Chapter 6 • Talon
"What's wrong?" How can I tell him? How can I utter the words that I know will tear us apart. Lying in his bed, seeing those sweet little dimples on his perfectly sculpted face, how do I say the words that will rip our hearts completely into.
Rising out of bed, putting my clothes back on, my hands began to tremble, the emotional turmoil is eating me alive. We have been friends for years, lovers for less, the occasional touches, the sideway glances, the secret flirting, all of it lead to us finally giving in to our urges. Accepting who we were, accepting each other. Falling in love.
Yet here I stand, confused and most definitely scared. Scared that the news I'm about to share, will destroy us. Deep down I secretly wanted to put it off, to deny its very existence, to spare both of us this torture. Knowing full well he would eventually find out, I have to face the consequences.
Turning to Marcus looking at his questioning gaze, he's beautiful brown eyes will haunt me. Taking a deep breath, stealing my nerves, I tell him.
"We found our mate." I confess it all, spilling out my heart; I tell him of Miracle, of my brothers threats, and of course of my misery. The entire time his focus never leaves me. Studying me as if I had all the answers. I see the second his heart breaks, his rapid breathing, then I see his guilt. Something I wasn't expecting. There in my tirade, I see understanding mixed with awareness.
Holding up his hand he stops me.
"I've met my mate also." Whispering the words to me that reveal sorrow and regret.
"What, when?" How ironic that we both discovered our doom together? Marcus stands from the bed, dressing in his boxers, he turns those honey brown eyes to me.
"Two weeks ago, I wanted to tell you, I've tried so hard to think of a way to tell you, without hurting you, I...I like him Talon, a lot. You would like him too, he's funny, and cute. He has this adorable mole on his upper lip, he's a bear shifter, like me, he's outgoing and fun. I...I would love for you to meet him. I've told him about you.....say something Talon!" Stunned into silence, what can I say? You should of told me, that would be hypocritical.
"Who..who is he?" Bowing his head, he whispers "you don't know him, but his name is Farrow, he's younger than we are." Watching him with my mouth agape I sense theres more. Marcus looks back to me, his eyes hold unshed tears.
"I thought...I thought...well I actually asked him, if he would mind sharing you." Shock doesn't define what I feel. I knew for a while that I would have to share a mate with my brothers but this seems strange, different, this seems...harder.
"You're kidding right?" Shaking his head vigorously, he climbs back on the bed, reaching his hand out to me. Grabbing his hand; I kneel on the bed.
"No, I'm not, he wasn't happy with the idea, but he may come around, I can keep talking to him...make him see..I don't want to lose you Talon." The thought of losing him has me hesitating, but only for a second. Deep in my very soul I know I could never share him and be happy. Seems double standard, with having to share a mate but this feels..odd. Maybe because I love him, because I care.
"I can't share you, Marcus, don't ask me too." The devastation on his handsome face absolutely crushes me.
"But you're going to share a mate with your brothers? What's the difference? It's the same thing!" Removing my hand from his, anger begins to consume me.
"The difference is that I love you Marcus, I don't love her!" He flinches back like I slapped him. Shaking he huffs out and stands. Combing his fingers through his curly hair.
"Have you touched her? I don't mean sexually, I mean have you even placed a hand on her? Grabbed her, felt her?" Showing my confusion he sighs.
"The tingles and sparks Talon, have you felt them? It's like a sexual vibration, a fierce awakening, a pull you can't resist." Waving his arms around, he's getting excited. No I haven't touched her, I didn't want to. What is he implying?
"No, I didn't want to touch her, I don't even want her as my mate. We had a deal Marcus? That we would reject our mates! That we'd stay together no matter what? Did you reject yours? Are you going to?" Filled with desperation, not really wanting to hear his answer. I fear it's ending and I don't want it to end.
"No...and I can't, Talon. I can't reject him. I'm sorry, I just won't do it. Don't you see? He was made for me and I for him. It is fate, our destiny. How can we walk away from our own destiny? Join us Talon, be with us!" Maybe it's me thinking irrationally but this is not in me. This I can't do. Join them? Be the third wheel. Watch him love someone other than me. It's impossible.
"You love him? It's been only two weeks, how can you possibly love him? I don't understand! It doesn't happen that fast Marcus, it took us years!" Jumping off the bed I storm to him. Grabbing his face between my hands. Wanting him to look me in the eyes and deny it. Hoping he would deny it.
"I do Talon, I'm sorry I'm hurting you, I don't want to hurt you. I want to be with you both, please Talon." Dropping my hands from him I turn away. Resigning myself to heartbreak. Going around the bed I create a portal, I can't be here any longer. Suffering this sadness. This excruciating pain.
"I would of stayed by your side and loved you for eternity, I would have given you all of me. I can't be with you while your with him. That's just something I can't give you, I'm sorry."
As I walk to the portal I turn to him. He's crying; the pain he's feeling is all due to himself. He lied to me, he didn't reject his mate, he didn't chose me, he chose him. I will forever live with this pain.
"Goodbye Marcus." Turning to the portal. I leave my heart behind as I go through.
Entering into my home, after passing through, I collide with a body. Hearing an umph, I try to grab hold of them; trying to keep my balance. Righting myself I look down and see her.
Shocked for a second I feel disoriented. Holding her arm I feel them. The tingles, the sparks, the feelings alarms me so release her.
Bringing my eyes to her face. I can't help but laugh. A big booming laugh that's heard throughout the room. She has chocolate ice cream all over face. It's dripping off her chin. Drops have fallen onto her clothes. She was eating an ice cream cone when we collided. With her bright blue eyes wide, her face smeared in chocolate it's a hilarious site.
"I'" I try to tell her in between my laughs. Grabbing my stomach from the laughter pain, she looks at me and scowls.
The chocolate is dripping all over the floor and on her hands. She goes to lick her lips and I stop. Stilled by the very thought of her tongue. Staring at her and her luscious lips she breaks the silence. Raising her hand to my face. Bringing the dripping cone up to me.
"Want some?" My mind goes in a very different direction. Dirty thoughts consume me.
Clearing my throat I shake my head. Half laughing I grab her upper arm. The tingles fire up inside me again.
Trying to ignore it, I pull her toward her bedroom.
"Let's get you cleaned up." She smiles that, oh so welcoming smile, and I see her indentations. She has two deep dimples that make, if at all possible, her even more beautiful. Clearing my thoughts I take her to her room.
Walking her to the bathroom, leaving the bedroom light off, the light from the bathroom shows the way. Escorting her to the bathroom; I pause at the door.
"I'll get you some clean clothes." Turning away, leaving her there standing, I go search for her some clothes. Grabbing a shirt and pair of shorts, turning back to the bathroom I stumble a step and stop. I see her through the crack with only her lacy panties on and nothing else. She's washing her face with a cloth, her hair is cascading down to her the top of her delectable ass. My cock surges forward.
I can't move. It's like being paralyzed while standing. I can hear my heartbeat in my ears. I cannot have these feelings for this wisp of girl, no woman, I correct myself. These urges are only from her being our mate and nothing else. Coming out of my illusion; I knock on the door.
"Here's your clothes." Holding them out beyond the door. She peeks around the edge.
"Thank you." It's quietly spoken but hearing her words is like a melody I can't escape. What's happening to me?
Stepping away from the door I turn around and go to her bed. Sitting down, I wait. How can this be happening? One minute I'm with the man I love and the next I'm fantasizing about her. One minute I'm happy the next absurdly heartbroken. My mind is a fury of emotions and turmoil. Hearing the creak of the door; I look up.
There she stands with the light casting off of her, looking like an angel on high. My breath hitches at the beauty I see before me. Lost in thought I fumble for words.
"I'm sorry about your ice cream and about..,earlier." Instead of the reprimand that I think is coming she just smiles.
"It's fine, I completely understand," noticing my sadness she walks to the bed, sits beside me, grabbing my hand. The tingles and sparks reappear. "Are you ok, you seem sad."
Glancing in her direction, searching her face for sincerity, seeing only concern, I explain everything.
Telling her about Marcus and his mate. My heartbreak. I spill my soul out to my supposed future. She listens intently, never saying a word, caressing her thumb across my hand. When I finish she nods her head then leans it on my shoulder.
"I'm sorry, if I could change it or take away your pain, I would." The thought shocks me because I believe she would sincerely want to.
"I can still leave. You can still be with him. I won't stand in your way. I completely understand." Doubting it would change anything I shake my head.
"What's done is done. He loves his mate. I want him to be happy. So...I have to let him go." No matter if I like it or not. Sighing I lean my head on top of hers.
"This mating stuff is hard. It turns your entire world upside down, leaving devastating results. Why can't we just be with the ones we love?" Did she love someone? Did we tear her away from someone she cares for? That has me feeling distraught and somewhat jealous.
"Do you have someone? A boyfriend...or lover?" For some reason I truly hope the answers no.
"Yes, but it doesn't matter anymore does it?" Letting out sigh she climbs under the blankets. Standing looking down at her, anger flashes in my wake. Why should I be jealous or angry? This doesn't make sense.
"Do you want to go back to him?"
"No I can't," she turns away from me "devastating results, remember? It's ok, goodnight Talon." She lays down and I turn to leave. Standing at the door something riles inside of me.
Not understanding how or even comprehending, that
She can love another!
Thank you pretties.
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