Chapter 5- Mrs.Nelson
"H-hello.." I stutter out, I seem inclined to trust him even though he's an obvious juvenile delinquent.
Why do I trust you? What if you're a cereal killer? Why am I panicking! I never panic so why now?!
"Uh, earth to girl?" He says and I snap back into reality, I was kind of in a trance-like state. "I've been trying to ask your name and all..." He states.
"I'm Silver Hall, my rooms upstairs and I'm 13. I just woke up today from... Well I don't know what." This is true, I'm not really sure what I woke up from. This is my first time waking up for I have no idea when.. Kind of similar to hibernation, that's as close as I can describe it.
"Oh, well I can explain that, it's-" his words where left hanging in the air and where replaced by Rulies boots hitting the floor. The Rulies escorted me, no more like carried me and then Toby and we where carried for what seems like hours, we went up stairs around corridors in doors and kept repeating the process. Toby kept struggling and thrashing while in the Rulies grip but was put into a room on his own and I am now sitting on a slick black chair guarded by the Rulies that had carried me here.
"Mis Hall, Mrs.Nelson wants to see you now." A tall slim woman rang out holding the door open for me then ushered herself out. The lights where dim and eerie looking, as I looked around the worse it got. An image of a child in the rain flashed before my eyes and I reached reality again. I kept on walking and my feet made loud thuds, almost as loud as my heart was.
Thud, thud, thud, thud...
I finally reached a desk that was cluttered with papers but shone brightly as a single light shone above it. I barely noticed the chair behind it as it slowly wheeled around like in the movies.
"Mis.Hall," she said with a low husky but scratchy voice when she finally turned to me. I'm not the one to call someone hideous, but she was hideous. Her teeth are rotten looking, maybe it was just the light but I swear they where brittle and filed into triangles. (Not very well done I may add) She has long black hair greasy and thick with hair products so it stuck to her scalp like a sea urchin. Her eyes are hazel but have a red gleam, her posture is slouched with her shoulders folded inwards. Might I add her nose is rather large yet turned up, nostrils flaring and has a mole right on the very end of her bottom lip right in the center. She was dressed to impress though, squeezing herself into a black dress with ruffles and pumps. "I'm here to inform you that you've run into one of our delinquents." I about to interrupt but she held up a hand to stop me. "What did he say to you, anything and everything." Her eyes where hungry for the information. I couldn't rat out Toby to this, um, pleasure of a woman.
"Oh, um," Come on silver think you technically won't be lying if you tell her that her told you his name. "he told me his name was Toby and that was it." I said reluctantly finishing my words.
"Mis Hall, I've asked you nicely, tell me what he REALLY said." Her voice was like nails on a chalkboard but lower.
"That's all ma'am, but I must ask what he has done to be hastily thrown into a room alone and apparently not allowed out; I mean that's what the Rulies mentioned.."
"Oh really?" She scoffed, "I'll have a word with them later in private, but he shall be let out 8 hours a day for you may not ask any more questions on his matter of punishment. Do I make myself clear?" A wave of relief washed over me, at least he will be let out.
"Do I make myself clear." Mrs.Nelson said kind of creepily.
"Y-yes!" I croaked out.
"You are dismissed." She waved me out with a flick of her ring covered hand and I left sullenly. Once my eyes hit the light of the hallway my mind was flooded with one thing,
The worst kind of sad is not being able to explain why.
And I couldn't.
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