She had been running for hours, staying in the woods to avoid being seen. How far could she run before she couldn't take it anymore?
Her wound was still bleeding. She was losing a lot of blood. What if she passed out? What if they found her?
She felt her foot connect with a tree root and she fell, hitting the ground hard. She yelled out in pain, digging her hand into a clump of grass.
"I.....I can't do this. What am I thinking?"
A tear fell down her face as she lie there, on her stomach. She could feel the burning of the cut as it touched the cold earth.
She could give up. On everything. All she had to do was find a way. She didn't want to live anymore. It was too much.
She had no motivation to live on anymore. She pulled herself off the ground, continuing her walk. She was still very far away, she couldn't stop yet, not now.
"I don't see her down here, Robin."
Beast Boy spoke into the communicator, walking along the side of the Tower. Raven had been gone for at least three hours. Everyone was worried.
He had known she was feeling down, he could see it in her eyes. Every time he told a joke, she didn't even roll her eyes.
He stared out at the water, worried for his friend. Who knows what was going on inside her mind right now.
Cyborg walked into the forest, following a small lead. There were boot prints in the grass that resembled Raven's. He was confused on why she would be headed out of the city.
"Yo, Robin?"
There was a split second of static before the leader answered.
"What is it, Cyborg?"
"I got foot prints here that look like Raven's."
Robin responded quickly, the sound if his engine in the backround.
"Send me the coordinates."
"Sending them now."
Cyborg saw his leader's head nod before he was disconnected.
He kept following them, realizing where she was headed. Why would she go there? What would be the point?
"Oh, Rae. Please come back home."
He was about to turn back for Robin, when he noticed something on one of the trees.
A piece of cloth. It was dark gray and dirty. It looked. Lot like one of Raven' favorite sweaters.
"Robin, come in."
Cyborg spoke into the communicator softly, on voice call instead of video.
"What was Raven wearing when she disappeared?"
Robin swallowed the lump in his throat, keeping his gaze on the road.
"A gray sweater, why?"
"I just found something, it's gray."
Robin cursed, making the turn that would lead him to the woods. He parked his bike on the edge of the green, running into the forest.
He could see the boot prints, and they did, in fact, look like Raven's. When he saw Cyborg, he slowed down, eventually stopping in front of him.
Robin stared at the piece of fabric in his hand, studying it.
"It looks like a piece of a sleeve."
Robin's eyes widened as he remembered what Raven had been wearing. A dark gray sweater.
"That's definitely her's, but why would she be headed to Gotham?"
Cyborg shrugged, answering with his own question.
"Maybe to get away from her pain?"
Robin rubbed his chin, staring at the ground before gathering his thoughts.
"I think we should have Starfire and Beast Boy follow her trail on foot while we go on vehicle, in case she's somewhere in the road."
Cyborg nodded, his heart feeling for his little "sister".
"Sounds like a plan."
Robin pulled out his communicator, calling Starfire.
She picked up, the night sky illuminating her form.
"Starfire, speaking."
Robin explained to her what was going on, and that she should meet them at the coordinates given.
Starfire nodded, a worried smile on her soft features.
"Is friend Raven going to be okay?"
Robin sighed, looking away for a moment before responding to the Tamaranian.
"She's not okay, she's not stable, but I do hope we can help her out."
"I can do some of the help, I promise. I would like for Raven to be coarse."
Robin stared at her, then at Cyborg, confused by her words. Cyborg chimed in, smiling.
"I think you mean 'fine', Star."
She blushed, her bright smile contagious.
"Yes, yes, that is what I meant to say!"
Robin talked to her for a few moments before ending the call and getting Beast Boy on the line.
"did you find her, Robin?"
Robin shook his head,explaining the current situation and showing off the evidence.
Beast Boy cocked his head, taking in his words.
"So, me and Star on the ground?"
Robin nodded, motioning to Cyborg.
"Him and I will be driving, in case Raven is somewhere in the road."
Beast Boy hung up, leaving Robin and Cyborg in the dark.
"I'm gonna head back to my cycle, bring the sleeve with you?"
"Will do."
Robin began walking back, his thoughts on nothing but Raven. He was worried about her. She had been injuries pretty badly, and the wound needed to be fixed.
She needed help, help that maybe, hopefully they could give her. She obviously didn't love herself, didn't see how worthy she was of compliment.
He had to her to to see what everyone else saw: a beautiful girl with a mysterious complexity.
He loved her, he knew that. And he had to get her back.
Robin hopped on his bike, taking a turn that would lead him to Gotham. He heard Cyborg behind him, his own vehicle revving at the stoplight.
He kept his eyes on the road as he drove, trying his best not to worry too much. She was out there somewhere, he would find her and fix her.
Oh, Raven, please don't do anything stupid. I can't live without you, knowing I could've helped and failed.
He drove on, concern overwhelming him. Raven needed him, that he knew.
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