The Men Have Arrived
Aragorn and his army marched on to Greenwood. It had been a long time since he had seen his friends Legolas and Gimli – he was sure Legolas would call on the Dwarves too. Aron was riding on Aragorn's right side, and Faramir rode on his left. Aron was anxious to get home, and was glad to not have to walk all the way back. Aragorn loved the ellon's (he-Elf's) enthusiasm, and was glad that Legolas had someone so loyal in his court.
As the group entered the forest, they heard the sounds of battle. Aragorn gave his orders and the army charged. When they were about three fourths of the way to Legolas' palace, Aron blew the war horn. When they came to the war zone, the Orcs immediately fled. Aragorn's soldiers managed to make a few kills with their bows and arrows. Aragorn jumped off his horse and he and his men began searching for survivors. They pulled the dead together and helped the living to get inside the palace gates. Aragorn saw Gimli in one of the courtyards and rushed over. He was not prepared for what he saw: Gimli was bowing over a heavily wounded Legolas. There was an arrow through Legolas' shoulder and a long gash across his front. Blood pooled around the Elf and matted his long blonde hair. His eyes were closed and his mouth was slightly open. Aragorn knelt next to his friends.
"Gimli, is he...?" Aragorn faltered.
"I'm not sure, lad."
Aragorn bowed his head next to Legolas' face as to hear a breath, but heard none. He felt for a pulse, and found one. Aragorn sighed in relief and then placed his ear right over Legolas' mouth. He heard breathing this time, but it was very faint.
"He is alive," Aragorn confirmed.
Gimli visibly relaxed. Aragorn carefully pulled the arrow from Legolas' shoulder and picked him up in his arms. Aragorn carried Legolas into the palace, Gimli right behind them. As soon as they entered there were gasps from many of the Elves.
"He is alive," Aragorn began, "but he needs help."
Several women rushed over they showed Aragorn where to take Legolas. Once Legolas was in a bed the women quickly began to patch him up. Aragorn and Gimli were sent to another room to wait.
The morning two days after, Gimli woke Aragorn up.
"Wake up, lad. They say Legolas is calling for us."
A/N I know. Short chapter. Two comments for an update.
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