Epilogue • Starla
It's my 16th birthday party.
My family and I are in the back garden celebrating with a few of my friends from school.
My brothers Cody, Carson, and Cameron are running around pestering all of my friends. They don't seem to mind though. I've opened all my gifts. The only gift missing that I didn't receive was the one I bugged my dad about for weeks, but I'm still grateful for what I have received.
I more than grateful for my family. My dads are chasing my brothers around the garden, trying to keep them from bothering my friends. I love my brothers but they can be a pain.
I'm the only girl, unfortunately, since my moms a Starlight she can only produce one female child. They all spoil me endlessly but I'm not a brat, even though my brothers think I am.
Cody and Carson are twins, they're 14. Cameron is almost 13. It's been eleven years since my mom has had a child. I thought she was done but nope, she's pregnant with another set twins, boys of course, I'm cursed with all these boys around.
I watch my mom across the garden, she's extremely happy. She's hugging daddy Baron, he's Cody's and Carson's biology dad. They look so much like him it's ridiculous. They're both silver dragons. Which is especially irritating because they think they're all that.
Poor Cameron, he's Trigons biological son, his wings hasn't come in yet. He hates it. Daddy Trigon has him on his shoulders now. He spoils him relentlessly. I shake my head at their antics.
Moms pregnant now with daddy Bracks kids. They want to name them Aether after my grandpa and Zada after my other grandpa, I call him papa. I hate the names. I wanted it be Parker and Yenna after my other grandpas but no one listens to me. It's only because I'm closer to them that the others. They've always been there for me. Maybe when I have kids of my own one day; I'll honor them in naming mine after them. But that's a long way a way. At least, that what my dad keeps telling me. My other brother Farno is on daddy Lucias lap. He's shy. He's his biological son, he's 12, he's a demon and boy can you tell. Daddy Malik son is named Samson, he's 11 and a vampire like him. My dad is overprotective of them all.
He is overprotective of me also. He won't even let me date yet and I'm 16 for stars sake! He says I'll meet my mate or mates and they wouldn't like the idea of me dating other people. But who knows when that will be. Until then, a girl has got to have a little fun.
"Hey chicka, why the gloomy face?" My best friend Kayla ask me, she's a wild one, she's a vampire like my pop Malik. He's basically adopted her since her parents aren't around anymore.
"Just didn't get the one thing I really wanted for my birthday, that's all." Kayla looks at me like I'm far too spoiled. In a way she's right. But I really wanted this gift.
"Just be happy you have your family and I see Liam is here." She raises her eyebrows up and down suggestively. I just laugh at her. Turning my head in the direction she's looking. I see Liam with his brothers Lake and Luke. I've had a crush on him for two years.
He's very handsome, with blond flowing locks that reach his shoulders, bright green eyes that sparkle when ever her smiles. He's a dark angel just like his brothers. I don't even think he even notices me. I hide my embarrassment when he looks in our direction.
"He's looking right at you." Kayla informs me, slyly.
"Shhh! You're embarrassing me." She just laughs at me, springs up from her seat looking down at me.
"Come on let's go say hello," when I shake my head vigorously she keeps on insisting "he came to your party, Starla, the least you can do say a friendly hello." Sighing out loud from frustration, I know she's right but I'm shy and hate confrontation. What if he doesn't like me? Kayla doesn't have these insecurities, she's drop dead gorgeous. Any guy would love to be with her. Me, not so much.
Before I give in, I see my dad walking toward me. He's smiling a devious smile. I love him so much. Our relationship is very uncommon, we tell each other every thing. I have no secrets from my dad. That's probably why he has a devious smile on his face. He knows how I feel about Liam. He's my first crush and dad understands how that is, he's my rock.
"I'll talk to you a little bit, dads coming over." Kayla nods and walks off grinning.
I watch as dad walks to me, though he's always seems so serious, he always lightens up a bit for me. I couldn't ask for a better dad. Though I love my other dads, my biological dad will always be first in my heart, he says I'm a lot like my mom but I see a lot of him in me also. He's protective like me with my brothers, even if they are brats. He's gentle, I take after him with that and he's loves mom with his entire heart, just like I do.
"Hey kiddo." He always calls me kiddo. It use to be princess till I told him I was far to old to be called princess anymore. I catch him every now and again letting my old pet name slip out, I just laugh at him. He always makes me laugh.
"Hi daddy." He hugs me, I love his smell, he smells like rain, he says I smell like sunshine. Yea he can be a big goofball sometimes.
"I got something for you." He looks at me with mischief in his eyes.
"But I already gotten all my presents." He smirks, I know he's up to something, he does this every year. He tries to hide it from mom but she always catches him. He's not as sly as he thinks he is.
"It's a special gift. Do you want it or not. I could give it to Kayla if you don't want it." He's teasing, always playing around.
"No, no I want it. What is it?" I see mom walking over to us out of the corner of my eye. She always has perfect timing. I think she secretly loves this little game we play.
"Shit!" Dad cusses, when he sees mom walking in our direction.
"Dad! Language!" I scold him, but I think it's very humorous, he rarely swears.
"Sorry kiddo." He's really not, cause he says at he's smiling from ear to ear.
He reaches his hand in his back pocket, dragging out two pieces of paper. He slyly tries to hand them to me before mom can see him, but she catches him in the act, as always.
"I know you just didn't give our daughter another present! She has so many already!" Mom says, as she sashays her way to stand in front us. She crosses her arms trying to look upset, but I see the gleam in her eyes.
"What? Me? No I would never." Oh how I love them. They are so good together. Dad goes to mom, kisses her very passionately, I have to look away. Yea they're my parents but I don't want to see that! What kid would!?
"What did you give her?" Mom ask him after they break away from kissing. He laughs at her, they're so happy, sometimes I'm so envious of it.
"Nothing, well, just a little something extra." I laugh at them both. Same thing every year since I can remember. They do this same routine. Not that I'm complaining.
I look at the two pieces of paper in my hand. Joy lights up my face.
"Dad! Thank you! Thank you!" I scream while jumping on him, hugging him. He laughs at me wrapping his arms around me, swirling me around.
He places me back on the ground, I show mom what he got me. The one gift I truly wanted this year and dad got it for me! He's the perfect dad!
"Two tickets to see Harry Styles!" I scream out while jumping around with excitement. Just what I wanted. My dad always comes through for me.
"Talon King you are spoiling our daughter!" Mom admonishes my dad. She doesn't mean it, I know because she's excited just like I am.
"She's worth spoiling. Happy Birthday princ-kiddo, I love you." I couldn't love him more.
"Love you to dad. Love you mom!" I kiss them both running off to tell Kayla the good news.
I stop looking back at my mom and dad, watching them kissing again. We almost lost my dad when mom was carrying me. He was stabbed in the heart with a dagger laced with the KayCod crystal. That was Heremas mistake, she laced the dagger with the very same thing that saved his life. It gave him eternal life.
There was catch no one knew about at the time though. You had to heat the crystal for it to be activated. When my mom was crying over him, her light ability flared up out of her grieve, lighting the crystals on the dagger. It saved my dads life and granted him eternal life in the process.
Thank the stars it did, I wouldn't know what my life would of like without my dad.
No I take that back. Not the stars.
Thank the Starlight!
My best friend.
My dads love.
My dads mate.
My mom.
Our Miracle.
My Miracle.
Hope you enjoyed my story. Please feel free to hit that star and comment.
Thank you for reading!
M. Coleman
This book is dedicated to my two sweet brats whom I love tremendously.
May all of your dreams come true and let love inspire you.
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