Chapter 6-White Everywhere
I was basically thrown back into my room, the Rulies actually shutting the door, unlike my Doctor. Everything was still bright white, except, the outside was now too. The rain had evidentially changed over to snow in whatever messed up world the Doctors live in. I sit down on my bed and contemplate the color white.
It's......nothing. And a combination of everything. Humans see the color white when all other colors of light, (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet) merge together. Which means it's everything. But at the same time, it's one of the most boring colors in our entire perspective. There's nothing interesting about it.
Red is the color of passion. Orange and yellow are fire and the sun. Green is forests and freedom. Blue is sky and sea. Indigo is blueberry pie. Violet is wild flowers growing on a mountain. But white is......I guess snow?
I never liked snow.
I suppose it is technically the color of innocence. But anyone who is innocent is going to be destroyed, if they haven't already been.
Maybe that's why I want to see Silver again so much.
Funny how her name is a color too.
Grey is the only color that MIGHT be more boring than white. But's basically the same except it shimmers. I always have liked shiny things. The door opens, and my Doctor walks in.
"Toby, they've decided to let you leave your room now. You're only aloud to go to the floor above and below this one, but that includes a food court, so I'll stop bringing you food now. Please don't get into anymore trouble, or this won't last. That's all." She leaves quickly after that.
I suppose it makes sense. Silver probably asked why I was stuck back in my room, and probably not aloud back out. They'd want to make it seem like I was a normal rambunctious kid so she'd forget about it.
So they could stuff me back in this room.
I reach for the door, and find in unlocked for the first time. I cautiously step out, before running down the hallway. No one chases me.
I drop back to a normal walking pace, and begin to wonder around. I have no idea where I'm going, until I find the stairs. Silver said that she was only a floor above me. Maybe I can find her.
I walk down the hallway a floor above my own, and read the names besides the doors as I go by. Eventually, I find the right one, and I knock. I rock back and forth on my heals until she opens the door.
"So, hey........thanks back there. For, uh, for not getting me in more trouble. And I guess for unknowingly getting me out of that room." I say, rubbing at the back of my neck. I really do need a haircut.
"Oh, sure, no problem!" She says, also standing awkwardly.
"So, have you had lunch? We could go to the food court?" I say, gesturing in a direction. She nods, and I start heading in that direction.
"The food court's that way." She says, pointing the other way.
"Right, I knew that." I reply, turning around quickly. I choose to ignore the giggle she lets loose.
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