She was in Gotham, residing in an abandoned building. It was stupid of her to be there, with a cut in her side, but she didn't quite care.
As soon as she calmed down a bit, she could heal herself. Right now, she needed to make a plan.
How would she do it? What would be the best way?
She gulped, rubbing her arm where the piece of her sweater was missing. Along with the whole other arm and bottom.
She had gotten caught on a tree branch. The thing had whacked her in the face and torn off a piece of her favorite sweater.
She didn't have time to pick it up, so she had left without it. Raven wasn't stupid, and knew they would find it and track her down, so she had made a plan.
She had ripped off more pieces of her sweater, placing them in buildings and trails to lead them away, especially Beast Boy.
Raven removed the sweater completely, tearing it up with the strength left in her body.
She had a cami on beneath the sweater, which she was glad for. Despite this, she was still extremely cold and scared.
She looked out the building, throwing the damned sweater across the street, her teeth chattering as she watched it land in the neighboring building.
"That should keep them away for a while."
She slid down the wall, rubbing her arms and hugging herself, her eyes closing against her will.
She was extremely tired from her travels. She had hitched s ride on a stranger's motorcycle. He was about her age, 16 or 17.
He had let her on, claiming he was also headed for Gotham. And then they parted near Wayne Enterprises, where he had to see his mother, a secretary in the upper parts of the gigantic building.
Raven had walked a long way to her current spot, afraid of being to close to people. She had yet to find a way to do the deed, and it angered her that she couldn't just throw herself off of the 6 story abandoned hotel roof.
But, she decided that would be too easy for her. She wanted something complicated, something that would cause her pain.
She wanted to know she was dying, to feel that pain associated with suicide. Jumping would kill her immediately, true, but she wanted a relatively slow, painful death.
Hanging? That could be pretty painful and slow if done incorrectly.
Pills? No, that was out of the question. Where would she even find pills?
That's when it finally came to her. The perfect plan for the perfect suicide.
All she had to do was execute it properly and then she would be free from all of these dangerous thoughts.
I apologize for such a short, shitty chapter. I've been away from this one for so long that it's becoming hard to write it. I have some ideas for the next chapter, and this was more of a filler anyways. A setup for what's to come. So, please be patient while I write a 1500+ chapter for you guys. I want this next one to be perfect, so don't expect it out within a week. More like a month. 2 weeks if you're all lucky and I'm not busy. But anyways, thank you so much for reading this story and I really hope you're not mad for the horrible updating schedule and short chapter. I will keep you all updated. Look for a message on my wall for news on this story!
The Best People Are Crazy,
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