the best tool for furniture making?"
Nothing from Noah. He looks very bored and climbs down from the boat. I follow him into the workshop. He grabs oil, a small pot, a hot plate, beeswax, and a bucket. Then he heads back out to the boat's deck. I follow him back out with the camera and live chat. He spreads it all out. The whole live stream is bombing. This wasn't just a bad idea, it was an epically bad idea.
His hand caresses the deck table. Deep ocean eyes locked on the wood. He picks up the sandpaper and works the sandpaper against the deck. We all view together Noah's work in silence and it's as if he's weaving a spell. Sucked into his towering quiet presence. Bit by bit the whole vibe shifts like a slow wave crashing into the shore.
The number of watchers climbs from five hundred to ten thousand. Maybe it's just me or it could be everyone watching him. But the woodwork is beautiful. It's that quiet beauty, the kind that washes down deep. I hold my breath as he goes about his business. The question stops rolling across the screen for a single moment. It's as if everyone in the chatroom is holding their breath. Have you ever watched someone so good at something it takes you back? That each movement is natural as taking the next breath. As if everything is supposed to be done like this. That the wood is dancing with him. In one of those epic slow dances because the timber wants whatever Noah wants to give. And Noah knows what the wood needs.
He pulls his pocket knife out from his back pocket with a loud open click. Then cuts up the beeswax bar with his knife in perfect squares. Noah picks up the small copper pot. He turns on the hot plate and places the pot. And grabs the oils out of the pantry. He pours the oil into the small copper pot like a wizard with a perfect recipe for a brew. Noah picks up the copper pot and swirls the contents. He drops the squares in bit by bit. Then he sets the pot down. He picks up his cloth and plunges it into the hot pan of oil and wax. He folds the hot oily cloth in his hand over the half finished deck table. Sweat drips down his forehead. The wetness travels down his neck to dip under his henley. That heavy tool belt dips low and rattles with his movements. He finally applies the cloth onto the wood. The thirsty wood drinks the oil. His hands work the wood like it's alive. And it's as if the wood has skin and he's working the oil into its naked body. Every swipe of the oil brings out more colors of the wood. He drops the cloth into a bucket of oil. Little drops of oil drip into the bucket from the cloth. Then Noah looks up at me.
Behind him, the wind blows. A small flag at the top of the mast waves frantically in the breeze. In that one second, something unnameable clicks into place. A crash of messy emotion drowns me without any real way to classify them other than it's hot in here. Engorge black clouds in the distance roll in.
"A storm coming," I whisper. His ocean blue eyes pierced through the riot of my emotions. Hot and that feeling of deep want in the pit of my stomach. I forget for a second to breathe. Then like a punch to the gut, he tilts his head. A lock of his long mane of hair flops into one of his eyes. I take a deep breath.
What the hell was that?
He lifts one eyebrow at me. Oh, right, the questions. I read the first question from the long list of chat room I forgot to read from before he started.
"Take off your shirt?" Wait, what did I just read?
"From Noahsbitch1990, take off your shirt?" I bite my inner cheek to hold back the frantic giggle that attempts to breakthrough. Noahsbitch better not be my cuz Eve or Jo-Lee's crazy ass. Noah's head dips a little and his lip quirks. He pulls his long ash blond hair into a topknot. Then he grabs the bottom of his henley. He pulls the tight henley over his brawny, thick muscles. A smattering of chest hair complete with a very happy trail is on full display. With a tiny bit of sweat on his exposed, heavily built chest from a hard day's work. That he's shirtless is a shock to the system, but the bigger shock is the hot little moan I try as hard as I can to bury deep. The feast in front of me is too much to take even a minute of shyness to look away from. I feel like a squirrel hiding nuts for the cum-winter. Noah balls up the henley and throws it at me. The henley hits me in my face and knocks me out of my zombie moment. Oh my god, I can't think straight.
"Oh, right? Next question is from HeartBre20 what is your favorite color?"
Noah smiles and goes back to work. No answer. Back to normal nice quiet guy Noah mode. Thank god, if he kept the sexy Noah Neptune mode out any longer, I'd have been forced into something very unprofessional. I stop for a second while the light from the day stretches across the sky to take the thumbnail picture.
On the screen, the end stream title comes up.
My finger presses the button to end the stream. The red light makes one feeble blink before going dark. That was one hell of a live stream. I try to get focus on what I need to do, but my feet won't move from the spot on the deck. My phone buzzes and dings. The damn thing jiggles like I'm having an earthquake in my back pocket. I check the phone.
Within seconds of ending the stream, the clip of him working on the boat is like a bomb going off. The view count on the video climbs. I turn off the notifications from everyone but my friends and family. The phone is still dinging. I check the group chat between me, Eve, Jo-Lee, and Carly.
A single gif of Jo-Lee opening up her panty drawer and throwing her panties at the screen with Noah on it. Noah is in a loop mid henley coming off. I laugh and text back.
Tari: Noah Neptune Mode --- He powered up on me without me knowing he could even do that lol.
Eve: Kamehameha Sea mode
Carly: SHIT
I put my hand against my head and check for a fever. Ya, double shit for sure. What the hell just happened with Noah?
This chapter is probably the chapter I had the geekiest fun with so far. I realize some won't get it but dang it. Sooooooooo much fun. If you're into carpentry I advise you to watch it. This is the guy I tend to watch a lot.
Pro tip: turn his sound off put on the song below at the same time. Gooey. Super sexy.
Remember to save the pixie's O and vote, comment, share. I enjoy reading the comments!
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