Chapter 1-Silver
My eyes fly open, and I stare up at the bright white ceiling.
My name is Silver Hall, I'm 13 years old, and I weigh 120 pounds. I live on Earth in the year 30XX, in the Ecstasy Happiness Clinic. Everything is happy, and nothing is wrong in the world. Quote of the day: "Every sixty seconds you spend upset is a minute of happiness you'll never get back." -Unknown
Why am I thinking all this? I know all of this, it's basic information. Although, the quote of the day is new, and nice.
I sat up and looked at my feet, which were already covered by a pair of purple slippers. Where had they come from? Had Dr. Burn given them to me? He was such a nice man, and they truly were nice slippers. He knew that purple was my favorite color too, so it probably was him. Or one of the silent nurses. They are quiet but nice, so it might have been one of them.
My door opens quietly, and Dr. Burn walks in. His dark brown eyes always hold kindness, and I've never seen him angry. Evidently, it's really scary. But only one boy has ever told me that, and it can't be true. How could such a nice man be scary? He smiles at me, and I smile at him.
"So Silver, did you sleep well?" He asks me, and I nod because I did.
"No nightmares last night!" I tell him excitedly. I'd been having really frightening nightmares recently. I lived in a world where everything is absolute chaos. Nobody is happy and everyone hides in fear. I saw people who claim they are my mother and father, but I've never seen them before. My mother and father used to visit me all the time in the clinic, but they've stopped coming recently. They probably just got really busy.
"That's good." Dr. Burn replies, writing something down on his notebook. He never lets me see them, because some of it is stuff for his other penitents, which has to stay private.
"Can you tell me what you first thought about when you woke up?' He asked suspiciously.
"Oh well you know my name, age, planet and year, weight, where I lived, and my fascination in quotes." He eyed me curiously jotting down notes on his little blue notebook with a larger-than-average 'K' faintly on the pages behind the words.
He asked me a few more pointless questions for example my old cats name (Charlie), if I where to live on another planet what would it be (Venus), and what limb I would give up (right leg). After that, he flicked his notebook shut to reveal the same 'K' that was previously on the pages but more opaque .
"Well Mrs.Hall, I'm done here. You used to be very sad and anxious but it seems to be fixed. Feel free to roam around the clinic as you please, just stay out of trouble. Goodbye." He finishes grimly.
"Goodbye Mr.Burn, thank you!" I call to him as he left. Slowly I turned to the window to view the outside world. There where mountains and a river. The weather was nice but there is something on my mind, I'm not sure what.
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