Chapter 53 • Trigon
"What do we do now?"
I'm irritated beyond belief. Hazel was a diffident no go. When we arrived at her cabin we found it virtually empty. All the furniture and personal items were just gone and unfortunately so was she. Deciding to take another route we headed to Granville to seek out another high witch by the name of Esmeralda, unfortunately her place was exactly like Hazels, barren. No sign that she even ever resided there at all; exactly like Hazel. With Trey disappearing from his cell or rather escaping, now along with both the well known high witches missing; we have both come to the conclusion that this has to definitely do with Heremas schemes. It's the only damn thing that makes sense and if that's the case then Herema is more diabolical that we even first imagined. There is not that many high witches in our realm and Herema just made two of the best disappear without a single trace. Maybe we should go to the counsel but the last time was a complete fiasco. We ditched that idea real quick.
Of course we thought about going to an average witch but Talon has more powers than any of them combine. So why bother? Unfortunately, without a personal item of Heremas, we can't exactly locate her in any other fashion. Unless.
"What about Aether?" The weather outside is starting to change, the cold seeps into my very bones. Shivering from temperature drop, I glance over to Baron. He's looks like a lost puppy, his eyes keep darting all around. Probably hoping the answer he's seeking is somewhere in the crowd of people walking by us seemingly without a single care in the world. Oh how I envy all of them. Someday maybe, when this shit is all over, we can live a life full of happiness and not one of extreme chaos.
"How would he help?" He sounds so defeated I have never seen him this so downcast before. It's like he's gone on autopilot, just going through the motions. Like he's in some hypnotic state.
"Maybe he has a personal item of Heremas that we could use to locate her?" Pretty much stating the obvious, he doesn't seem to grasp ahold of what I'm trying to tell him. His body just seems frozen, I notice he's barely even blinking now. His breath has gone shallow. A dreadful worry all but consumes me.
"Baron!" I scream out at him trying my hardest to get his attention. I have no idea what's going on in that head of his, but he doesn't act like he's even hearing me. Like a stone statue, his body is just stiff.
"Baron! For fuck sake, are you listening me?" I grab ahold of his arm tugging his body in my direction, he only looks down at my hand, I don't even know if he's even registering what I'm saying. Tugging on his arm I try to get him to focus directly on me.
"Baron what the fuck? What is wrong with you?" His eyes drift up slowly to mine, Barons body starts shaking uncontrollably, shocked at what I'm seeing, I drop my hand from his arm. My eyes widen with what I'm viewing. Trying to comprehend what the hell is happening.
His eyes roll back in his head, with his mouth agape, he gurgles out trying to speak. Smoke appears from ground casting wisp all around him, blocking his image from me, waving the smoke away from my face, I scream out his name. Not being able to see him, I reach my hand out to him. I can't feel him ahead of me.
"Baron!" The smoke starts to dissipate, making my eyes water. Blinking erratically I try to bring them back in focus. The smoke finally clears after a few seconds but Baron is no longer there. He actually disappeared.
Frantically searching all around for him while screaming out his name. People have stopped around me, staring at me like I've gone completely mad. How the hell did they not see a full grown man disappear? They all keep staring at me like I've lost my everlasting mind. Maybe the hell I have because I just watched my brother disappear right before my very own fucking eyes. Now he's nowhere to be seen. What the actual fuck!?
Searching for Baron for what seems like hours. The sun is setting causing the temperature to drop even more. My concern for my brother is growing.
Not being able to find Baron anywhere that I've searched, I head back to the portal, maybe he is back home at least I can only hope he is. I desperately need to find him somehow, someway! People just don't disappear right in front of your eyes. There's no way! There's has to be reasonable explanation. Hopefully Miracle and my brothers don't murder me for arriving home empty handed. Without Baron by my side. I suppose I couldn't blame though, I feel like murdering someone myself.
"Where the fuck is he Trigon?" Neither of my brothers nor our mate can comprehend what I'm trying to tell them. I've explained what happened at least dozen times now. I can't really blame them if I haven't seen it with my very own eyes even I wouldn't believe it. It definitely sounds like I have once and for all gone truly mad.
Crashing through the portal; back to castle, I stumbled in when they were all in the dining area. None of them were really eating just moving the food around on their plates. Worry was consuming them all, now with me returning without Baron I just doubled their worry in one full swept take. I couldn't feel more useless in this very instant.
"How many times do I have to tell you?" Finding myself getting irrational at Bracks constant questioning "I've explained this over and over again he just disappeared right in front of me. I don't know where the hell he is!" They all look at me with utter disbelief on their faces. It's incredibly annoying.
Running my fingers through my hair, still freezing from the night air, I can't get them to understand just exactly what I saw. No matter how many times I try to explain it. I need to take control of this situation and of myself. This is getting us absolutely nowhere.
"Talon, grab something of Barons do another location spell. We have to find him!" I give up on rehashing what I've been trying to tell them all, it's time to get down to business. We have to get Baron back and we don't have time for all of this bullshit!
Talon nods his head in affirmation, scrambling off to do my bidding. Finally, maybe now we can get somewhere. Exasperated from this entire ordeal, I slam my hands down on the table.
"We will find him," Miracle tries to reassure me, with the tender touch of her hand grasping my own. Leaning over I kiss her gently on her sweet plump lips, needing her close to me. Because deep down I know this shit just got real. It's hard for me to deal with all of these fucking emotions.
Talon returns to us with one of Barons watches, it's the gold timex mom got him for his birthday before I got locked upped in my cell. The memories hit me full force making me squeeze Miracles hand, she tenses when I grasp her hand a little too hard.
"Sorry." I mumble out to her, those memories will always haunt me in, sending me on a wave of trepidation from what has happened in my past. I can't lose another family member, especially not my brother. He's a damn good man, he doesn't deserve this. My actual father did but Baron does not. I vow with conviction that I will return him one way or the other. No matter what.
"I found him." Thank the stars, relief goes crashing all through me, at least he's alive. I'm very grateful for Talons abilities. I remind myself to tell him how grateful I am for him being exactly who is later.
"He's at the Kellidean Caves?" Bewildered at his location, all of us look at each other. With astonishment on our faces. What the hell is he doing in the rancid cursed caves?
The history of the caves is forbearing, it's known that once you go into the caves you don't come back out. Ever! Many have tried and many have failed. The legend being that there's hidden treasures amongst the caves, one of the biggest legends is that of there being the KayCod Crystal somewhere hidden in the caves. It's a crystal that's suppose to grant the owner eternal life. No one has ever found this to be true because nobody has ever came out of the caves. Once you go in you're trapped in there forever. I never believed in the legends but even I wouldn't dare cross the boundaries.
"There's no way to get him back?" Of course, Brack question is rhetorical, we all know the legends that corresponds with the caves. Starting to feel dejected, I breathe out a hefty sigh.
"What do you mean we can't get him back?" Miracle practically screams her question her out, I forgot she doesn't know the story behind the legend. Fuck! This is really going to upset her.
Explaining the legend to her in detail, she earnestly goes hysterical. Tears start streaming down her beautiful face at a rapid rate. I can't stand see her this way. Doing the only thing I can think to do, I wrap her up into my embrace, I try my best to calm her fears. Rubbing my hands all along her back.
"We have to figure out a way. We can't just leave him in there." Agreeing with Lucias, there's has to be a way to get Baron back to us. Gripping Miracle tighter, holding her to me closer, her sobs begin to die down finally. Though her tears keep coming.
"I think I may know a way out of our predicament. If you could all indulge me for just a second, I may have the answers to our distressing predicament." Hell, I'm all ears, if Malik knows a way then by all means I'll let him carry on with it. Because I sure don't have a damn clue how to get our brother back. So we all listen to him intently.
Malik lays out all the details before us. I have to admit my brother is a damn genius. I would have never thought of any of this. He makes me proud of him in every single way.
"It will work, you think you can do it Miracle?" Talon ask, his pride in Malik is shining through his magnetic smile. Finally we may be on to something.
"Yes, I can do it. But do you really think she would help us?" I can understand Miracles doubt in this part of the plan. Having never met the woman myself I can't really inform a basic opinion on the matter but I honestly think that she would help us in this situation. She just has to! It's the only way.
"There's only one way to know." Without a second thought Miracle nods her head then begins to summon Aether.
If this all works out in our favor, then we may finally, after all this time, know what peace actually feels like. Imagining a life like that with my brothers and our mate, has me giddy with anticipation. A future with no threats hanging over us, is like a damn dream come true.
One I intend to definitely make happen!
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