Chapter 52 • Baron
"He's escaped!"
You got to be fucking kidding me! Two days after our planned reunion for Talon and Miracle, things have actually been going really well. There have been no fights, no drama, no major conflicts of any sort.
Though Miracle and Talon haven't crossed the line of being totally together, they have been constantly talking, working out their dilemmas. I couldn't have been more happier. Then out of nowhere Lucias storms in informing all me that the only fucking prisoner we have incarcerated and desperately need, has fucking escaped! You have seriously got to be fucking kidding me!
How in the hell did he even accomplish this? He has no one around that could help him pull off such a feat. No one but Herema that is. That has to be it, it's the only conclusion. What a cluster-fuck!
At last with all the drama coming to a stand still I found my way to the office to catch up on all my paperwork. To have it only interrupted by Lucias slamming open the door with this obviously frustrating announcement. Will this shit ever stop?
"What the hell do you mean he escaped? How?" Frustration at this moment is all I'm feeling well that and a hell of a lot anger filtering through my once tranquil day.
"I have no idea! He's gone! He's just not there!" He throws his hands up in agitation, it would be comical if it wasn't for the situation.
"Calm down, Lucias. Do the others know?" His eyes snapped to me, looking at me like I've grown ten heads. Well at least I got him to stop flapping his arms like he's a dumb ass bird. Standing from my desk, walking over to him. He looks like he's in a hypnotic daze. I snap my fingers in front him. He blinks once, twice, the starts to gain his focus. Finally!
"Of course they know. They're all down in the dungeon." He replies to me like I'm a freaking idiot, well I wasn't the one looking all out of it just a few seconds ago. I seriously think my brother is losing it.
"Then maybe we should join them Lucias?" I drag out the sentence explaining it to him like he's a damn four year old. He notices my condescending attitude. Smacks my hand away from his face with an aggressive flounce.
"This isn't funny Baron. What if he gets to Miracle?" That snaps me right out of playful mood. Shit! I'm acting liking a fucking moron.
"Let's go to the dungeon." He finally turns away from me, mumbling profanities as we go.
Fuck! He's right! Trey has escaped! There's nothing in the cell that shows that he was even there. It's like he wasn't placed in the cell at all. Not even his scent is floating in the air. Making it seem like he was never even there but that is totally impossible. He must of had some sort help. The only person that comes to mind is of course Herema. But how she managed to do this is beyond me.
All of us are in here with the exception of Miracle, searching for some kind of clue that will lead us to an explanation. Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be anything that looks close to being suspicious.
"It had to be Herema! Who else would of helped his dumbass!" Bracks thoughts are on the same level as mine. But if it's Herema there's not a damn thing we can do about it and all of our plans seem to be blowing out the window. This is so fucked up!
"Fuck!" I scream out in agitation, this just can't be really happening. Kicking the bed frame, I storm out of the dungeon. With my mind racing thinking of all the possibilities that they could both be planning to hurt Miracle. I have to get to her to warn her of all the horrible circumstances that could befall her because of our damn stupidity. We should've kept a closer watch on Trey.
We let our guard down just because he is family. We never really wanted to hurt him in anyway. Thinking that we may actually get him to see some reason. I knew I should of just fucking killed him! Now that shit is going to set a heavy burden on my shoulders. My lack of not being strong enough could potentially get our mate killed. What the hell was I thinking!
I'm a fucking fool!
"Miracle where are you?" I mind-link her after looking all around not being able to find her anywhere. She doesn't answer, now I'm starting to get worried.
"Do any of know where Miracle is?" Mind-linking my brothers hoping that they at least have some idea of where she could be. Trey couldn't have gotten to her in that short of a time span. Could he?
"She's not in her room." Lucias answers.
"I'm in the garden, she's not here." Trigon replies, now my worries are staring to increase.
"Not in the living area or kitchen!" Brack interrupts, where the hell could she be?
"She is in neither of our rooms." Malik interjects, now I'm starting to get frantic.
"Check the library, her office, I'm going to the swimming pool!" I demand them as I head off, in a full run, to the pool room. Starting to get scared for her safety.
Swinging the door open, I can finally breath. She's laying beside the pool in her swimming suit, on a towel beneath her. Her soft snores are echoing throughout the room. Her hair is still damp from swimming earlier. Thank Fuck! Relief washes over me as I make my way over to her.
"I found her. She's in the pool room. She was asleep. She's safe." Informing my brothers before they all go off in a tantrum.
"That's why she wasn't answering, thank the stars!" Brack replies, I feel pretty much the same way. Standing above her watching her sleeping. She seems so at peace, so at ease and I'm the one that's going to have to break her happy bubble. Sighing I sit down beside her. Grabbing a piece of her hand that's fallen across her face. I so wish that I didn't have to drop this bomb shell on her. Just when we thought we were finally getting a bit of peace. I have to ruin it all with this heart wrenching news. I wish I could whisk her away somewhere where she would never have to go through any of this shit ever again.
"Baron?" She slowly awakens, looking up at me with curiosity. Closing my eyes from the intense sensation of regret coursing through me. Opening then I see her seating in front of me, her beautiful blue eyes rake all over me. I see the worry now plastered all over her beautiful face. Exhaling a deep breath, I resign myself to just get it over with. Unfortunately!
"Trey escaped." I rush through the words but she still registers the meaning. Her fair skin goes even paler than it already is. Her eyes flash with something akin to disbelief. I caused this, this worry pulsing through her. Im to blame for failing her in every way. Me and my brothers have done nothing but cause her misery. The regret I'm feeling inside has me hating myself. I would not blame her one bit if she decided to leave of us, after all, we are the ones to put her through all of this pain.
"Im sorry." Miracles eyes snap to me, furrowing her brows, she looks at me like I've been a disobedient child. I would laugh out literally, if this wasn't so serious.
"Why are you sorry? You didn't do this! We just have to figure out another way to get to Herema. It's not your fault." Her sympathies are something that I really didn't expect. Something I don't deserve at all.
"I should have killed him! Now it's to fucking late!" I should have wrapped my hands around his fucking throat till he took his last fucking breath.
Miracle shakes her head with finality, pure determination and conviction are laced in her words.
"No Baron. You love him. It would have killed you to hurt him." Deep down, I know she is right, but fuck, if it wasn't for me loving the damn prick her life wouldn't be in danger now. I procrastinated and just for that we're now in this predicament. I feel shame eating at me.
Hearing the door open I don't even have look over to know that all my brothers have arrived. They are worried for her well being just like I am. My gut is tied in a knot knowing I failed them all, just not Miracle. I'm the fucking oldest, I'm the one who is suppose to care of all of these things. To take care of all of them. I failed in my duties as an older brother, mentor, and mate. I bow my head in regret.
"I'll find him. Don't worry. I'll find him and kill him!" With solid determination, I vow to myself that I will not let Trey hurt anyone that I love. I will not allow him to get away with any of this. Cousin or not. Love or not. He will not see another day!
"We will find him. You're not alone brother." I know without a doubt that Talon means well, but this shit is on me. I'm the one that convinced them to allow let Trey live and basically because I was to weak to let him go. To lose him or to hurt the rest of my family.
This burden is mine to bare. Not my families.
"No, he's mine!" With that declaration, I rise up, looking at all of them "This is all my fault. He's fucking mine!"
Walking away from them, my temper begins to rise, there's no way in hell that Trey is going to get away with this. I'll make damn sure of it!
"Baron stop!" I hear Miracle screaming out at me but I keep walking away from her, ignoring her pleas. I can't let it falter me, no matter how much I want to heed her call.
"Someone stop him! He's going to get hurt!" Resisting her pleading cries, I close the door behind me with an abundant amount of force.
I know my destination would probably terrify my family. Not that Hazel would ever hurt me but if she can give the information I seek I'll be facing Trey and possibly Herema on my own. But I won't put my family at stake anymore. This shit has to end, now!
"Baron wait!" Out of all of my brothers, I should of known it would have been Trigon that would try to stop me. His sense of family structure is along the same line as mine. I slow my steps waiting for him to catch up with me knowing that he is just going to try talk me out of whatever I may have planned. But he has a surprise coming because nothing is going to stop me, not even him.
"You can't stop me Trigon! I'm doing this and there's nothing you can say to stop me so just go back and watch after her." He reaches me trying to catch his breath, shaking his head as he places his hand on my shoulder.
"I'm not going to stop you. I'm coming with you." He tells me between each breath, I'm basically surprised that he doesn't want stop me but actually help me on this.
"Are you sure? This could mean our deaths. Are you absolutely sure that's what you want? Cause I'm not! I don't want anyone death on my hands. Especially not my brothers!" His decision to be by my side has me hesitating, it's one thing if it's just me but to have him by my side would worry me to no end, though I'd be proud to have him with me, I just couldn't live with myself of something awful happened to him. What would Miracle then think of me!?
"Absolutely sure! You're my brother Baron. You are not doing this alone. Besides she's my mate also and I love her more than anything in this world. That's the only thing worth dying for right? Love!" If it wouldn't make me look like a damn pussy I'd be crying right about now with how much pride I have in him. Instead, I just give him a fierce hug.
"Then let's go fucking end this!" Trigon grins a giant shit eating grin that has me smiling along with him.
With my brother by my side we march off to Hazels cabin. Bound and determined to end this catastrophe that has enveloped our very lives and caused nothing but heartache and devastation.
"Do you think we can beat Herema?" Trigon ask, there's worry coming out in his tone. Looking over at him, I grab his arm, making him look into my eyes. My eyes flash to him with my dragon wanting to emerge. I assure him with my words which has him smiling yet again, but this time it's with a bit of comprehension.
Dysenix is going to fucking destroy our enemies!
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