Untilted Part 9
They will switch at 3am and it'll take about 20 minutes so I have to be quick. Huh...breathe Johanna, breathe...
She was at the bedlam at night and planning to do something insane. Something that she'll probably get killed by. Depends on will she get caught or not. Hopefully not.
Yes, she was about to free Bucky.
Heart beating like a insane drum, Johanna ran trough bedlam's dark corridors. If Tony or Peter or someone else who knows her will find her here then it's all for nothing. The 1BB room guards and everyone in there were about to switch in 2 minutes. Johanna knew that very well.
She hid herself into the bathroom close to the 1BB room and waited there. Suddenly she heard hard footsteps and men talking. Peeking through the keyhole, she made sure that those were the two guards who guarded that room. A few seconds later, two guards followed with- probably- the strange console man and...Tony.
Concentrate. She forced herself.
When they were gone, she came out of the bathroom quickly and went to the 1BB door. It was...open? Maybe Tony knew she would come and it was a trap? Or maybe it wasn't? Whatever it was, Johanna was willing to take the risk and she went in right to the console and started looking for the button what would open the door. She didn't dare to test something because it would maybe give Bucky an electric shock. Finally, she saw a button that she had seen Rhodey use.
This is your only chance.
She pressed the button.
And heard a sound.
The iron door was moving.
Johanna walked to it and waited nervously when it was fully open. She didn't have time to look for the switch, she ran straight to Bucky. He was sleeping. It was dark but Johanna could still see something. She saw the attachments. Once she had accidentally opened one of them but how? Johanna kneeled down next to him and started to look for the opening. She touched the attachment slightly and hoped that the switch wasn't already done.
Suddenly, her finger touched something and she pressed it.
It was open. Johanna forced herself to smile but it was almost impossible because of the danger. Her heart was crazy and she herself wasn't calmer either. Her fingers moved along the attachment when she found the small button and she pressed again.
She moved faster and soon, all the attachments were opened. She backed and looked quickly over the shoulder. Nobody wasn't coming. She sighed in relief.
Bucky wasn't moving. Johanna stood up and wanted to wake him up when he suddenly jumped up, grabbed Johanna's throat and pressed her against the wall so her legs couldn't feel the ground.
His fierce eyes were looking at her in the dark like trying to figure out who she was,
That's it. Johanna thought. Tony and Peter were still right about something. He can't be trusted. I'm going to die and nobody isn't here to help me.
Her throat was squeezed together and the pain was killing her. If she could say something to tell Bucky it is her.
,,I...trust...you." She used all her last air for those words and then her eyes closed.
She felt falling and air rushing into her lungs. Then something hit her hard. The pain made her open the eyes and she understood that she was laying on the floor. Johanna started coughing and gasping for air. But her throat didn't hurt like the last time. She sat up quickly and saw Bucky standing in front of her. He had understood who he just wanted to kill.
Johanna heard a sound, a voice, Bucky's.
I'm sorry. It said, so quietly that Johanna wasn't even sure he said that.
Then, he ran out of the door to the corridors. His fading running steps made Johanna realise what she had done. But it was for the good, was it?
Suddenly, she heard footsteps.
The switch was done.
Rhodey was coming.
And she will get caught.
Johanna started to look around. Maybe she can hide somewhere or-
She saw a figure next to her and sighed in relief.
It was Bucky.
But why did he come back?
He doubted. What did he want to say?
,,I need your help. Please. I can't get out of here my own." His eyes looked at Johanna and she saw that he sincerely regretted what he had done.
He offered Johanna his hand.
Johanna doubted hardly. Who knows what Tony will do with her if he finds out what she did? And if she dies? It was crazy and dangerous.
She looked at Bucky...
...and took his hand.
Bucky pulled her up with his normal hand. The grip was strong and Johanna saw his muscles stretching. She shook her shoulders.
,,Do you know what are you risking with?" Bucky asked.
,,Yes." Johanna gulped. ,,Getting lost in that endless labyrinth." She pointed at the corridors.
Bucky let out a laugh.
A laugh.
A slight, quiet and small laugh.
Johanna was surprised. She had never heard someone from the patients laughing. It was like an eight world miracle.
A laugh. Bucky laughing?
Johanna couldn't help but smile. ,,This way." She lead Bucky trough corridors while hoping that they won't get caught. They were hiding behind walls and were quiet but still.
Bucky walked past her, his eyes looking around. He was happy to be free again.
They had successfully escaped the bedlam and were hiding in the bushes now.
,,Thank you." Bucky said in a serious voice while she turned to Johanna. It came over his lips so quickly that Johanna wasn't sure was it sincere or not. Bucky gave her the exact same look like a lot times before now. The look Johanna couldn't read. She didn't understand what he wanted to say with that.
,,I have to go." Bucky broke the silence. He backed, turned around and started to ran away.
Johanna's hands formed to fists and she found herself in a battle between her feelings again. What to do? It was so dangerous, the action she was considering doing. And insane. She could easily die. But if she survives...No, it wasn't worth the risk. But what she could lose? Tony had lied to her so her job was basically gone. And she didn't have anyone to trust and nothing to believe because everything she had known was a big lie.
What the heck is happening in my mind?
,,Wait!" She yelled and made Bucky stop and turn around. ,,I...I...I want to come with you."
Bucky looked at her like she was crazy or something.
What did she just ask?
,,I want to come with you!" Johanna repeated herself.
Bucky walked slowly very close to her so Johanna had to step back. ,,What?" He asked in a surprised tone.
,,You heard me. I want to come with you." Johanna had to admit that she was still a little bit scared of him but she hoped that Bucky won't notice it.
,,Are you...suicidal?"
,,No, I'm not!" Johanna raised her voice. ,,I want to help and what could I possibly lose? My job is already gone and-"
,,What about your family? Think about them."
Johanna winced. She had totally forgot about them. Her mum, her dad and her younger brother...What would be their reaction to her death?
She shook her head. ,,It doesn't matter...no...I...uhhhh! You understand me! I want to come! Please!"
Bucky backed. ,,I want a lot of things too. No." He started to ran away again.
Johanna bit her lip and was desperate. She really wanted to go.
,,Wait! I formulated it wrong! I'm coming!" She ran after him and stopped him, putting her hand on his chest. Bucky looked at the hand and Johanna pulled it away quickly.
,,I'm coming. Hear? I am coming." She looked at Bucky and suddenly felt what he was feeling.
He was concerned about her.
,,It's decided." She said in a quiet voice. ,,I have decided."
Bucky looked at her, then past her, thinking and then sighed.
,,Follow me." He started running and Johanna followed him.
He had agreed. Johanna couldn't believe it. But now, she had to be extremely careful. Tony was now after her too and it made everything very dangerous. She didn't know what he was capable of.
To be honest, she was very scared.
It was hard to keep up with Bucky. Obviously, he was a very fast and good runner but Johanna was wearing heels. Not very high ones but still, it was hard to run in those. And, also, she was wearing a dress and white smock. Not very comfortable running clothes.
,,Wait." She suddenly said. Bucky turned around, his eyes looked around quickly to be sure that nothing didn't threat them and came to Johanna.
Johanna supported on her knees and was panting. Bucky glanced at her and immediately understood what the problem was.
,,I know a shelter close here." He said. ,,It's close to the airport. We can go there and find you some new shoes and clothes."
Johanna looked up to him. ,,Do we have time?" The word 'we' sounded weirdly.
,,Yes." Bucky said, not in a very convincing voice.
,,Okay." Johanna wanted to stood up but then the pain shot trough her legs and she fell.
She had fallen onto the footpath if Bucky wouldn't have caught her. He pulled Johanna up so that their faces and bodies were very close. Johanna felt a shiver starting from her back where Bucky's iron arm was supporting her and warmth filling her body when Bucky held her hand. They looked into each other's eyes for a few seconds and then backed a bit.
Johanna accidentally supported on her leg and felt a pain shooting trough it again.
,,Shit." She sweared quietly. ,,My legs...ouch! They're hurting. I...I can't walk. I wonder how do we get to the airport now..." She mumbled.
Then she felt Bucky putting his arm under her knees and his iron arm was still supporting her back as he lifted Johanna up to carry her. She automatically put her arms around Bucky's neck and their eyes met again, staring into each other deeper this time.
,,So...umm...How's that?" Bucky asked quietly, still looking at Johanna's face.
,,Good." She whispered. Her heart was beating like a drum and she was still scared. If Bucky tries to do something, then she can't ran away from him or even protect herself somehow. Her breaths were heavy.
Bucky nodded and started running towards the airport.
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