05 | Uninvited
I vehemently disliked her and I'm still a little shocked by the reaction when she walked by me. She was in red. The woman who shouldn't be here. She has a press badge for the event. Her blood-red nails tapped on the desk with her notebook typing away. She leans back in the chair. Laughing at some joke. I hate this woman and I'm not even a woman-hater type, but she was the scum bitch. Trisa is the host of Drama Kiss the kind of YouTube gossip channel that covers people's drama. The fucked up part about her channel was she could be covering big Hollywood stars. She does from time to time, but not always. Once, two teenagers with 100 viewer accounts on YouTube auguring about stealing boyfriends. Normal high school dumb stuff. The scary part is she caused a shit storm of coverage that rained down on a teenage girl. A massive amount of harassment that sent her out of her state and into hiding. Trisa's millions of followers blew up everything in her life. The viewer Stans found naked pictures of the girl and spread them over the internet. That was just a small part of her harassment by the fan base. So, kicking out drama Drama's Kiss wasn't wise and only fed the beast.
A quick scan to double-check everything for the interviews. As the press waited for their turn to talk to the various artists in a one-on-one. Even with the work, it didn't stop me from looking at her again. It was as if the red on her lips was a siren screaming loudly, 'kick me out, kick me out.'
I locked the door to the green room because even though Noah wasn't there. The idea that someone else would get in and mess with his stuff was a possibility that pissed me off. Then I unlocked the door to the little interview room next to the press room for the museum. It was tiny and the two chairs set up for the artist and Press members were ready. I invited the first artist in and mic'd her up for sound. The camera crews could just plug into our sound and wouldn't have to keep repeatedly mic'd up people. It was also a move to help Noah because Noah didn't like to be touched by people. When fans or press he doesn't know make contact with him, he gets nervous and his hands move without real control.
Noah was so on my mind it was like he was there, even though it wasn't. The first artist was a shy woman who works on lighting displays. She had on a pretty white dress and was nervous.
"Don't worry, you got this." I grinned at her and her trusting big brown eyes relaxed. The first reporter came in and started asking her questions. She relaxed into the interview. When he was done interviewing her, another came in. They kept asking the same question on repeat. It would have been easier to do a single interview with just her, but everyone wants their own video. That's the point of these things, but I have to admit, it wasn't fun to be standing off to the side and waiting. I help the woman take off her mics as the next artist comes in and I mic'd them up. Some of the same reports came into the room again. But the number of interviewers in the room increases the more famous the artists are.
I walked out of the room during the interviews, heading into the press room next to the green room. Then in the press room with the army of notebooks lined up against the walls.
Sometimes the devil gets into me. I do things I shouldn't do even though I know better. It has to be the fact that I grew up with Eve and that woman never misses a chance to stir the pot and enjoy the soup. So, when I saw Trisa standing by the door with her red nails clicking together, something happen. The sexy devil got in me and I had to. I HAD TO.
"Why are you here, Trisa?"
"I'm press," she answered with a saccharine smile. It made it seem like we were old friends having a conversation. I wanted to call security so bad and boot her ass out. It would make a scene to add to the fact the badge she had around her neck was real. She didn't have anything that look like a hidden camera this time. We had the same rules as the Met Ball, with no unofficial cameras inside the event except for press areas. In her red evening gown with no shoulder straps or anything. Nowhere to hide a camera could be found. Although I didn't see her name originally on the list of invites, she wasn't on it either. I had no grounds to kick her out other than I couldn't stand the woman for what she already did. Although I didn't like her, she'd always be the scum bitch to me. That wasn't good enough.
I wish she would. She about the find out just on principle.
"Fine," it's funny how in the moment you can never say the cutting thing you really want to say. It annoys the hell out of me that I've never had that talent. My best friends Jo-Lee and my cousin Eve can cut down to the heart and lay people out.
"Hey, I'm just doing my job." She acts as if there's some big smoking gun. It's going to be a bunch of normal stuff that she's going to pick, pick, pick at to make into whatever she wants. It's how this drama channels work. I grimaced at her, resisting the urge to flip her off and give her more fuel to work with.
The sound of her clicking heels as she left was the only answer she gave. I need a break.
A/n: I got a surprise for yall that I've been working on. I'm pounding it out but it takes me awhile to do this shit. I'm so pumped.
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