Aragorn paced in his room. Gimli was sitting in a chair by the window, looking out at the damage from the battle. Several of the walls were burned or broken. Aragorn knew that there were not many Orcs left - probably only 200 at most. But he also knew that that was a large number compared to the Elves. He was glad that his Men and the Dwarves were there as well. That's when he heard a door open and close. Aragorn entered the hallway and saw Legolas and Gandalf there. Legolas smiled at his friend.
"Aragorn, we are going to get something to eat. Would you and Gimli like to join us?" Legolas asked.
"We'd love to, lad!" Gimli boomed, stalking out of the room.
Gandalf, Aragorn, and Legolas couldn't help but smile. The four headed to the kitchens where the cooks were very pleased to see Legolas up and ready to eat. They prepared a fruit platter and some vegetables. They also cooked a bit of beef stew, hiding the flavour with vegetables so that the king would be well nourished. Elves didn't particularly like meat, but they ate it sometimes knowing that it was a part of a full diet. Legolas didn't eat much of what they prepared. He ate some fruit, some vegetables, and some stew. The majority of his meal was a bite of Lembas bread, which filled him.
Aragorn looked at his friend as he ate. Legolas was skinnier than when he last saw him - three years ago. He had bags under his eyes as well. It was obvious that Legolas was losing sleep during this time of war, but Aragorn knew there was something else bothering his friend. The light was gone from Legolas' eyes. They were always shining with excitement for an upcoming battle. Legolas normally loved the thrill of an adrenaline rush as he was fighting. He was graceful. But Aragorn hadn't seen that Legolas in battle the last few days. Legolas let himself be gravely injured twice within the same week.
Aragorn recalled the shouting he'd heard coming from Legolas' room earlier. It was definitely Legolas shouting. Aragorn hadn't heard all that was said, but he made out: "... in battle, not on a throne... good-looking Elf... bonus... royalty... those reasons... only reasons... not fit to lead a kingdom... not... need... a failure." Aragorn looked at his friend sadly. He had to talk to Legolas.
When the meal was over Aragorn took Legolas to the side and asked if he would accompany him on a walk through the gardens. Legolas agreed; a walk always calmed him. Legolas and Aragorn walked along a path admiring the roses and the lilies. They stopped when they came to a gazebo and sat down. Aragorn placed a hand on Legolas' shoulder.
"Legolas, you know you can tell me anything," Aragorn prompted.
"Yes, I know," Legolas replied, somewhat guarded.
"Legolas, what were you and Gandalf arguing about?"
"You were practically screaming. What was wrong?"
Legolas got up and began to walk away. He didn't want to talk about this. Not to Aragorn. Not now. Aragorn stood and grabbed Legolas' arm. Legolas spun around. Aragorn grabbed his other arm and pinned him down on the bench.
"Tell me what's wrong," Aragorn demanded.
"Let me up, then I'll tell," Legolas said, finally giving in. He didn't want to deal with this.
Aragorn released Legolas and the Elf sat up. He looked at his friend, sighed and began to tell Aragorn what was going on. As he explained he felt tears coming back to his eyes. Legolas kept them back until he was finished.
Gimli and Gandalf were having the same sort of conversation in Gimli and Aragorn's room. They sat at a table while they watched the sun set.
"Gandalf, what's going on with Legolas?" Gimli asked. "He's not been himself the last few days. And earlier? He never raises his voice in such a manner."
"Well, I provoked him, Gimli," Gandalf answered, simply. "But Legolas did not have a very happy childhood. His mother died when he was young. Because of this his father... well... had some issues. He was angry all the time. He was very guarded and cold to everyone - even his own son. Thranduil was annoyed easily and having a bold and adventurous son didn't help that. He often yelled at Legolas and sometimes - though very rarely - hit him. Legolas still has a scar from one time when his father went into a rage and threw a vase at him. Legolas tried to do anything to please his father - to make him smile again. But no matter how hard he tried, it seemed that all he was to his father was a nuisance."
"Wow," was all Gimli could say.
"All we can do is stand by him and make him feel loved," Gandalf continued, looking out the window. "We need to go outside. Now!"
Gandalf rushed from the room with Gimli in pursuit. When they reached the gazebo, they found Aragorn on the floor, injured. But Legolas was nowhere to be seen.
"What happened?" Gimli asked as he helped his friend sit up. Gandalf immediately began to bandage the wounds on Aragorn's right arm.
"Orcs," Aragorn said. "Legolas was explaining some things to me and they attacked. They struck him first, stabbing him through his shoulder and then tried to carry him off. We began to fight them, well, tried to. That's hard to do without a weapon. I was fighting and then heard what sounded like a bone snapping. Legolas didn't cry out, but I can only assume that it was his."
"It was," Gandalf confirmed. "From the window I saw an Orc snap Legolas' legs. He won't be able to walk. He's at the mercy of the Orcs now. We must go after him. He will not have much time."
Two comments for an update.
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